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Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 13 - Nov. 19)



Has anyone seen Valkyrie? :unsure: 

Oh, there she is :gikkle: 


So the folks in Western New York seem to have got over a meter/yard of snow over the past few days! :o Here, we haven't got rid of the snow from Nov. 3 yet :( Saw pictures from Nova Scotia where the doggies were playing on the green grass! I'm sure you Floridians can make me jealous in just one picture! Do you hear me? No more than one picture :gikkle: First come, first served!

Now not to often I encourage bad words to be used here, but I really want to know what you think about that four letter word, s**w? Do you like it, do you hate it? Have you ever seen it? Have you ever felt it? I'd say have you ever tasted it but that would take this discussion downhill a little too quickly :no: If you do get the white stuff, do you have any yet? You hear me down in Australia and New Zealand, how much snow have you got in the past month?:rofl:  

Now I know we are all busy people with getting ready for the holidays, picking out my Christmas present, so shall we get on with one of the busiest weeks on the GA News Blog in a long while? 6 days out of 7 we came your way. So in case you missed anything, here is a nice, tidy, compact, recap :yes: 

Monday was Aditus from our Review Team bringing us a Featured Story to check out:

Then on Tuesday, we had another big announcement! That is two in two weeks :o Make sure you drop by and send Dodger your congratulations:

Skip a day and we are onto Anthology Thursdays. Valkyrie before she got snowed under, gave us an update of what is going on for next year's anthologies:

Now if you like the unusual, and I mean that in a nice way :P , for prompts. Check out this weeks Prompts from Aditus:

Finally on Saturday, Comicality dropped by with another Writing Article. More and more of you are commenting and it is interesting reading your take on things as well as his.

We are about 2/3 of the way through November, so are we 2/3 of the way through our monthly goals?

Last but definitely not least, Myr was around for 7 new Words of the Day. Check them all out!

tyro, offal, preternatural, adumbrate, zowie, inveigle, georgic






Blog Opportunities

Ask an Author 3.0: Send in 3 questions that you would like your favourite story's author to answer for you. Send them into @astone2292

Story Review: Send it in to  @Timothy M. of @wildone 


And here is the look at the past weeks postings on all our Authors and Poets!

Recently Updated 'Premium' Stories

  1. On Fire by Cia

Recently Updated 'Signature Author' Stories

  1. Gap Year by Mark Arbour
  2. The Great Mirror of Same-Sex Love - Poetry by AC Benus
  3. Flying Circus by Carlos Hazday
  4. On The Outside by Comicality
  5. Translation Trashbin by AC Benus
  6. Savage Moon 06 - The New Breed by Comicality
  7. a Glass Floor Underfoot by AC Benus
  8. Ancalagon by Cia
  9. On Fire by Cia
  10. The Cat Burglar by Aditus

Recently Updated 'Promising Author' Stories

  1. Last Reels by Mawgrim

Recently Updated 'Author' Stories

  1. Brandon Smiling: From the Billy Chase Chronicles (2) by MrM
  2. Plattenbau by Thirdly
  3. Maddog & The Pope (Learning to fly on Broken Wings) by Georgie DHainaut
  4. ARROW by CLJobe
  5. The Icebox by JujuTheDruid
  6. Fix It by RichEisbrouch
  7. Blueblood 5.1: Red Alert!! by R. Eric
  8. Confluence by Refugium
  9. Chasing Rusty Parker by Laura S. Fox
  10. Lord Edwin by quokka
  11. Ash's Marriage Trigger by Thirdly
  12. Incandescence by Demiurge
  13. Prairie Dogs, Pronghorns, & Penis Sheaths by Biff Spork **Complete**
  14. IMMORTAL by vanalas
  15. Aunt May's Magic by Mancunian **Complete**
  16. The English Year by Jwolf
  17. Love Is Everything by Ajbt2001
  18. Stolen: Unearthing the Lore by lomax61
  19. More Than Nothing by Littlelovestories

Read, Write, and REVIEW!!! (Don't forget to Recommend too!)

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Recommended Comments

Don't worry about Val.  She knows how to handle those big snowfalls.  It was last reported that she was hollowing out an igloo, and when she finished she opened a bottle of wine to help her keep warm.  

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