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That chapter was everything I thought it was going to be. :2thumbs:


I think you could write 24 pages and I'd still find it short. :P I know I didn't want this chapter to end. But end it must. :(


Robbie is still in "stunned" mode right now. Who wouldn't be! I'm looking forward to seeing how his relationship with Matt develops.


Matt was cool during the whole conversation. Not once did he throw out an apology for his ever-so-slutty behaviour. Nor did he expect apologies from anyone else. :D


Of course, we still have to deal with the issue of, "Oh, btw, dad, could I have one of your kidneys?" Well, Matt's now "family" with all the rights and priveledges of being in the JP-Stefan clan. Actually, no gay boy could asked for better.



You mean you think there may be more drama to come? :devil:

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hrm!! can't wait till tomorrow night so pumped...unless your switching back to MAC.....which won't lie is not near as intense right now!!! so whatever you decide i'll love ya still the same :P


P.s-Please identify which mark your talking tooo..haha i'm a litte confused with the it's getting shorter....evil smirk thing! :P

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hrm!! can't wait till tomorrow night so pumped...unless your switching back to MAC.....which won't lie is not near as intense right now!!! so whatever you decide i'll love ya still the same :P


P.s-Please identify which mark your talking tooo..haha i'm a litte confused with the it's getting shorter....evil smirk thing! :P


oh sorry! that wasn't you - and the right Mark has already answered... well... how can one distinguish you?

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He's the cute one. wink.gif


Oh sure i betcha just looked at my edited Display piture.....well the lion is pretty hot...myself i'd pick the wolf because of the fearceness it provides and calm and slyness :D I love tho's characteristics.....like in Underworld, or Laura Croft......both Awesome Women who display this.....that's why i'd only turn straight for three women.....kate Beckinsale....Angelina Jolie...and Beyonce!! hAHA.....HEY SWEET MAYBE WE'LL START HERE REFERRS


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He's the cute one. wink.gif


Oh sure i betcha just looked at my edited Display piture.....well the lion is pretty hot...myself i'd pick the wolf because of the fearceness it provides and calm and slyness :D I love tho's characteristics.....like in Underworld, or Laura Croft......both Awesome Women who display this.....that's why i'd only turn straight for three women.....kate Beckinsale....Angelina Jolie...and Beyonce!! hAHA.....HEY SWEET MAYBE WE'LL START HERE REFERRS TO MOern music...like hilary duff.....then destine's child...then beyonce alone....then miley cyrus!!! i'm so pumped the hannAH MONtana will get into your storys mark. Don't you worry! :P

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Oh sure i betcha just looked at my edited Display piture.....well the lion is pretty hot...myself i'd pick the wolf because of the fearceness it provides and calm and slyness :D I love tho's characteristics.....like in Underworld, or Laura Croft......both Awesome Women who display this.....that's why i'd only turn straight for three women.....kate Beckinsale....Angelina Jolie...and Beyonce!! hAHA.....HEY SWEET MAYBE WE'LL START HERE REFERRS TO MOern music...like hilary duff.....then destine's child...then beyonce alone....then miley cyrus!!! i'm so pumped the hannAH MONtana will get into your storys mark. Don't you worry! :P


Hannah Montana in my stories? Dude, you are higher than me. :D


And Jeremy knows better.

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Love chapter 6!! :worship:


That was really great!

I love it how Matt & Robbie established their connection.

It's like dads and sons have subconsious connection or something.

The way Matt recognized RObbie and vice versa :great:


Oh, and I love it how JP & Stef went all red & panicky :devil:

Especially JP. He simply couldn't even say anything :lmao:

Just wanting to dissappear :lmao::lol:


At least Stef put on a fight (however feeble :funny: )


Next time Stef & JP had sex with another hot guy in a town with relatives living in it.

I guess they'd be wondering if this hot guy is another long lost grandson :music:


I love how Robbie said (seriously) to please not f**k his son again :wub:

And Matt is hot :wub:

I know I've said it before but I"m gonna say it again

Matt is hot :wub:


btw, how come Matt deduced that the same Robbie that was introduced by Brad was THE Robbie Hayes?

I didn't recall Robbie or Brad provided a last name? :blink:

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btw, how come Matt deduced that the same Robbie that was introduced by Brad was THE Robbie Hayes?

