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Weekly Wrap Up (Oct. 16 - Oct. 22)




They say a picture is worth a thousand words ;) This is what it looked like in my next of the woods after 3 days of temps in the mid 20's C, (77F) which were records, to dropping down below 0 overnight (32 F) and getting around 15 cm (6 inches) of snow :o Just so you know, even though I'm happy to see some much needed moisture and the first snow fall of the year, I blame this 100% on @Krista :gikkle:  She wished this on me for like the past month and a half. 

Now rumour has it snow has been spotted below the Mason Dickson Line already :o So curious, have you had any snow? The ways things are I guess it might be appropriate to ask everyone, no matter where you are ;) 

This week we got into a regular groove again and had some missed weekly blogs make their returns.

Monday, Cia was in to introduce us to this gem of a story in our Signature Feature:

Wednesday she was back with an excerpt from the story to entice you into taking a look.

Wednesday was Val's time to talk to us all about anthology themes. She also opened up a couple of polls to gauge opinions out there.

Friday, Additus brought us back to the weekly prompts. Are you thinking it is time to give one a go?

Saturday was Comsie's day to bring a new writing article to help everyone out.

Each morning, depending on where you live :unsure: we got a new word of the day:

pleiadpanoply, caravansaryjunctureexonerateextenuatecozen

With one week to go, let's make a valiant charge to get our reading stats up there for the month of October:



Blog Opportunities

Ask an Author 3.0: Send in 3 questions that you would like your favourite story's author to answer for you. Send them into @astone2292

Story Review: Send it in to  @Timothy M. of @wildone 


And here is the look at the past weeks postings on all our Authors and Poets!

Recently Updated 'Premium' Stories

  1. On Fire by Cia

Recently Updated 'Signature Author' Stories

  1. a Glass Floor Underfoot by AC Benus
  2. Flying Circus by Carlos Hazday
  3. Northern Exposure by Mark Arbour
  4. The Great Mirror of Same-Sex Love - Poetry by AC Benus
  5. Ancalagon by Cia
  6. Elias by Krista
  7. GFD: Children Of Sunset by Comicality
  8. The Great Mirror of Same-Sex Love - Prose by AC Benus
  9. Jay's Loelife: A GA Exclusive Epic-logue by Mrsgnomie
  10. The Cat Burglar by Aditus
  11. On Fire by Cia

Recently Updated 'Classic Author' Stories

  1. The Fraternity House by Bill W **Complete**
  2. Finding Good Trouble by Ronyx **Complete**

Recently Updated 'Promising Author' Stories

  1. Last Reels by Mawgrim

Recently Updated 'Author' Stories

  1. Shadow Effect by kbois
  2. ARROW by CLJobe
  3. Ash's Marriage Trigger by Thirdly
  4. Prairie Dogs, Pronghorns, & Penis Sheaths by Biff Spork
  5. The Playground by ObicanDecko
  6. Chasing Rusty Parker by Laura S. Fox
  7. The Kid On The Bike by RichEisbrouch
  8. Canaan Club by Westley D.
  9. Dance over the Thunderclouds by Georgie DHainaut **Complete**
  10. Come Back To Us by LittleCherryBlossom26
  11. Inherited by lomax61
  12. Finding love by AquariusGuy
  13. Raising a Rebel by W_L
  14. Gods and Ancients by Grumpy Bear
  15. Wild Flower by vanalas
  16. Never walk alone- Walk on by Andre Delport

Read, Write, and REVIEW!!! (Don't forget to Recommend too!)



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The southtowns here got snow, but where I live we only got some sleet, hail, and graupel.  It felt more like mid-November vs mid-October.  Thankfully it's a beautiful fall weekend here, even if all the storms got rid of most of the leaves.  

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High temp yesterday was 82F.  High today expected to be 80F.  Much better than last M-Thurs.  Which saw lows in the 20'sF....

It's sad when you run the a/c and heat in the same week!

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Snow on Steven's wee head, you love to see it. :) We've already gotten snow down here, which was way too early for my liking and likely the work of voodoo, don't trust a certain Canadian. His delinquency knows no bounds. Dreadful really, the sacrifices I have made to shield you all from the cheeky little heathen. 

In all honesty, the weather here has been awful. Windy, bitterly cold. Then windy and hot. It needs to make up its mind and I wouldn't mind some rain, we need it. Just not snow. It needs to be where it belongs and that's melting on the rosy cold wind burned cheeks of you Canadians. :P 

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