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What was your first word?

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Did this at uni a couple of years ago n it was mildly amusing n I'm mildly bored so here we go:


What was your first word? (NOTE: mama and dada don't count unless they were used consistently with the appropriate parental figure. Otherwise, it's just babbling)


Mine was "more."

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i believe my mom told me my first word was "hi"


My first word was Hi.. too. Because we greet babies all the same in this family.. "Hi cutie.. oh he/she is so precious.." yeah.. gag me.. lol.

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My first word was Papa. Not as in my father but as the baby talk version of Pane which means bread in Italian. Apparently they used it as a blanket term for food so when I was hungry I used to hold my hands out and keep repeating Papa until some one gave me something.

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My parents, who regularly stuffed me so full of food that it came back out again, never believed I ate enough. Therefore, they hung a huge version of the word chi, which means "eat" in Chinese, on the refrigerator and forced my poor one-year-old self to chirp it without stop.

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haha i didnt really have a first word. More like a first conversation. I didnt talk for years but then i just started blabbing in conversation about the weather. Weird isnt it? :)

Are you a perfectionist? Apparently it's been documented (case study-wise so not completely reliable) that children who delay first words and begin with sentences are more likely to become perfectionists when they're adults.



Oh and James, :lol: . That would be a great first word for parents to show off were it true.

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Are you a perfectionist? Apparently it's been documented (case study-wise so not completely reliable) that children who delay first words and begin with sentences are more likely to become perfectionists when they're adults.



Oh and James, :lol: . That would be a great first word for parents to show off were it true.


B) ..................I'm pretty sure from what my mom told me it was dada, but 6 years years later he dead, I was only about 6-7 years old a the time.

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Like Benji, my first word was 'dada' too. It means grandpa for us. Mom/dad were pretty disappointed. They wanted me to say mama or papa first. Oh well.


Take care,


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My first word was "light" and I said it on my first birthday, pointing at the moon.

From then on, I was fascinated with lights. (something that continues to this day...)

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Are you a perfectionist? Apparently it's been documented (case study-wise so not completely reliable) that children who delay first words and begin with sentences are more likely to become perfectionists when they're adults.


Well , i'm not that much of a perfectionist but i can have my moments lol :)


i was a very weird child lol

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I'm not sure what mine was, but this reminded me of an amusing incident. My employer's nephew is nearly two now, but several months ago when he was first starting to learn to speak his favourite phrase was, "I know!" So this one time he's riding in the car with his mother (obviously I heard about this second hand) and this guy cuts them off and almost causes an accident. So his mother yells, "What a prick!" and of course the baby responds, "I know!" :lmao:

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Ironically enough I think perhaps my first one was daddy. My older sister's was flower.


Personally, if I could go back knowing what I know now, I'd have totally made it more interesting. Maybe drop the f-bomb for a first word, or belt out pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicavolcanoconeosis. :)

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