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Good News Everyone!


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I have been putting on a full court press to get a better job. I've been self employed for a few years but with the economic slowdown, I've just been spinning my wheels.


I've been on Monster, Dice, CareerBuilder and other sites and finally found a company that likes and needs my experience.


Over the last week, we've had one face-to-face and two telephone interviews. Their Personnel Director told me to expect a formal offer in the mail early this week [unless something goes sideways].


Now I don't have to stress out over being under-employed and I can get beck to my evil plans for world domination.


My title will be Netwok Engineer. My territory will cover about 1/5th the state of Mississippi and I'll be on the road 4 days out of 5. The best part is that I'll be making enough money to do a little more than just scrape by.


So I'm back in the saddle and one happy nerd.


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Congrats James :worship: , I wish you successful travels on the roads and a business life full of nice experiences.

And thanks for the cartoon "anime" in your last post :lol: . It reflects your happiness and we are happy with you. :rolleyes:

Take care

Old bob

thanks to Drewbie

Edited by old bob
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