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Are You Willing To Play Dirty?



65 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to get someone for yourself even if they're in a relationship?

    • Yes
    • No

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i said yes because "whatever it takes" to me just means being flirty and being myself as hard as i can.


if that does it, then he's better off with me anyway, if not, it wasn't going to work.


i don't play low dirty, just... difficult dirty.


B) ........Someone who wants/get what he is after, I have no qualms here. Not my 'cup of tea' how does it work if 'a' decides to back to 'b', kinda leaves you hanging don't it?

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Maybe I'm mean, but if someone gives in and cheats on their bf/gf/partner, what the person they cheated with did to facilitate their decision is absolutely irrelevant. Key word: facilitation. They didn't make the decision, they only made it easier to decide wrong.


If I were to play dirty (though I don't really because I usually don't want someone that much), I would see it as their choice no matter what my influence. They obviously didn't REALLY want to be with that person or they wouldn't have let me lead them astray. :)

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Maybe I'm mean, but if someone gives in and cheats on their bf/gf/partner, what the person they cheated with did to facilitate their decision is absolutely irrelevant. Key word: facilitation. They didn't make the decision, they only made it easier to decide wrong.


If I were to play dirty (though I don't really because I usually don't want someone that much), I would see it as their choice no matter what my influence. They obviously didn't REALLY want to be with that person or they wouldn't have let me lead them astray. :)

Well, I'm not addressing you specifically, Jamie, because you said you don't usually do that, but I just can't fathom why anyone would want to be with someone who could be 'led astray'. Oh I guess if you just want to get in their pants and move on, I could see - though not agree with - the motivation. But I can't imagine 'stealing someone' for yourself for an actual relationship. Whether or not what you did was wrong (which personally I happen to think it would be), you basically just proved that the person could be 'stolen' or 'led astray' or whatever you want to call it...why be with someone like that?

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Well, I'm not addressing you specifically, Jamie, because you said you don't usually do that, but I just can't fathom why anyone would want to be with someone who could be 'led astray'. Oh I guess if you just want to get in their pants and move on, I could see - though not agree with - the motivation. But I can't imagine 'stealing someone' for yourself for an actual relationship. Whether or not what you did was wrong (which personally I happen to think it would be), you basically just proved that the person could be 'stolen' or 'led astray' or whatever you want to call it...why be with someone like that?


But at the end of the day, and in the "right" circumstances...


couldn't we all be led astray?


It's probably a bit of a cynical out look... but I don't think total monogamy is possible... well... i mean people will obviously consider being led astray at least...

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But at the end of the day, and in the "right" circumstances...


couldn't we all be led astray?


It's probably a bit of a cynical out look... but I don't think total monogamy is possible... well... i mean people will obviously consider being led astray at least...


B) .............Not true, faithful for over 25 years............never strayed!

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B) .............Not true, faithful for over 25 years............never strayed!


Aww thats really heartwarming (?) think thats the word i'm loooking for. Hope you're both very happy :)


I'm still a cynic though... lol


but like... I dunno... I still think that if the conditions are right its possible for most people to be led...


although there is a couple that come into the pub i work at regularly... theyve been married for something like 50 years and they seem happy enough... although what happens beind closed doors and all that...


I mean for all I know they could be 80 y/o swingers :blink:

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As long as people have freewill both monogamy and infidelity will always be possible. People will always have the chance, at one point or another, to cheat on their partner; however, they'll also always have the simple option of saying 'no'.


It really just depends on the people involved and what their priorities and values are. I'm not even saying that someone who cheats doesn't love their partner or value their relationship. Perhaps they just don't particularly value the monogamy part of it. Nevertheless, that doesn't change the fact that they could and it doesn't change the fact that some people won't stray.

Edited by AFriendlyFace
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As long as people have freewill both monogamy and infidelity will always be possible. People will always have the chance, at one point or another, to cheat on their partner; however, they'll also always have the simple option of saying 'no'.


It really just depends on the people involved and what their priorities and values are. I'm not even saying that someone who cheats doesn't love their partner or value their relationship. Perhaps they just don't particularly value the monogamy part of it. Nevertheless, that doesn't change the fact that they could and it doesn't change the fact that some people won't stray.


<_< ........Humm, I'm not going to say it's not possible (Then again I'm not a U.S. Senator) but I have been approached many times. Your right, NO

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  • 6 months later...

I'm talking from experience on this one & I think it's a double edged sword. If they were in a happy relationship, then it's a definate hands off, no way.

However, if they're in trouble & the relationship is fading fast, then I think it's ok to make tentative moves, maybe show interest. If you go in full guns blazing, 9 times outta 10 you may get a quick lay, but the chances of anything else are almost zero.

Someone has tried to make moves on my man in a relationship past, but I play very very dirty. ;)

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It has never been a bed of rose's, there have been many arguments and fights, (not physical) there has been many instances of yearning for more, but the end of the day it is just us. And I couldn't ask for more.

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I answered yes only because i would play dirty if there were certain circumstances such as the person is having a falling out, also the person has to be worth playin dirty for but i can be more than just dirty, also cut throat and ruthless.


So dont mess with me i'll take your man!!! :D

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Well ok i won't lie no matter how much i think i will, i love flirting sadly there's only a few girls that i've done that with....and of course they think i'm straight haha


If i do find someone i like, and he or she is in a relationship i will try to interven by being there for them and listening, is something i'm good at and something that is a big gesture, althought i know i'd be walking the steps of re-bound if the person ever left this other person, because in this case being with me would remind them all the time that i helped them through that horrible ideal, so in the end the person wouldn't be with me anyways, but i'd probably still do it.


Litterally flirting and trying to steal someone from someone would be difficult and could end up scary, i think i might after i start living the gay lifestyle but other then that i have no experience with gay guys other then myself so i would probably not risk stealing anyone at all

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  • 3 months later...

Simple answer. No way.


Why: Because it's simply immoral, some people may have no scruples or conscience, but there is no way I could do that to anyone.

Besides any man who would cheat on their current partner, is probably likely to do the same to you eventually.

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Simple answer. No way.


Why: Because it's simply immoral, some people may have no scruples or conscience, but there is no way I could do that to anyone.

Besides any man who would cheat on their current partner, is probably likely to do the same to you eventually.




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Simple answer. No way.


Why: Because it's simply immoral, some people may have no scruples or conscience, but there is no way I could do that to anyone.

Besides any man who would cheat on their current partner, is probably likely to do the same to you eventually.


Yeah, that's the best reason not to do this kind of thing -- the only possible exception I can see would be that you become friends with someone and get to know them really well, and then both realise they love each other and that the other's first relationship wasn't the real thing. But in a case like that, the friendship would have to begin with no romantic intentions from either party.

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I voted NO, because of this:


"Do as you would be done by"

I wouldnt like to be the victim of a dirty play. So I answer No.




Nope. If I can't achieve something the honest way then I probably do not deserve it. :P


AND this:


No, no and no! I would feel guilty for rest of my life knowing I had stripped away potential happiness in someone else's life.


They are all great, honest, and valid reasons, which I also believe in. ;)

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  • 3 months later...

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