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Now What Can We Watch?

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I couldn't find olympic coverage as a show in my area, unless it was clips on the news...and what's left in prime-time now? Right. "Reality" TV. Bleh. The networks can take their "reality" and sh*ve it. mad.gif I want entertainment!


So....what's on that's really, really good at entertaining?? And don't say, "Survivor XXII," "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire," or "Dancing With the Stars XXV," or I might have to have the cat give you a hairball...blink.gif

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Didn't you hear about that new Survivor season? Survivor: Lacey's bedroom


It pretty much goes there in the drama department and beyond. :music:


I hear everyone wins that show.biggrin.gif


Some serious Olympic Withdrawal for me. Four more years to Sochi.sad.gif

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The Olympic's being done doesn't really bother me, I never watched them anyway; never do. TV really ain't a big part of my life either, I watch maybe a handful of seasonal shows, but I can take or leave any of them lol and deffinatly don't do reality or sitcoms.

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Didn't you hear about that new Survivor season? Survivor: Lacey's bedroom


It pretty much goes there in the drama department and beyond. :music:


B)........... :lmao: .......... I nearly spit my beer out on that one!!! :lol:

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I couldn't find olympic coverage as a show in my area, unless it was clips on the news...and what's left in prime-time now?

You'd probably have trouble finding it on USA TV, but the Commonwealth Games start in New Dehli on 3-14 October. Can you put your life on hold until then? :P


The new season of Top Gear appears on Australian TV tonight. If you don't know about the show, get the last X number of seasons on DVD (it's a British show) and check it out. Once you're addicted, let me know :D


Otherwise, the AFL (Australian Football League) pre-season competition starts up soon. If you like good looking muscular guys in shorts, keep a look out for it 0:) I believe you can find it on USA TV if you look hard enough. Just to entice you, here's a link to some of the guys. :devil:

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You'd probably have trouble finding it on USA TV, but the Commonwealth Games start in New Dehli on 3-14 October. Can you put your life on hold until then? :P


The new season of Top Gear appears on Australian TV tonight. If you don't know about the show, get the last X number of seasons on DVD (it's a British show) and check it out. Once you're addicted, let me know :D


Otherwise, the AFL (Australian Football League) pre-season competition starts up soon. If you like good looking muscular guys in shorts, keep a look out for it 0:) I believe you can find it on USA TV if you look hard enough. Just to entice you, here's a link to some of the guys. :devil:

John certainly knows how to find all of that... the boy's obsessed!

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