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Weekly Wrap Up (Oct. 30 - Nov. 5)



Well folks, I unexpectedly find myself not at home without anything but an iPhone 😳

So for now I’ll publish the stories updated over the week and then tomorrow fill in the rest of the blanks. 

And here is the look at the past weeks postings on all our Authors and Poets!

Recently Updated 'Premium' Stories

  1. On Fire by Cia (In Process)

Recently Updated 'Signature Author' Stories

  1. Gap Year by Mark Arbour 
  2. Flying Circus by Carlos Hazday 
  3. Get Into James Shorts by JamesSavik **Complete**
  4. Ancalagon by Cia
  5. Elias by Krista 
  6. Sharp Shorts by Aditus 
  7. Jay's Loelife: A GA Exclusive Epic-logue by Mrsgnomie **Complete**
  8. The Cat Burglar by Aditus 

Recently Updated 'Promising Author' Stories

  1. Last Reels by Mawgrim
  2. Death in the Shadows by astone2292 **Complete**

Recently Updated 'Author' Stories

  1. Shadow Effect by kbois 
  2. I Think This Place Is Haunted, Charlie Boone! by Geron Kees
  3. Prairie Dogs, Pronghorns, & Penis Sheaths by Biff Spork 
  4. Unspoken by Late to the party 
  5. The Kid On The Bike by RichEisbrouch **Complete**
  6. Confluence by Refugium
  7. Chasing Rusty Parker by Laura S. Fox
  8. ARROW by CLJobe 
  9. Stolen: Unearthing the Lore by lomax61 
  10. I Hate This Town by Demiurge **Complete**
  11. Tough Times by quokka **Complete**
  12. Come Back To Us by LittleCherryBlossom26 
  13. Ark II by R. Eric
  14. The Brotherhood: Awakening Book IIby The Writer X
  15. Goldstein, Johnson & Cole by Mancunian
  16. Canaan Club by Westley D.
  17. Inherited by lomax61
  18. Walking Through Dark Places by W_L**Complete**
  19. The Playground by ObicanDecko **Complete**
  20. More Than Nothing by Littlelovestories 

Well here is the rest of the Weekly Wrap Up so we can get everyone tuned up to what went on the past week!

To start of the week off we waited until Wednesday to have a very popular addition of Ask An Author 3.0:

Thursday, Valkyrie let us know of a further couple of polls to build on the earlier ones for next year's anthology(ies):

Friday, Val was back again and presented a couple of unique Writing Prompts:

Comicality was back on Saturday with a topic of a genre that I quite enjoy:

Myr was always near a computer ;) 

fatidic, ghoul, muckrake, threnody, florilegium, maelstrom, exculpate

The calendar turned and put us one month closer to the end of 2022. Here is how we did in the month of October. Well down everyone!!


Blog Opportunities

Ask an Author 3.0: Send in 3 questions that you would like your favourite story's author to answer for you. Send them into @astone2292

Story Review: Send it in to  @Timothy M. of @wildone 



Read, Write, and REVIEW!!! (Don't forget to Recommend too!)

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Recommended Comments

7 hours ago, Valkyrie said:

Don't forget to vote in the polls and make your voice heard as far as the anthology(ies) for next year!  Polls close on November 17th, then I will begin working on finalizing everything.  


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