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Things to do before you die...


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A friend and I started a list of things we wanted to do before we die. It's actually quite fun and thought provoking. Feel free to make a list of your own and share it :)


In no particular order:


  • Go sky diving
  • Go bungee jumping
  • Go mountain climbing (Not Everest or anything like that... just a normal mountain)
  • Hit 200+ MPH in a vehicle
  • Travel Europe
  • Go scuba diving
  • Do a BASE jump
  • Fly in a helicopter
  • Take a 2 week road trip with no maps, no phones, and no computers
  • Learn to bartend


That's all I have so far.

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Wow, you have a very high risk list... Mine is a little more mellow.


1. Travel to England

2. Learn to Tapdance

3. Take up the Violin

4. Play one or more of the following parts:

The Phantom

Princeton/Rod from Avenue Q

Sweeney Todd

Charlie Brown

Mike from Zanna, Don't


5. Take a plane trip ( I haven't yet... I know...)

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- Start a bonfire

- Win a road race (similar to a Grand Prix)

- Build a motor from the oil pan up and race it

- Participate in a burnout competition

- See the world at 200+ MPH

- Visit the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia

- Work in an alternative energy field (wind power, solar power, hydrogen fuel cell, etc.)

- Fall in love and have a subsequent relationship (sappy, I know)

- Lose my virginity LOL

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this is interesting because unlike most people that i know, i actually have a written down list of th ings i want to do before i die lol. Shut up lol, im weird enough.




But a few things (of a list of about 120 or so):


  1. have a complete stranger know who i am
  2. win a spelling bee
  3. play a concert for more than 45 people
  4. learn to sing and be complemented on it
  5. find treasure in the ocean
  6. be a superhero
  7. learn to want nothing

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1. Get a (small and tasteful) tattoo -And just as soon as they figure out how to do them without having to jab me a gazillion times with a needle, I am so getting one.

2. Take my kids to Europe.

3. Own a house at the beach.

4. Give the keynote eulogy at my husband

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Alright, here are some things I'll want to do,



1. Enjoy an extended African Safari

2. Hot Air Balloon Ride

3. Visit England, Australia, Spain, and Alaska

4. Visit New York

5. Get married, have a baby (as naturally as possible), then adopt a baby.

6. Rock climbing, on actual rocks.. lol..

7. Write a significant novel.

8. Go to an Olympics.



There are probably some better things to list... :)



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My actual list is over 500 items, but I'm only 17 and haven't done very much in my life yet. Here are the practical ones that are at the top of the list:

  1. Go to Ohio and visit the major theme parks and ride every rollercoaster at least three times.
  2. Take a month-long backpacking trip in the Sierras with Doug, Chris, Steve, my friend Ron and his BF Eric, and my dad.
  3. Visit and go hiking in Lassen National Park.

Colin B)

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Hmm, a few random ones in no particular order:


  • Become completely proficient in at least 4 languages (probably: English, Spanish, French, German)
  • Tour Europe and the Orient
  • Write a novel
  • Raise happy, well-adjusted children (2 or 3)
  • Make enough money to quit working and spend my days with my hobbies and interests.
  • Become a gay activist
  • Build a snowman
  • learn a few musical instruments
  • never stop learning

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it's a decent start I suppose. Of the things other people have mentioned (that didn't make my list in their own right) I'd also like to:


* Go sky diving

* Go bungee jumping

* Go mountain climbing (Not Everest or anything like that... just a normal mountain yep)

* Go scuba diving

* Learn to bartend


*Get married


*Find happiness and keep it


*win a spelling bee


*Organize my funeral (and wedding)


*Hot Air Balloon Ride

Edited by AFriendlyFace
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  • Fall in Love :wub:
  • Get a Boyfriend
  • Marry that boyfriend
  • Have loads of sex (that includes loosing my virginity)
  • World Tour
  • Join Politics
  • Learn French
  • Learn to play Guitar
  • Build some muscles on my lean body!!!


That's all for now...will add more!!



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1. Find love of my life.

2. Experience all the emotions- from pure bliss to blinding anger or pain! Life is too bland otherwise!

3. Get a good and well-known book published.

4. Do something to improve homosexual's condition in Mauritius (and perhaps elsewhere too)

5. Be told that I'm the most beautiful man on the earth by someone who really means it! :)

6. Meet the most people I can from GA! :D (I would love to)

7. Go abroad, include- France and its castles, Australia for everything, India for Taj Mahal, England for StoneHedge.

8. Meet JKR and tell her that she's awesome!

9. Have some thrilling experiences- diving, skiing,...

10. Go on a cruise!

11. Die with a smile.



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Spend lots of time in Thailand and loitering around Bondi

Scream from the top of a cliff/hill

Win a sunday surf-swim race fair and square!

Learn 2-3 more languages.

Fall in love with someone (*crosses fingers* doctor) who can live and work in Australia.

Build a successful psychology clinic and be published.

Marry the person I fell in love with before.

Have cute, open-minded, articulate, unprejudiced, healthy, down-to-earth kids (2 or 3).

Have a cool midlife crisis not involving drugs, alcohol, mental health problems or affairs.

Be one of those ultra-healthy, over-exercising, leather-skinned old women that run around Bondi.

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Have a cool midlife crisis not involving drugs, alcohol, mental health problems or affairs.


Doesn't sound like much of a crisis then!


"Did you hear about Sophie's midlife crisis?"

"No, what happened?"

"well...she bought a new skirt and got her hair done!"

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Doesn't sound like much of a crisis then!


"Did you hear about Sophie's midlife crisis?"

"No, what happened?"

"well...she bought a new skirt and got her hair done!"



if that's the only thing that happen that would be sad:p


be better if you heard she had sex with a guy in his 20's

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  • have a pool boy (and a pool that he could clean for me B) )
  • fall in love with a (preferably tall, muscular, handsome, funny...perfect with edges) guy
  • have lots of happy hours with him
  • visit India, Marakesh, Dubai, Thailand, Japan, New Zealand...
  • learn Japanese and Arab
  • have a tea party in Arabia
  • meet a scheich
  • spend a night outside
  • spend a night in the desert in a tent
  • take a long ride on a horse without getting scared
  • swim with dolphins
  • work as a roadie

many of those will be fulfilled soon... can't wait :D

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