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Writing VS Typing


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For some strange reason, my 'creative juices' tend to flow only when I'm typing. I could, like, stare at a blank paper for hours--literally--and not come up with anything. While typing on the other hand, makes it easier for me to write my ideas with ease. Is it just me or are you guys having the same dilemma?


Guys, what's your take on this one?


P.S. Sorry if it's the wrong place for this topic. I'm new, go easy on me.

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For some strange reason, my 'creative juices' tend to flow only when I'm typing. I could, like, stare at a blank paper for hours--literally--and not come up with anything. While typing on the other hand, makes it easier for me to write my ideas with ease. Is it just me or are you guys having the same dilemma?


Guys, what's your take on this one?


P.S. Sorry if it's the wrong place for this topic. I'm new, go easy on me.


It doesn't really matter to me now, but it used to. I used to only be able to write on paper, and read that way too. To proof something, I had to print it out. I've gotten much better, and now it's all typing, and unless it's something really important, I can even proof it on the screen.

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I prefer writing on paper and I do it a lot.. on the train, at work, wherever I am not near a computer... but then it has to be typed in so it's kind of pointless. I wrote a whole lot when my computer was down and I haven't got around to typing it all in yet. So although I prefer to write I don't very often becuase is't just twice the work :)

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Yellow pads, letter size plus a fine-point rollerball pen equals 4--6 pages an hour in a coffee shop, fast food "restaurant," or on a park bench. Transcribed on a laptop, and edited, there. I also write initially on the laptop, and do all editing on it.

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I type because it is so easy to delete it. I do write down notes though and find them later after first losing them.



Hehe... yeah I forgot that... I write notes too... not in advance but I keep track of timelines and names and that sort of thing... lose them, find them, realise half way through I have changed the name of the main character... decide I like the new name better, go back and replace, miss at least one... and then carry on :)

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I'm a sticky noter...I put down any ideas I have on a pad that is always kept nearby. When I write, I just put them on the side of the computer screen (I have a huge screen) and type away. I am very fickle about word choice as I write so it is easier to delete than erase!

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Type, any day of the week and twice on sunday. I loath manually writing things down. Short notes, maybe, anything long? TYPE IT!


Of course, it helps that I have a minimum typing speed of around 60, and can peak as high as 120. (I learned that in my high school and middle school and elementary school typing classes... yeah, I had to go through it three times, I suppose that's why I'm so good and so fast with such a low error rate. Especially when transcribing and not writing my own documents.)

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A lot of my story's chapters originally came from handwritten paper ...



Its the same way with my stories too. I still write a lot when I am not at my pc, I have terrible penmenship to so I write to try and make it better. A lot of my poetry is still in note books. If Im away from my pc I'll write down any ideas or scenes that come to me and just type them in later. I don't notice a difference in creativity with writing versus typing, it all seems to the same to me lol.

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I love to write on paper... and I would love to be able to get a tablet PC and use that to write and have it convert to print. I know that there would be mixed up letters and such... but I'd love it.


I also find that I tend to do better writing on paper then on a computer... cus Arpeggio is right a computer can sometimes be to distracting.

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tIpinfg even thougf idont do it welll.

I got past the error stage when I had to take typing in High School...the speed went up accordingly too...to all of 29wpm...wacko.gif...it's gone up only because I kept at it.



OMG, I so have days like that!!

Welcome to the club...there are days that my fingers seem to keep tripping over each other, and I'll have a whole sentence of words with transposed letters.



I write on paper, the computer is too distracting.

Now I wonder why that might be...laugh.gif Edited by kjames
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