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Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 19 - Nov. 25)



Wow, what a week of thanks. We were able to tie in thanks, on American Thanksgiving for a lot of our site contributors over the last week and it has been great to let them know how much they are appreciated :yes: 


Who did you not fit into last week? :o 

With shame and apologies to him as well as all his avid readers, let's get in some thanks to the person that is the reason that Gay Authors exists!

Please join me and all the Admin Team as we extend our heartfelt thanks to the guy that shows up every Saturday and provides all the authors with great Writing Tips.


In addition to the mention in this blog, we are also giving him his own Blog Contributor Badge. Make sure to express your thanks here or drop by his profile and let him know your thanks!



Now lets look at what else we got up to last week, shall we?

On Monday, we made sure to say our thanks for our hard working Anthology Team:

Tuesday it was time to say, hey, thanks for all you do around the site to our Moderation Team:

Wednesday, usually a once month day for @astone2292 to do his AAA 3.0 as well as him taking on the Author Guess Who now on Thursdays, we recognized his efforts as a Blog Contributor:

Thursday was the actual day, it was American Thanksgiving! We took this day to recognize everyone here at GA. If it wasn't for each and everyone of you, not sure GA would even be here after all these years:

Friday, hmmmmm. Who usually pops on for Fridays you ask! Well it is our dedicated Prompt Team. We needed to thank them:

Saturday, we had Comicality's Writing Tips blog locked and loaded. That is why we wanted to thank him today in addition to the Wrap Up:


We should also be thanking Myr for all the Words of the Week, every week:

nosegay, maunder, muskrat, quilt, gobbler, prawn, stopcock


Upcoming Writing Events 

Long May You Run - A tribute to Carlos Hazday Entries due on Dec. 27, 2023. Details are all here.


Member Participation Blogs - Great way to promote yourself!!

Ask a Author 3.0 If you have a author you want to get some answers from, write a PM to @astone2292

Author Guess Who Get our members to guess who you are and also let everyone know who you are. Also write a PM to @astone2292


Here is the look at the past weeks postings on all our Authors and Poets!

Recently Updated 'Premium' Stories

  1. Smoke And Mirrors by Comicality **Complete**

Recently Updated 'Signature Author' Stories

  1. GFD: Children Of Sunset by Comicality
  2. Gap Year by Mark Arbour
  3. A Room with a View (of the Brooklyn Navy Yard) by AC Benus
  4. Bearpaw: An Old West Tale by Headstall

Recently Updated 'Classic Author' Stories

  1. Secrets: The Truth is Slowly Revealed by Bill W
  2. Beyond the Crags by Kyle Aarons
  3. Seth on the Road to Chaos by Ronyx **Complete**
  4. Pupuseria Mia by Dabeagle

Recently Updated 'Promising Author' Stories

  1. The Light at the End of the Tunnel by kbois

Recently Updated 'Author' Stories

  1. Re-Forging by Justin4Fun
  2. On the Strawberry Moon by J92
  3. Time's Door by Robert F. Brockton
  4. The Book of Leaves by ValentineDavis21
  5. Ark II by R. Eric
  6. What Happened To The Baxter Boys by Mancunian
  7. Thicker Than Water by John Henry
  8. Widderkin V. O. E. by Palantir
  9. It's Always Something by Ajbt2001
  10. Aedan's Story by RichardWrites **Complete**
  11. Brian: Taking Courage by Robert Hugill
  12. Grantly by quokka
  13. Rocked To The Core by Lee Wilson
  14. In his Daddy's Shadow by chris191070
  15. ARROW by CLJobe
  16. A Wizard's War by TeamStilinski
  17. Lone Wolf Ranch by Justin4Fun
  18. Raising Evzen by Yeoldebard
  19. As They Say - (Revised) by D.K. Daniels
  20. No going back by Robert Hugill
  21. Amber Waves by Yeoldebard
  22. Chasing Rusty Parker by Laura S. Fox
  23. Before And After the Divorce by Lee Wilson
  24. Book of Venoms: A Compendium of Escaria’s Venomous Animals by ObicanDecko
  25. The Icebox by JujuTheDruid
  26. BEAU by Paladin
  27. 593 Riverside Drive by RichEisbrouch
  28. Blood Of The Wilde by CasualWanderer82
  29. Of Pride and Power by W_L
  30. Florida Shores by Karl Anders
  31. Connor and the Wolves by Yeoldebard


Read, Write, and REVIEW!!! (Don't forget to Recommend too!)




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  • Site Administrator

Whew... what a week of blogs!  I think I set some kind of record :P  I think I actually have a bit of a break this week.  What will I do with all that time?  :unsure: 

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