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Is anyone in your family gay?


Is anyone in your family (however distant) gay/bi?  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. Is anyone in your family (however distant) gay/bi?

    • Yes
    • No
    • You don't really know for sure either way
  2. 2. If yes, are they...

    • your parents
    • your siblings
    • your cousins
    • your uncles/aunts
    • more distantly removed family
    • grandparents
    • can be traced back to older generations than that
    • None
    • Unsure
  3. 3. how many people is this in total

    • 0
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4+
  4. 4. and finally, are you gay/bi yourself (in some form, including confused or unsure)

    • yes
    • no

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Hi kevin, yep I quickly realised that I had created a bad poll. If I could change it I would, but I don't know how to, plus its too late for those who answered already. oh well its my first time creating one, I'll make sure I think it through alot more next time. also realise some people may have children etc who are gay, no option for that either.

If you like Celia, I can edit it however you want. Just let me know :)


Little brother

Two cousins




That's "legal" family. Solidarity family is so queer it's psychadelic.

You lucky thing! I've always wanted gay family (apart from that cousin I'm suspicious about)! I know it sounds bad to say that I have any sort of preference for my kids' sexuality but I really hope at least one of them turns out gay or lesbian. Actually, since I'll probably adopt I might specifically try to adopt a gay or lesbian child. Don't get me wrong I'd love a straight kid just as much, and I wouldn't be 'disappointed' exactly, but it'd just be nice to have gay kids.


And, i am bisexual (heavily leaning male)

Ya know, Beasty, if you lean over far enough you're apt to tip over ;)


My cousin's gay, but sometimes I wonder if he's not asexual since he doesn't date :/ Also, I have an uncle out in Cali that I personally think is gay and deep in the closet because he's 26 and has never had a girlfriend. According to my dad and my other uncle, he's never even looked at a girl. Add to that the fact that he goes out on deep sea fishing trips with lots of men for weeks at a time, and that he's Greek, and everything kinda falls in place IMO.


Okay, maybe the Greek thing shouldn't count, but whenever I think about it, I can't help but include it :)



I seem to remember once reading in your blog or something about a guy James was dating. Maybe he just doesn't like to date very often?


I think he was trying to say that his uncle's death was contributed to unsafe sexual practices, most likely of the male-to-male variety. There is an undeniable higher risk associated, but that does not mean all who have HIV/AIDS are into male-to-male sex or that all of us have it. I don't think Sacha meant it that way. :)

I completely agree and that's exactly the way I took it to begin with. As I said, I was just being pedantic and probably a tad OCD ;)

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I seem to remember once reading in your blog or something about a guy James was dating. Maybe he just doesn't like to date very often?


Yeah my dad ran him off. He's had other bf's since then, but he's going on like an 18 month drought. Also, he happily admits that he's still a virgin and plans to stay one for a while, which might also explain his inability to bag a good man.

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... he goes out on deep sea fishing trips with lots of men for weeks at a time, and that he's Greek, and everything kinda falls in place IMO.


Okay, maybe the Greek thing shouldn't count, but whenever I think about it, I can't help but include it :)

Now, I didn't know about fishermen. Though my theory about the guys who go hunting in the swamps is that they're gay, or at least dissatisfied with their family life. But I wouldn't dare come close to one of their huts and yell "Hunters are just a bunch of closeted gays!" because they've guns and they drink. Hence provocation could be a bit dangerous.


The Greek stuff, maybe, though it's another macho country...


Surprisingly enough, in my family the percentage is limited. I've got one cousin who lives with another woman, out of 40 cousins overall. There might be one or two closet cases, but I actually doubt it.

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your poll questions are not complete :P .

I choose "more distantly removed family" because I dont have any other appropriate choice :lol: .

The other gay in my family is my son ! :blink:

Old bob

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Yeah my dad ran him off. He's had other bf's since then, but he's going on like an 18 month drought. Also, he happily admits that he's still a virgin and plans to stay one for a while, which might also explain his inability to bag a good man.

Well, I've certainly been around the block a few times, but I don't think sex is by any means essential to landing a good guy. Indeed my favourite boyfriend to date has been the only one I haven't slept with. Which I think is unrelated. I'd have probably enjoyed the relationship even more if we had been having sex (he wasn't ready), but even so, it was a satisfying, good time. I certainly don't see anything wrong with it if he wants to 'wait for the right guy' before he has sex. The 'right guy' (for him at least) will understand that and be willing to wait until he's ready.


Now, I didn't know about fishermen. Though my theory about the guys who go hunting in the swamps is that they're gay, or at least dissatisfied with their family life. But I wouldn't dare come close to one of their huts and yell "Hunters are just a bunch of closeted gays!" because they've guns and they drink. Hence provocation could be a bit dangerous.


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I couldn't correctly answer the poll, so I'll respond here.


No one in my immediate family is gay or bi. That I know for sure.


I also know my extended family consists of 80+ people and I've never met any of them. The one I did meet has passed away and she didn't talk about the rest of them.

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Well, I've certainly been around the block a few times, but I don't think sex is by any means essential to landing a good guy. Indeed my favourite boyfriend to date has been the only one I haven't slept with. Which I think is unrelated. I'd have probably enjoyed the relationship even more if we had been having sex (he wasn't ready), but even so, it was a satisfying, good time. I certainly don't see anything wrong with it if he wants to 'wait for the right guy' before he has sex. The 'right guy' (for him at least) will understand that and be willing to wait until he's ready.



I don't know. I think he's reaching critical mass. If he keeps going the way he is, they'll be making a sequel to the movie 40 year old virgin, and they can ask him to star in it as a documentary.

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your poll questions are not complete :P .

I choose "more distantly removed family" because I dont have any other appropriate choice :lol: .