I didn't recall Robbie or Brad provided a last name? :blink:


Good question. When I originally thought through the scene, I thought about leaving that hanging for a bit...but that seemed unrealistic for two reasons. First of all, the set-up was that they supposedly look similar if they're right next to each other...the eyes give it away to a degree. More importantly though, Matt printed out pics of Robbie and had been studying them. If it were me, I'd have memorized his face, and as thorough as Matt is, I figured he would too. So when the guy is introduced as Robbie, the tumblers click into place for him pretty easily.

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Good question. When I originally thought through the scene, I thought about leaving that hanging for a bit...but that seemed unrealistic for two reasons. First of all, the set-up was that they supposedly look similar if they're right next to each other...the eyes give it away to a degree. More importantly though, Matt printed out pics of Robbie and had been studying them. If it were me, I'd have memorized his face, and as thorough as Matt is, I figured he would too. So when the guy is introduced as Robbie, the tumblers click into place for him pretty easily.


...and it was told in the story he saw the pics so many times he memorized his look.

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Hannah Montana in my stories? Dude, you are higher than me. biggrin.gif


And Jeremy knows better.


It plain won't happen. When Mark's story moves to the 2000's, I will use pop, but I'm going to use pop appropriate to the type of music that Will and JJ grew up to as boys who were born in the mid-1980's, had their childhood in the 1990's, started high school in 2001 and then college in 2005. No one, and I mean no one, was listening to Hannah Montana when I was a senior in high school. I'm sure there will be some Beyonce and Britney, but I'm planning on making the soundtrack heavy on stuff like the Killers, The Shins, and Green Day's American Idiot by the time we get to circa 2005.


But we're still in 1998, so the only pop we'll be getting here is Spice Girls, the Backstreet Boys, and maybe Hanson.

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Right now


That was such a nice chapter! Maybe I liked it more than the previous one (I know, blasphemy! ;-D let's go to the stoning...). And it sort of answer all of my questions... now I can peacefully wait for another release ;-D

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That was an excellent chapter! :2thumbs: A lot of things got sorted out, and yeah, it felt really comfortable....which, of course, makes me think Mark is definitely setting us up. :lol:


So Cody can't read Matt. That's interesting. It was sweet how Matt got Cody talking about his relationship with Brian. Cody and Matt will be good for each other, not on a romantic level, just good for each other. :wub:


There's a lot to look forward to. :great:

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It plain won't happen. When Mark's story moves to the 2000's, I will use pop, but I'm going to use pop appropriate to the type of music that Will and JJ grew up to as boys who were born in the mid-1980's, had their childhood in the 1990's, started high school in 2001 and then college in 2005. No one, and I mean no one, was listening to Hannah Montana when I was a senior in high school. I'm sure there will be some Beyonce and Britney, but I'm planning on making the soundtrack heavy on stuff like the Killers, The Shins, and Green Day's American Idiot by the time we get to circa 2005.


But we're still in 1998, so the only pop we'll be getting here is Spice Girls, the Backstreet Boys, and maybe Hanson.

Hanson? Ewww... I feel like I'm going to vomit. Surely, rock would be better in the late 90's. Let me think. Oh, there's The Verve, Matchbox 20, and I do believe Green Day's album, Nimrod, came out in that period of time. Hanson though? Ewww... doesn't everyone in retrospect shudder at the mere thought of them? :P


That was a good chapter indeed. The new insight into the whole Neil situation on Robbie's part was interesting. That had to be difficult for him to tell nonetheless. Also, I wonder if at long last Cody has met his match.

Edited by Tiger
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I really liked that chapter. There was a lot of substance in it, not just sex... not that I have anything against sex you understand :P The story is unfolding beautifully. There are so many new characters being introduced all the time but it is not overwhelming because they are all linked and all dancing together. I wonder what dance they are doing... perhaps the fandango :)

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another potential for fisting...

I don't know if he's quite ready for that, but then, you never know. I don't get the whole fisting thing personally. To me, it would seemingly minimize the impact of anal intercourse.

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I think this chapter is sweet :wub:


Although I'm a bit put off by fisting :blink:

I hope Matt will not try that :wacko:


But I like how things are establishing themselves.

Robbie and Matt :)

Matt and Cody (is that true?! :blink: )


After the whirlwind since chapter 2, it feels like calm.


But I still dread the day Matt will tell his parents about his *ahem* condition :P


BTW, what happened with Chris & Alejandro?

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