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Weekly Wrap Up (Dec. 24 - Dec. 30)



Should auld acquaintance be forgot And never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot And the days of auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear For auld lang syne We'll drink a cup of kindness yet For the sake of auld lang syne
And surely you will buy your cup And surely I'll buy mine! We'll take a cup of kindness yet For the sake of auld lang syne
We two have paddled in the stream From morning sun till night The seas between us Lord and swell Since the days of auld lang syne
For old acquaintance be forgot And never brought to mind Should old acquaintance be forgot For the sake of auld lang syne?
For old acquaintance be forgot And never brought to mind Should old acquaintance be forgot In the days of auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear For auld lang syne We'll drink a cup of kindness yet For the sake of auld lang syne
New Year Delivery GIF by Instacart
Now if I were being 100% honest, which I always am 0:) Other than the first line of that song, I mumble and make everything else up :P What about you? Do you know the lyrics? Do you even know the song :o?
It is early New Years Eve Morning, so not too much chit chat from me this week. YAY!!
Monday, it was our December CSR Discussion Day:
Tuesday, Myr did another fabulous deep dive:

Thursday was the big day for the reveal of the Author Guess Who? 

Friday, we kicked off the silliness of New Years Resolutions. Two different prompts were provided:

Saturday, it was all Comsie:


So here is the final Words of the Day for 2023 (except for 1):


Upcoming Writing Events 

Poetry Anthology - More information to come. Due April 1st 2024.

Secret Author Contest - More information to come.

Annual Anthology (theme TBA) - More information to come. Due October 1st 2024.

Prompt Team Event/Contest - More information to come.


Member Participation Blogs - Great way to promote yourself!!

Ask a Author 3.0 If you have a author you want to get some answers from, write a PM to @astone2292

Author Guess Who Get our members to guess who you are and also let everyone know who you are. Also write a PM to @astone2292


Here is the look at the past weeks postings on all our Authors and Poets!

Recently Updated 'Signature Author' Stories
  1. Gap Year by Mark Arbour
  2. Sneak Away by Comicality
  3. Get Into James Shorts by JamesSavik **Complete**
  4. The Great Mirror of Same-Sex Love - Poetry by AC Benus
  5. Bearpaw: An Old West Tale by Headstall
Recently Updated 'Classic Author' Stories
  1. Sands of Time by Roland
  2. Pupuseria Mia by Dabeagle
Recently Updated 'Author' Stories
  1. The Icebox by JujuTheDruid
  2. Crossing the Moon by HinderToyBL **Complete**
  3. Operation Pinky Swear by frozenphenix
  4. The Men of Collosia by chris191070 **Complete**
  5. Oregon in the Fall by drown
  6. The Hierarchy of Influence by E K Stokes
  7. A Strange Start to a Friendship by Lee Wilson
  8. Forever My Love by vanalas
  9. There's A Strange Partridge in My Pear Tree, Charlie Boone! by Geron Kees **Complete**
  10. Of Pride and Power by W_L
  11. What Happened To The Baxter Boys by Mancunian
  12. No going back by Robert Hugill
  13. On the Strawberry Moon by J92
  14. The English Year by Jwolf
  15. Any Way Out by Leslie Lofton
  16. Rocked To The Core by Lee Wilson
  17. The Making of a Slave by and9993
  18. Before And After the Divorce by Lee Wilson
  19. Amber Waves by Yeoldebard
  20. Sands of Time by Roland
  21. David C. McLavic by CLJobe
  22. Spending Christmas in an Air B and B by chris191070 **Complete**
  23. Connor and the Wolves by Yeoldebard
  24. As They Say - (Revised) by D.K. Daniels
  25. Andre and Chris by Paladin


Read, Write, and REVIEW!!! (Don't forget to Recommend too!)

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