The other gay in my family is my son ! :blink:

Old bob

yep sorry bob, thanks for replying anyways :*) .


I couldn't correctly answer the poll, so I'll respond here.


No one in my immediate family is gay or bi. That I know for sure.


I also know my extended family consists of 80+ people and I've never met any of them. The one I did meet has passed away and she didn't talk about the rest of them.


again sorry about that. I can't believe how big some of your families are!!! When Kev said he had a small family that to me sounds like more the normal family I come across in the uk, definitly my family type of size. there are only 12 grandkids (im 1 of 3), and I thought that was a decentish size. my mum is one of 4 and they've all had kids. my dad only had one brother and he's not had any so that side is alot smaller. I suppose when you start to count their cousins and stuff it adds up but we rarely if ever meet them, so I don't really consider them family. i met one of my 2nd cousins the other day for the first time, and my gran was joking it was good because now we would know each other for at her funeral :blink: , not a joke I really appreciated, but also very true, it probably will be the next time I see him :( .


anyway, thanks for replying everyone, it was interesting to learn abit more about you all. Sorry for the bad poll. Sigh, I've got to go pack for a month, I can't avoid it any longer <_< . see you all in probably a months time.



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I have two cousins. One died of Aids, Unfortunately, he was disowned by his immediate family. I got to see my other cousin on July 4th at a family get together. A funny thing about my cousin Joe, his partner's name is Joesph, they have a dog named Joey and a cat name Josie.


I suspect my youngest brother is gay, but it's never been confirmed. I also have a sister-in-law who's a lesbian.

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So... my family is interesting.


My mother was adopted, and so was her sister, but her brother was a biological son. I am gay, my cousin (my mom's sister's son) is gay, and everyone one in the family thinks that my other cousin (my mom's brother's son) is also gay. Very interesting indeed.


I am not aware of any other gay people in my family besides the ones mentioned above.



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Errr, not to be rude - especially about such a delicate issue - but I don't think that's phrased quite the way you meant it. Right now it reads such that being gay caused him to contract AIDs and die. It probably lead to his exposure, and I can understand the correlation, but I don't think being gay specifically caused it. The specific cause, IMO, would have been the presumable unprotected sex (just theorizing he may have gotten it in other ways). Also, I'm not trying to criticise him if that was case - back in the day when he likely contracted HIV people weren't as knowledgeable about safer sex practices (because HIV/AIDs wasn't as well known).


Anyway, I probably sound pedantic and rude, and I definitely know what you meant, but I just wanted to be explicit that being gay doesn't specifically cause HIV/AIDs - if for no other reason than that someone less informed about these issues might read this thread. Also, I know that likely wasn't what you meant to imply.


Take care all and have a great day :)



I know I took quite some time to respond back,,, :ph34r:B) It's not rude at all Kevin,,, or at least, I didn't take it as rude. I wrote the way I wrote it because it is how it's been said.. I never really pushed the topic simply because it always been something that you wouldn't talk about. It's really a don't ask don't tell about those kind of information.


but for sure it's not being gay that cause the contraction of aids/HIV,,,


it's not about myself,, but, my best friend.. there's a lot of gay in his family.. that we know of,, him, his brother, his cousin and an uncle are gay, there's also another brother and cousin that are bi. this kinda makes the genetic thesis more relevant

Edited by FrenchCanadian
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  • 7 months later...

I've always hated the fact that I don't know ANY family member that is gay. I have a huge family and yet, none of my cousins, aunts, uncles, nobody that I know in my family is gay. I hate that! Talk about feeling alone!

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I do believe my real dad is bisexual...... I'm not sure though. He suddenly goes deaf or walks away when I ask.


But the amount of guys AND women in the house when I lived with him leaves me very suspicious.

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My biological father is gay and has been with his partner for almost 12 years. They just recently moved to Vancouver last year.


This is the intial reason to why I became bisexual out of respect for my father until I decided to give it a try. 0:)

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I'm pretty sure my cousin Mackenzie is. No one has ever actually said anything to that affect, but, she moved out to California right after high school, and has been living with the same "roommate" for a while now, and has never really had a boyfriend. I also kind of suspect that my late grandfather might have been gay, although there is no way of knowing for sure, I don't know why I think this but I just have a suspicion in my mind that he was a very repressed homosexual. I mean he was married and had children obviously otherwise he wouldn't have been my grandfather, but he also grew up in an era when there wasn't really a closet to come out of.

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I also kind of suspect that my late grandfather might have been gay, although there is no way of knowing for sure, I don't know why I think this but I just have a suspicion in my mind that he was a very repressed homosexual. I mean he was married and had children obviously otherwise he wouldn't have been my grandfather, but he also grew up in an era when there wasn't really a closet to come out of.


same situation with my grandfather. And my brother is gay.

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I don't know anyone else in my family who is gay, I have a suspicion my half-brother is, but no one's heard from him in several years. His being gay might be the reason for his "ducking out" of the world...I sure wish he'd pop up again... :(

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As far as I know, I have no extended relatives who are gay. Out of 3 aunts, 1 uncle, 1 half-uncle, and 13 cousins, none are gay. I have 5 nieces and nephews and some number of cousins-once-removed who are mostly too young for them to know.

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This topic hits pretty close to home :( My older sister is openly gay with our family. And im not out yet. Dont worry im ashamed that she can come out and i cant but its very complicated. I know it will be great later once ive told her, im getting to that... :(

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This topic hits pretty close to home :( My older sister is openly gay with our family. And im not out yet. Dont worry im ashamed that she can come out and i cant but its very complicated. I know it will be great later once ive told her, im getting to that... :(

you shouldn't feel ashamed. it is a personal thing and you can only do it when you are ready. that and she is older. good luck with everything.

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