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Could you guys suggest some stories for me to read?

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I really like Mark's stories. I started reading them on the nifty archive and then came to this site to follow them here. From time to time, I go back to Nifty and look for other good stories, too. I have found a few. I was hoping that some of you here could suggest other gay authors with stories that might follow my interests. That way, I could read in between when Mark is writing his own. Currently, I only read Mark's stories here and that is all. I really like sci-fi, thriller and mysteries. But sci-fi is limited to time travel and government conspiracy, and aliens (Quantum Leap and X-files have a special place in my heart!!--I wish Gillian Anderson and Scott Bakula could have had a hunky son as a lovechild!!). I am really not into dragons, magic spells and that sort of thing. If some of you could please suggest some specific authors for me, I would appreciate it. I am not closed to other types of stories, either, but I have tried looking through here on some of the descriptions, and have not found anything that made a spark. I like Mark's stories alot because I like his take and description of certain historical events; I like the feeling of nostalgia that I get when reading them. Thank you for your time. Tony

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Besides Mark Arbour, Dom Luka is probably my favorite author. He does a great job with character development.


I would start with The Lo(n)g Way or Desert Dropping.


Cole Parker on AwesomeDude.com has some great stories as well.

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The Do Over's were the first thing I thought of when I read your 'likes' It has the time travel, slight historical period vibe, government conspiracy and light sci-fish tendencies. I found them enjoyable.

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You got some great suggestions here. DomLuka is the reason I'm here at GA...I followed him here with Vic and Sharon. Dom was like my Moses. Posted Image In addition to the others listed here, I'd recommend that you check out some of Comicality's stuff. It may not meet your criteria, but it's good writing. Adam Phillip's "Crosscurrents" is also out of your genre, but good nonetheless.


One of the things you might do is check in at the sites of the various promising and hosted authors here, pick a story, and see if you like their style. If not, move on. I'd also sort the GA Stories site by "Most Read". I mean, if other people are reading it, maybe you should give it a try?


Finally, I'd also recommend John Francis (The Pecman), over at Awesomedude. His "Pieces of Destiny" is a great Civil War era story.

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Lugh writes about dragons in some of his stories and more fantasy than sci-fi, so pick carefully... many of the others would be better fits. The tags system in GA Stories is really easy to use. Might be worth looking into to at least narrow some things down for you or give you a place to start.

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