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6 months to live what would you do with it?

Guest JOSh 55

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Guest JOSh 55

Well if you had only 6 months to live what would you do with and why??



I think I would pull the kids out of school and travel to a few places I know they would love try to make as amny mental pictures of them and my wife to last me until I would be reunited with all of my loved ones! I would also make sure to love to see the sun raise on the east coast never have always seen it set on the west coast. Go look at the northern lights have always loved the looks of those. I would be 100% family guy for 5 months the last month would be for my wife to deside on what she wanted to do. Spend countless hours or days in bed? Traveling? Or just holding each other trying to keep death from taking me away. It would be her choice. The last week I would like to travel to a place that my family picks becasue they love it and me soo much for my place of rest. Have them spread my ashes there so when ever they think of this place they will remember me and all of the wonderful times we had.


So what would you do with your last 6 months????

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Drop out of school. Go to Vietnam/Italy/Greece at once. For a month maybe.

Spend the next 4 or 5 months working solely on writing a book or doing several paintings. Want to leave something to the world if possible. If it's painting I do, then I'll start saying goodbye to my friends, calling them or visiting them, depending on how close I am.

The last month is for my family. Since I do not have a significant other right now, there'd only be family.

Writing my will in between.

Leaving what I have an anonymous person, maybe. - This is not yet figured out.

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Try to finish all the stories I have half written. Visit all my friends and make forever memories. Travel a little, love a lot. Spend time with my children and make sure they are taken care of. Contact everyone I have fallen out with and apologise, even if it was their fault. Write lots of letters and try to tie up as many loose ends as I can. Then wait for what comes next with excitement.

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I would spend as much time as possible with the people I love and tell them how much they mean to me. I'd go to Canada and see a couple of my friends there. I'd also want to focus my energy on things that would remain after I was gone, like finishing my family video projects.

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Well if you had only 6 months to live what would you do with and why??

Hmmm. Depressing thoughts. However, I would take care of all my affairs and get them in order. I would make sure that Jim was taken care of after I was gone. I would make sure legally that Jim got everything, so some f'd up family member couldn't come in and try to claim the estate. Then we would travel as far and as long as my health held up.


Then we'd call in hospice, and I'd say goodbye to Jim and our family. Then I'd say goodbye to my family, and I would peacefully leave this earth, ready for my next adventure.



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Hmm, this question reminds me of a person I heard of a while back. He had always been sort of a timid person and had never really taken risks or put himself out there. But then he found out he only had 8 months to live. He all of a sudden took a completly different outlook on life and did things he had always been to afraid to do. He even got up the courage to ask out a girl he had always liked and she said yes! He told people he had never felt so excited to be alive than in those final eight months.


Now what I would do. I would spend as much time with friends, loved ones and family as I could. There are some people I would also want to make amends with, so I would do that too. I would also take a ski trip out to Colorado, Montana, and Utah! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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six months or 6,000 months


I wouldn't be able to figure what to do with it


I wouldn't be sure about what be my happyness.


i'm just lucky for now that my benign cancer hasn't got worst.


Life sucks but whats life without someone or a job or whatever.


then to end in six months be something to look forward

not sure if reincarnation is par of the package deal.

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Well if you had only 6 months to live what would you do with and why??



B)........... Hmm, I'd be busy organizing stuff to get rid of, no need for to put others with that task. Will is already written, so one down there. Spending time with the family is a given, perhaps the only trip I'd do is another cruise. Oh, and I'd quit bothering to find another job, hehe!

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I guess my answer will be strange. I would want to forget I knew. I would want normal or what I know as normal.



That's a great answer. :) No reason to really change your life completely around like that, if you're happy where you're at..



BUT! That's not the type of person I am.. lol... if I have six months to live, I'd want to spend a month traveling - alone. Sorting things out for myself and really doing it for myself and all. Then I'd want to spend time with friends and the family members that I care for. Get my brothers and sisters lined out to where they can function w/out me.


I'd probably slut myself out... going out with a bang.. and the like. 0:)


And in the last few months, I'd like to try and make it peaceful... quiet and normal..

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Biggest fear ever since so many of my family members have had cancer and I have high indicators for it. So...I'd be making memories for my kids, because the thought of them going on without me there for all the milestones, first boyfriend/girlfriend, broken heart, driving lesson, graduation, moving away from home, weddings and my grandkids to come...missing those is just terrifying for me. So, I think I would be creating mementos and books and letters and videos and pictures and whatever else I could do to make my children feel as if I was still there as much as I can be. My hubby...him I would hug and love as much as I could so that he would be just full of the feeling, to last as long as he lived, and could share it with the kids as they grew. idk about traveling and doing things for me...seems like as long as I could be with my family, that's all I'd need.

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I would spend as much time as I could visiting with friends all around the world. I've already started that. I would also make new friends. Actually, I've been doing that for the last 3 3/4 years since I joined GA.


All the arrangements have been made...the will, finances for my wife, and funeral plans. I don't know how much time I have left. I would guess it will be more than six months. I've already outlived my doctor's projection by almost eight years. I know the cause of death; I just don't know when. In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy life all I can.

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Should this really be any different than only having 6 weeks or 6 years? What about 1 lifetime?


I think our now inherently lazy society is being driven by a sense of immediacy. Think about our daily procrastinations of work, meeting of deadlines, or last-minute to-dos. Unless something requires our immediate attention, we tend to put it off. Same with life, evident by our fascination with a hypothetical count-down which is the only thing that'll cause us to spontaneously revel in our now short lives. Isn't it kinda disappointing that we can't live each day of our lives like it is the last?


But to answer your question, I don't know what I would do with only 6 months to live.

Travel around the world? Not likely. If I had really wanted to, I'd have done so already, and it's not as if I'll regret not having seen Vatican City when I'm dead. Most likely, I'll stop working out so damn much and start indulging in more pleasurable activities (like eating) and other things I wouldn't want to pursue while still having a lifetime to live. Like snorting coke everyday or never using another condom. I'll also stay in school before I like it here but I'll stop doing homework. Other than that...it's time to go coffin hunting! I ain't gonna get buried in something crappy.

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six months to live... I think I would live it like I've lived this year... doing things that aren't all that normal for me... just because I wanted to or because I can... but I might take DC with me. He wants to see the grand canyon, we would go there and do an alaskan cruise, too. I guess the six months would be about making sure he had some really good memories. I would also take some of that time to make sure he was settled into a place to live without me and getting along with his new "parents", settled in school, and doing well. I think that would be the hardest part.

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