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Third Story I Want to Post But...

John Doe

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Okay so to add to the delay of updating my stories I'm also working on a multitude of others. Which kinda sucks when your computer is also broken. But anyway I wanted to test the waters for my third story (I have a fourth also which I know some of you will like). I know there is a forum for a sneak peak of stories but I don't want to do a sneak peak. It's the theme and way the story is worked.


Let me explain.


I have this fetish/fascination with authoritative/abusive and rape fantasy. And it basically ends there. It's a fantasy. I know I'm not the only one who had such thoughts. I interviewed many people about this topic and surprisingly a large number of them share the same fantasy. Not surprisingly a large majority of them are women, young women, and gay men. Again it ends at being a fantasy. No one in their right mind REALLY wants to get raped and abused. It's all fancy and dandy so long as it stays in the mind.


Anyway, I have been reading a lot of Japanese Yaoi (gay) mangas (comics) and I found it interesting that many of the stories have these types of relationship. Abuse = love. My third story is that. Its smutty for my readers who keeps emailing me about smut (this is your story dammit! :P) but I also hope to achieve a fantasy (reference of fantasy above mention) like characterization and write in homage to these yaoi mangas.


A little explanation. I am not condoning such relationships. As I have stated it's pure mental fantasy. Stays in the mind but never want to experience physically. I just think the fantasy itself is interesting. There's even terms for those type of guys in Japanese. Seme and uke. Dominant and submissive (I forget which is which though). So I wanted to write out a fantasy of this kind of relationnship.


I don't want to hear your thoughts on the topic. Frankly, I don't care if you think me and everyone who shares this fantasy is screwed. Nor do I want to hear how you would like to be unwillingly sodomized and well you get my point. My question is this:


Would you read something like this?


I said it would be smutty but it won't be complete smut. It's more like a mind game of forced submission. A breaking of will and forced realization <of love>. Psychological sexual warfare done physically. That kind of thing.




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I understand completely. BDSM intrigues me in general and I have read some yaoi so I understand where you're coming from. I'm sure you're aware that not everyone will appreciate this or like it to some degree but there are people who will understand and appreciate where you're coming from. :)


And to put it simply am really intrigued. I want to read!

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Okay so to add to the delay of updating my stories I'm also working on a multitude of others. Which kinda sucks when your computer is also broken. But anyway I wanted to test the waters for my third story (I have a fourth also which I know some of you will like). I know there is a forum for a sneak peak of stories but I don't want to do a sneak peak. It's the theme and way the story is worked.


Let me explain.


I have this fetish/fascination with authoritative/abusive and rape fantasy. And it basically ends there. It's a fantasy. I know I'm not the only one who had such thoughts. I interviewed many people about this topic and surprisingly a large number of them share the same fantasy. Not surprisingly a large majority of them are women, young women, and gay men. Again it ends at being a fantasy. No one in their right mind REALLY wants to get raped and abused. It's all fancy and dandy so long as it stays in the mind.


Anyway, I have been reading a lot of Japanese Yaoi (gay) mangas (comics) and I found it interesting that many of the stories have these types of relationship. Abuse = love. My third story is that. Its smutty for my readers who keeps emailing me about smut (this is your story dammit! :P) but I also hope to achieve a fantasy (reference of fantasy above mention) like characterization and write in homage to these yaoi mangas.


A little explanation. I am not condoning such relationships. As I have stated it's pure mental fantasy. Stays in the mind but never want to experience physically. I just think the fantasy itself is interesting. There's even terms for those type of guys in Japanese. Seme and uke. Dominant and submissive (I forget which is which though). So I wanted to write out a fantasy of this kind of relationnship.


I don't want to hear your thoughts on the topic. Frankly, I don't care if you think me and everyone who shares this fantasy is screwed. Nor do I want to hear how you would like to be unwillingly sodomized and well you get my point. My question is this:


Would you read something like this?


I said it would be smutty but it won't be complete smut. It's more like a mind game of forced submission. A breaking of will and forced realization <of love>. Psychological sexual warfare done physically. That kind of thing.






Damn right I would :) I suggest having a flick through Love in Chains and I dare you to write anything darker.

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One word of cautionfor you mentally as the writer on here. If you 'flick through' Love in Chains have a look at the reader counts vs. the reviews and comments in the forum. You'll have many more readers than will be willing to admit, I find it's quite the taboo subject for many people. The thrust of Nephy's story was abuse and control not so much bdms but because there aspects of it in the story I think it wigged out some people. I know yaoi and d/s stories actually have quite a lot of readers, most just don't want to own up to it. If this is a story in your head then write it, get it out and be happy with your work. I'll have no problems reading and commenting.

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Your audiance is out there! Write the story already!

But before you start - finish your other projects first. As much as I am looking forward to reading what you have described, starting the story and then waiting and waiting and waiting for the next chapters gets old very, very fast. Maybe it is just me, but I have a hard time keeping tract of stories on hold waiting for the new chapter. I just forget about them after too much time passes.

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Your audiance is out there! Write the story already!

But before you start - finish your other projects first. As much as I am looking forward to reading what you have described, starting the story and then waiting and waiting and waiting for the next chapters gets old very, very fast. Maybe it is just me, but I have a hard time keeping tract of stories on hold waiting for the new chapter. I just forget about them after too much time passes.



I understand this well. Just I can't help when my creative juices will flow and into what story. Sometimes I have a thought and BAM! I'm writing a outline for a new story or other times...WHAM! I writing a new chapter for efiction story. Though I do try and sit and force myself to write on one story just never really works out. SOme days it does other times not really. I think my two stories now I keep posting (Get There is almost done) and I'll save the others until I have completed 75 percent of the story or completely finished it. That way I can just update weekely or biweekly.


Thanks for feed back everyone. I will work on this story to fruitution (<probs spelled that wrong).

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Hun you better go ahead and write it. You will have an audiance for this one. I won't be part cause its just not my style. But to each his own! Go for it! Best of luck! :2thumbs:

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John, Nephy almost didn't post Love in Chains for fear of it being too strong to be posted here so I asked her to allow me to read it and I had to use my size 8 1/2 boot to give her a swift kick (or several :P ) and she went ahead and posted it. Look at what a fantastic story that one turned out to be! As I told her I tell you... If you'd like someone to read the story first you can ask whomever you trust or just go ahead and post it!

Count me in in the group of those who will be reading it.

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Definitely go for it and write it, especially when inspiration strikes and you can't keep your fingers off the keys, but don't ignore your other stuff. Creating a permanent work in progress should be avoided at all costs.


Having read a bunch of yaoi, I really wonder why the seme/uke abuse=love relationship is so repetitive and well defined. I have some ideas but maybe this is a question for a new thread.

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There is a very small group of BDSM writers here at GA who write tasteful stories in that genre. We police ourselves and let each other know when we have gotten too out of line with our own standards. Write it. Let us read it. I'm sure it will be fine so long as it's not utter trash.

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I would sample it. The theme is OK, can be very good indeed (stories about falling from grace are numerous, some are damn good), but won't carry an otherwise badly written story. I enjoy VLista's stories, which are about abuse, though not the loving kind, and not in a downwards spiral.

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Okay well I wrote out a story outline for it. Put it on hold (meaning work on it whenever I feel like it but not post) until I finish Get There. Maybe when I'm almost done with Mages and if I'm 3/4 of the way through with that story I'll post it. Thanks for the feedback yall. Much appreciated. :D

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