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Brad and Robbie



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  1. 1. Will Brad and Robbie stay together?

  2. 2. Would you like Brad and Robbie to stay together?

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So here's the burning question. Will Brad and Robbie stay together even though Brad seems to be enjoying sex with other guys more than him? I personally think they will end up together even though I have reached the conclusion that they should not. Sometimes after so many years, a person actually needs someone new. The current situation has more or less destroyed the foundation of their relationship. If they do stay together, Robbie needs to do some exercises to tighten up his ass. If they separate, they need to find a way to part on good terms and remain friends and both find better respective partners for themselves.

Edited by Tiger
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Well, I think that Mark is pretty partial to a happy ending to be honest, which is always going to be an overriding factor. However, just speaking about the charaters - long term relationships do have "defining moments" that set and adjust the balance within that relationship. I think we are about to go on a rollercoaster ride. This will be painful, at times funny, but ultimately heartbreaking for both Brad and Robbie - but coming out the other side I am hoping will emerge two very strong men, with a re-addressed balance of power.


Im hoping Brad will be more in control of their relationship - and that Robbie in turn will be less career focussed and more relaxed.


Now - the shape of that resultant relationship may also change. for example - could they end up in a more "open" relationship like Stef and JP? Who knows, but its gonna be an interesting ride.



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Well, the story's not completely written, so I can't even answer that, although I have it in my mind how I want things to end up.


The theme for this story is really about aging, and not in the geriatric years, but those late 30's early 40's angsty years that make you kind of look around and question what you're doing. These guys just do it more dramatically.tongue.gif

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Well, the story's not completely written, so I can't even answer that, although I have it in my mind how I want things to end up.


The theme for this story is really about aging, and not in the geriatric years, but those late 30's early 40's angsty years that make you kind of look around and question what you're doing. These guys just do it more dramatically.tongue.gif


I'm sure you do know how you want to end it, and even I said that they probably would end up together despite the fact that Brad seems to view sex with Robbie as lackluster while doing the new guys is something he seems to enjoy immensely, especially with Kevin. Sex obviously isn't everything, but it certainly is a key ingredient to a good relationship...

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Well, the story's not completely written, so I can't even answer that, although I have it in my mind how I want things to end up.


The theme for this story is really about aging, and not in the geriatric years, but those late 30's early 40's angsty years that make you kind of look around and question what you're doing. These guys just do it more dramatically.tongue.gif


Yeah, Brad is certifiably a drama queen :P


Brad: I was yelling now. "I can't believe you'd do this! You're f**king dead meat. That's why you brought me here, so David would be a witness and I couldn't just slice your guts out."

Noting like true love then slicing your partner's guts out...:P


Dinners at Escorial always occurred promptly at 7:00pm. We all knew to be punctual; those that didn't got a withering look or worse, a comment, from JP. Tonight there was quite the crowd....


We all sat down and Frank stared at the empty seat at my left, the one where Robbie usually sat. "Where's Robbie?" he asked.


I looked at my watch. "Well, he's probably back in LA at an orgy, having sex with a bunch of young guys."

Yeah, Brad, you just started Dinner and you had to look at your watch to know what time it was...

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Brad: "I am NOT a drama queen, you bitches! Sometimes I just want to set all your asses on fire!"


Okay that's not actually IN the story, but it COULD be. YOU KNOW IT COULD BE. :lol:


Also, I don't think that a happy ending precludes Brad and Robbie breaking up. It's entirely possible that they could both be happy with different partners. It's happened a few times in Mark's stories before...

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Also, I don't think that a happy ending precludes Brad and Robbie breaking up. It's entirely possible that they could both be happy with different partners. It's happened a few times in Mark's stories before...

If it Fits is a prime example of this along with Summer of Love.

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I was going back and forth if Robbie and Brad should stay together. After chapter 11 I have no doubts. They must stay together. People in a family can fight with themselves until a outside force comes. That threat will unite them, Brad and Robbie will, must put away their pride and defend their relationship their family and their home. They have gone through hell before. They are stronger together, much stronger. They are up against someone who knowa them very well. Someone who knows their weaknesses. The next chapter will tell us. I bets are on Lark.

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yes they'll get back together, no i dont want them back together. >=(




they are good together. they have "issues" and after that long in a relationship who doesn't! Just most of us don't turn around and suggest to our "partner" that we do a little sleepin'about.... something you can do in literature......


if you suddenly notice i stop contributing to this you'll know I suggested this to my beloved. his response would be seen at my beautiful and v over-the-top funeral.......

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Hrmmmmmm Well Robbie is Pissing me off to the maxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx like mark wants him to look like. It makes him look like the bad guy. A Parelle novel would be cool to see how robbie is handleing these things. It's Interesting. My bets however are not on Lark. he didn't hate anyone....least of all brad and robbie till they were older.... Though i'd have to re-read be-rad and mim to find out before the next chapter....which i just might do hahaha. I bet it's robbies mother :P JUSTKIDDIN



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I bet it's robbies mother :P JUSTKIDDIN

That's probably who it is, or at least that c**t has something to do with it. There's a conservative hypocristian angle. That much is certain.

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I doubt that Mark :worship: wants to go out on a limb with the hyper-conservative-christian thing; he's sort-of been there done that and after a while it starts looking like a witch-hunt. That said it would make sense for an ultra-conservative organisation to bankroll someone who already has the passion to go after "our" family......

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  • 3 weeks later...

i hope they'd stay together, they've been through a whole lot of sh1t and I hope that their experiences tests the metal in their relationship. i feel drawn to brad with all his weaknesses, Ye, inspite of the fact that he's sometimes a drama queen. Excelent read

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  • 3 months later...



I'm gonna take a big leap of faith & say.. YEAH. :P


Robbie's an ass, but I think he's had the biggest wake up call of his life. For me, there is only one outcome... will have to stalk Mark if it turns out differently! :2hands:

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I'm gonna take a big leap of faith & say.. YEAH. :P


Robbie's an ass, but I think he's had the biggest wake up call of his life. For me, there is only one outcome... will have to stalk Mark if it turns out differently! :2hands:


The lesson here, the moral (and I use that term looselybiggrin.gif) is that sometimes you don't realize what you had until you lost it. If you're lucky, you'll get it back and it won't be too damaged.

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