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Are You Willing To Play Dirty?



65 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to get someone for yourself even if they're in a relationship?

    • Yes
    • No

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Nope because it's dirty and illegal to use to get what you want. in short-term, you're happy with the things you have but in long-term, you will feel guilty because you used the dirty tactics to did it.


I won't use it because I'm nice and sweet, so...

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I'd probably play dirty without even realizing it. I wouldn't do anything to intentionally hurt someone, especially if they were happy. Now if they were unhappy in their relationship and being mistreated, I'd gladly take up the good friend role and try to advise em in the right direction, which would be me =P

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I'm probably going to be a little controversial. Under normal circumstances, it would definitely be a no. However, there could be that rare someone who is worth fighting for, and if that's the case, then I might have to play dirty, especially if the current one is a real asshole. If the current one was nice, I wouldn't even consider it. :)

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I voted "No" because I wouldn't be able to respect myself knowing I was so desperate to ruin someone else's relationship. Like others have already said, I'd be the good supportive friend, with proper limits, of course, and if their relationship crumbled on its own, then that's that. But I wouldn't purposefully break them apart. What if they're really happy? What if you're just infatuated with him or her and competitve? Then again, if their significant other was a total shit, I'd might be more forceful in trying to get my crush to "see the light." But not so sure I'd still play dirty...

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You see someone you want. Maybe you befriend them. They're in a relationship at the time.



Are you willing to play dirty to get what you want? Tell the truth. Why or why not?



No, and my reasoning comes down to one simple point; anyone who can be led away isn't worth leading away.


Apart from that I would be horribly ashamed of myself.




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I really do feel like a lone wolf here. However, my point is exactly what Tiff said:


Then again, if their significant other was a total shit, I'd might be more forceful in trying to get my crush to "see the light."

There is the rare situation where something like this could happen. I would be rather subtle about it, but I think there's a chance that helping him 'see the light' would be exactly what the doctor ordered, and part of that may be just proving myself as superior to the "total shit". Everyone wants to make it call cut and dry, but there are definitely shades of gray. Also, I'm still extremely unlikely to go there, because the chance of me seeing such as venture as worthwhile is almost impossible. I would say there's less than a 1% chance of such an occurrence.

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Everyone wants to make it call cut and dry, but there are definitely shades of gray.

Well of course everything has shades of gray!


Also, I'm still extremely unlikely to go there, because the chance of me seeing such as venture as worthwhile is almost impossible. I would say there's less than a 1% chance of such an occurrence.

LOL, odd really, despite my more extreme protesting I imagine my own odds of undertaking such a venture are slightly higher than that, still statistically irrelevant, but a bit higher :lol:

Edited by AFriendlyFace
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I voted Yes. If David and I were to break up and then later in life we meet up and he has another girl with him I would most definitely play dirty and I'm not ashamed to admit that at all.


I've played dirty, flirted and used other tactics to get to someone that I wanted and someone I thought compatible with, if they loved the person they're with they won't stray.

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"Whod you steal him from?"


"He totally had a girlfriend."

"I did not steal him! I didnt steal any of them. They just . . . jumped ship."


And thats all Im gonna say. But only one was with purely malicious intentions.

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  • Site Administrator

I voted no, because I'm in a relationship and I would hate for it to be broken up by someone doing something like this to me.


Having said that, I can see the reasoning that Tiger has used to say that sometimes there would be circumstances where he would. I accept that, even if I would never do it myself because it's not part of my personality. Doing that is a form of dishonesty, and I'm generally too honest to be able to do it.

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Wow, 85% of the members voted "No". I guess we have honest and nice people here at GA, hehehe...



Well don't get me wrong; I definitely think you're right in this case, but the thing about someone asserting their honesty is that you still don't really know if they're being honest or not. I mean they might be sincere...or maybe they're just lying about it :lol:

Edited by AFriendlyFace
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"Whod you steal him from?"


"He totally had a girlfriend."

"I did not steal him! I didnt steal any of them. They just . . . jumped ship."


And thats all Im gonna say. But only one was with purely malicious intentions.



B) .............They just jumped ship?? :huh: Glad you were there to be a life preserver!! :lol: I voted no!

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I'm not going to move in on someone else's man unless its obvious that he deserves someone better, and if I think that someone is me. Otherwise I will wait patiently for the right opportunity (he becomes single and it is apparent he is over any break up).

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B) .............They just jumped ship?? :huh: Glad you were there to be a life preserver!! :lol: I voted no!

So were they. At least thats what Ive been told.


That's true, there's nothing worse than wet, sexually confused guys with nothing to hold on to :blink:

Oh, I doubt theyd mind. Whether theyd like to admit it or not, they had fun.

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I voted 'no'. I've done it once and would never do it again. It backfired badly.


When the dust settled and the debris was cleared away, it turned out to be a painful but valuable lesson.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I played dirty once... mainly cos the girl involved was a total erm... *uses many profanities*

She would intentionally rub my nose in it as it were... he was Bi and we were good mates... i just liked him a little more.

Plus she was a complete slut behind his back.

I admit i was ashamed in the end and it all backfired... but I got to the bitch and was happy in doing so, besides she deserved what she got... and i deserved not gettin the guy...

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