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Ask An Author 3.0 #22



Another month has come and gone. Over here in Kentucky, we're actually getting some autumn weather for once. I'm used to going from intense heat to severe cold within a week. No need to immediately break out the heavy coats. However, I am getting used to coming up with innovative ways to freshen up Ask An Author. No questions came in this past month, so we're switching things up. 

We're going back to interactive. When we didn't have questions last time, our authors and readers asked and answered a chain of questions with each other. It got a bit chaotic, and as much as I revel in it, let's keep it nice and simple. I'm giving y'all five easy questions, and everyone is welcome to answer them. 

  1. How do you like your eggs? Scrambled? Over-medium?
  2. What is your favorite story on Gay Authors, and why?
  3. What brought you to GA?
  4. If your life was a book, what would be the title?
  5. What is your favorite soup?

See? Pretty easy to come up with questions. How about we work on getting 10 responses down in this month's AAA comment section?

Okay, y'all. In two days, I'll be the resident birthday boy, and I got a short wish list. Aaron wants several sets of three questions. Anyone can ask them, and they can be for any author's story. I'll take anything at this point, people. You don't want to disappoint the birthday boy, now do ya?

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  • Haha 2
  • Fingers Crossed 1


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