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Are you out at work or school?

Andrew Q Gordon

Are you Out  

36 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you out at work or school?

    • Yes - HRC sticker, picture of spouse on desk etc
    • Sort of out - some know some don't, but am not advertising
    • Not Out at work but family and friends know
    • Not Out - still in the closet

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Something caught my attention today - it was an article on some guy who decided to be out at work - so it got me to thinking - I work in the macho world of Law Enforcement but am totally out - the partner's picture is on the desk, the local gay newpaper sometimes gets left on the desk, people ask about my partner etc. I am also very vocal about it when people make homophobic comments in front of me- usually these are police officers who say someone is a fag or something like that.


In my case, I was out from day 1. My co-worker was doing the AIDs ride and I offered to have an event at my place to help her raise money. I was the lone out person in my office at the time. Today my immediate supervisor is an out Lesbian, my trial partner is an out lesbian and there are three other out gay men in our division - out of like maybe 100 people I would estimate. There is also one person who is totatally in the closet and doesn't think anyone knows - but go to the gay bar often enough and people WILL see you. It always strikes me as odd when I talk about my partner with others and he is there and will ask a polite question here or there but he has never come out.


So with that as background - Are you out at work or school? If so how out? And anything unusual happen to make you come out?

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Well my situation is kinda weird. I'm not out at the school I go to, only because of ROTC. If I wasn't in that, I would be out to the people I'm friends with. I wouldn't go around announcing it to the world though. But when I go to visit Cammy up at Swarthmore, most people there know I'm gay because they know I'm his boyfriend. It's sorta weird. :P By next year I'll decide what I want to do and will make my decision then on whether or not to be out at my own school. And I was not out during high school. That would have made my life miserable if I was.

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i came out compleatly last year so far ive had a few issue bit for the most part its been fine when we moved i figured id skip the whole hiding prosess so im at the point were i dont go making a habbit of telling everyone but if im asked i dont deny it either

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I am not comfortable with hiding things. I have never ever hidden my sexuality from anyone. I has just never crossed my mind to do it. I suppose it's easier for women than men though. i have never, ever had an issue about it from anyone.


I have rainbow badges on my bag and a rainbow mug on my desk and everyone knows I write here, some have even read some stories.


I guess I am as out as it's possible to be without having the word Bisexual tattooed on my forehead



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HRC stickers = lame.



HRC = lame


They sat on their ass for a year and a half while the O'bumble administration dithered.


Don't want to annoy Massa with petty complaints, naw sir.

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I am out at university and most of my friends know, but none of my family. (Well...sort of. I'm fairly sure my dad knows but its a case of he knows, I know he knows and he probably knows I know he knows.... but nothing has actually been said, if that makes sence).



But yeah, apart from family and one or two friends from back home, pretty much everyone knows.




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No one in my "home"* community knows, but where I'm staying for the moment, some people know and where I'm going some know, most importantly everyone I'm staying with, because they're my awesome friends. I'm also mostly out on the internet, but that's different.




"home"* birth place/where I was raised, but not really home.

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HRC stickers = lame.



Much as I want to I am not sure I can disagree with you on this BUT I wasn't sure what to use as an example. 15 years ago I had a pink triangle on my book bag but that seems to have disappeared. Rainbow flags are rather ubiquitous these days in that I have seen it used for more than just gay rights, and finally my co-worker has an HRC sticker on the bulletin board in her office so that what I saw when I used that as an example. [i just have pictures of me and the partner on my desk]


I didn't mean for it to be a touch stone for a political debate on the worthiness of HRC or it's actions/inactions so if you or anyone else has a better example I can change the poll question.

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I don't know if this really fits in here. But I'll leave something anyway. When I was 15 I fell head over heels for my teacher (who was a woman) I didn't hide it, I didn't really think to. I sorta wore my heart on the sleeve. Well, actually, reflecting on it that was quite embarrassing. Not at the time though. I remember talking to some friends about it, also the school councillor, and my parents. Who all said it was cool if I was gay :).


In college, I also had some very close friendships with girls that others suspected was more. In that case I'd usually ask them if it would be a problem if we were, and the usual response was to mumble something and shake their heads. Some thought it hot. Others said nothing.


Now that I'm married to my hubs people sort of assume I must be straight, and I must admit that I do tend to find guys generally more attractive, but I will quite happily (in fact I make a point of it occasionally) to point out that I also find females attractive--also in a new crowd with people I don't know that well. My hubs is cool with that. And he is quite able to do the same regarding a male he finds hot too.


Interesting thread, though. :D

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I am out to most of the family, but i have never came out to anyone at work. Doesn't mean that probably most of work doesn't know I'm gay though :P



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I am out at university and most of my friends know, but none of my family. (Well...sort of. I'm fairly sure my dad knows but its a case of he knows, I know he knows and he probably knows I know he knows.... but nothing has actually been said, if that makes sence).



But yeah, apart from family and one or two friends from back home, pretty much everyone knows.




What a funny answer!


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No one in my "home"* community knows, but where I'm staying for the moment, some people know and where I'm going some know, most importantly everyone I'm staying with, because they're my awesome friends. I'm also mostly out on the internet, but that's different.




"home"* birth place/where I was raised, but not really home.

I hope this situation changes rather quickly for you, Jay. So sad.

Thank goodness you have those friends there whom you can rely on. I hope you don't have to burn any bridges back in the direction of *family*! That is seldom a workable solution.

I place my arms around you and hug.

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I do not go around announcing that I'm gay, but I never deny or hide it. If I want to refer to my partner, I do without hesitation. My sentences are not filtered for content when it comes to being gay if that's what you mean.


I have a rainbow triangle on my car window so if anybody knows my car, they probably have figured it out.

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I'm totally out. To family, friends, work, and school, the whole thing. But I'm pretty...obvious. But I don't care. Do I get shit for it? Yeah...until they realize that I may be a fag, but I won't hesitate to beat some ass.

Edited by Nerotorb
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