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When I grow up, I want to be...


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An astronaut :) And if I can find a spare few million lying around somewhere, I might still do that before I get too old....


a teacher and a doctor are the main ones I remember. quite glad I haven't done either. there were loads of little silly acomplishments I wanted to do though...



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LOL! I remember wanting to be everything from a restaurant owner to a ballet dancer to a dictator of an imaginary country. It changed monthly or even daily for a time. But I think I always wanted to be a writer in some capacity. When I was a kid I imagined myself a famous novelist or something. So when I "grew up", I went into advertising. I get to do a fair bit of writing, albeit not exactly the kind I'd imagined, exactly. Strategic reports aren't quite the same as novels. But the bills have gotta get paid, right?

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It was always architect or engineer. I'm in school for the latter. My official major is Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering with a concentration in energy systems, and Applied Physics. It's a real conversation killer hehe. Ultimately I want to work in the energy business... solar, hydrogen, geothermal, etc.

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I remember for many years telling people I wanted to be an architect... see, when I was like 4 years old some friend of my parents must have seen me playing with blocks, and in the awkward way inexperienced adults often engage children asked "so, you want to be an `architect' when you grow up?" And for the next many years, I thought quoting adults to each other was a decent enough way of not answering the question for myself.


Later on, I toyed with the idea of wanting to become president, until I mentioned this to my best friend, and she said without hesitation "I wouldn't trust you as president!" And I realized that, yeah, she probably has a point. Even I don't know what I'm gonna do next.


-- Raro :D

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I wanted to be a trash truck driver. Then I had to learn to drive and decided that going to college was not so bad after all. I have since learned to drive pretty well but I now work for the physics department of a college. So I guess I'll be driving a pickup truck instead of a garbage truck. :P Hey, at least it smells better.

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I always wanted to become an actor, but my physical limitation only allows me to move around little. *sigh* lol. I dropped out of theatre school because of that lol. When I was about 12, I wanted to become a veterinarian lol, but the sight of blood was too nauseating for me. LOL. Now that I'm in my early 20s, I'm pursuing to become a teacher and a writer LOL. Hopefully I'd be able to jump back into the theatre scene.

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What did you want to be when you grew up? Or, what do you want to be when you grow up?

I wanted to own a radio network so the stations would play songs that I and my friends liked. I even went so far as picking the cities where I'd put stations. I was about ten years old.


I'm glad I gave that idea up! :P


Colin B)

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I went from orthodontist to optometrist, too much blood involved with teeth. :/ dont want to have to pull teeth. haha Though i do looove eyes, especially blue ones, so i can't wait to stare at eyes for my job lol.

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I wanted to be a veterinarian...I settled for being a vegetarian instead ;)



I want to be the ruler of planet Earth. :)



I love you guys. Really, I do.


Tim, you have the greatest aspiration for your future...I so admire you for that.


Anyway, I've graduated college and I hate whenever people ask me what I want/plan to do. I got those questions at least ten times or more when I visited my sister in Cali. Jeesh. Right now I'm contemplating going to grad. school, but the curriculum looks scary, not to mention the cost of it.


I never had a clear idea of what I wanted to be when I grew up. I never had a real passion. I just figured I'd get any bearable job that would pay the bills, and if started hating it, it was time to bounce ships. I tend not to think too far into the future otherwise I'd go nuts with anxiety!!!


However, if I really had to choose, especially now that I've found my passion, it would be something to do with writing. Ideally, a famous and disgustingly rich writer, LOL. But I wouldn't mind working for a regular company and doing technical writing either. That's a more realistic goal, IMO. BUt I can still dream about being a writer and do it on the side as a hobby while I work the day job.

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An astronaut :) And if I can find a spare few million lying around somewhere, I might still do that before I get too old....


That's what I wanted to be too. :D So if you find a million, tell me, I want to come too... ;)

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I always wanted to be a doctor or a scientist... studying biomedicine atm... so you never know...

I also always wanted to go to Cambridge... but then i discovered part time jobs, alcohol, nights out, alcohol and music.... hence no cambridge :|


dunno anymore though... wouldnt mind getting into politics... apparently I'm too outspoken though...

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Depends on how far back I go. I can remember wanting to be a firetruck. And when I was old enough to get that, that was not possible, I wanted to be a fireman. I think I was stuck on being an actress for the longest time. But now, I want to be a fiction editor. It's what I tell myself I'm in college for. *shrug*

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Depends on how far back I go. I can remember wanting to be a firetruck. And when I was old enough to get that, that was not possible, I wanted to be a fireman. I think I was stuck on being an actress for the longest time. But now, I want to be a fiction editor. It's what I tell myself I'm in college for. *shrug*



I always wanted to be an actor since I was little, now I'm going for teacher ><

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