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Go driving. Anyone that cut me off, went too slow, went too fast or got to close to me would get a lightning bolt up the ass. Oh, and make the duckmoose a reality.

Edited by Cyhort
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Hmm, that question could have some deep philosophical answers. Just because you are God, does that mean that you can do anything, go against your own rules? Could you revoke free will and choice and cause mankind finally get stop warring over idealogical differences, enact world peace?


Yea i'm not going to get into that lol.


I'd probably do something about the climate/eco system or work out a clean, cheap, renewable energy source....then i'd bring the Dodo Bird and Tasmanian Tiger back from extinction, just because I think they're cool.

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Maybe I would reveal myself as god and therefore hopefully ending all religious conflicts based on the contradictions & variations that exist between them all.


In reality though. I'm not religious at all. Not to say that I don't believe that some divine being is out there, I just don't believe that if there is one, he interacts with his creation. Making us imperfect and yet expecting us to live perfect lives, and making hundreds of different religions all claiming to be the 'exclusive' way to paradise.

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1. I would identify all corrupt people in government and in high profile companies all around the world and expose them.


2. Declare homosexuality as normal to take away to voice of the bigots once and for all. All of those who still defy will be struck with a lightning bolt simultaneously. (Yes, even in broad daylight without a cloud in sight!) :P


3. Eliminate money altogether. Everything would be free. From the most basic of materials to the most exquisite materials to the most impossibly complex items. It would dramatically reduce crime, looting and poverty, and hunger/starvation. Without money to hold us back, it would dramatically reduce corruption, and make impossibly currently "expensive" things possible.


4. Set human technology forward 200 years by giving them the tools and materials required for high speed faster than light travel, and reveal dozens of new habitable planets! :D

Edited by thephoenix
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They already exist!





...................... I'm not a tard I KNOW WHAT A FLYING FISH IS LOL I meant like real wings not lame flappy fins.


Setting humanity forward by 200 years would be way cool. Actually now that you've mentioned it, if I was God, I would make teleportation possible. Busses and airplanes and five billion hour commutes would be a thing of the past!

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Easy: end war, end crime, heal the sick, feed the hungry, comfort the oppressed, introduce the lonely to one another, create a single religion that has only one commandment: Be decent to one another.


And that's just the first 5 minutes! :2thumbs:

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I would give the power back- I have a bad habit of screwing things up pretty bad. If I was God for a day I would irrevocably alter the world as we know it by mistake! Let's just let the power stay where it needs to be and I'll scurry back to my little place under my rock!:P

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ive always imagined god as being very lonely. so i guess i would create him a boyfreind so that when my day was up id be leaving something behind to keep him company. maybe together they would come up with some beautiful solutions for the problems all around us.

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1. I would identify all corrupt people in government and in high profile companies all around the world and expose them.


2. Declare homosexuality as normal to take away to voice of the bigots once and for all. All of those who still defy will be struck with a lightning bolt simultaneously. (Yes, even in broad daylight without a cloud in sight!) :P


3. Eliminate money altogether. Everything would be free. From the most basic of materials to the most exquisite materials to the most impossibly complex items. It would dramatically reduce crime, looting and poverty, and hunger/starvation. Without money to hold us back, it would dramatically reduce corruption, and make impossibly currently "expensive" things possible.


4. Set human technology forward 200 years by giving them the tools and materials required for high speed faster than light travel, and reveal dozens of new habitable planets! :D


If you were God, couldn't you make as many Earths as you wanted? :P Don't let Human Technology limit you, you're supposed to be God. ;)

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I would put all countries on an equal financial footing! Either that or give animals the power to make the decisions!


Oh, second point is already in place! ;)

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