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Coffee, Tea, or...

Caffeine (I need it daily.. and you?)  

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  1. 1. What is your favorite sources of Caffeine?

  2. 2. How often do you have caffeine daily?

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I usually drink tea. I will have a soda every now and then but not big soda drinker. But I do have a major weakness for Panera Bread's frozen caramel espresso....sooooo good! I treat myself every few weeks or so. **insert drool right here!**

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Coffee, forever coffee. Twas always thus and always thus will it be. I had my first taste of coffee when I was 3 days old. Mostly milk with some coffee in a teaspoon fed to me by my Grandfather.


I was born at my Grandparents house with the assistance of a midwife. A common occurrence in the "days of yore". LOL


Anyway, coffee was the drink du jour everyday. There was always a pot of coffee being kept hot on the back of the stove from breakfast time early in the morning until the last person went to bed. The last thing done at night was to empty the little bit of coffee that was left in the pot. The pot was cleaned and set up for the next morning. There weren't electic coffee makers with timers, so the first person up in the morning started the water boiling and slowly poured the boiling water into the top of the French Drip coffee pot to start the coffee. The first of several pots made through out the day. Always the same brand Luzianne Coffee & Chicory. The routine was the same in every household in the family. I am unable to recall any time that I was unable to get a cup of coffee without having to wait for it to be made, no matter the time of day, at any of my relatives homes.


So I have been a coffee and caffeine addict for a very, very long time.


That's my story and I'm sticking to it. LOL

Edited by Tomas
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I like my soda though I'm a pepsi max kinda girl I'll drink any diet generic version if I need to. Unfortunately I'm a chronic migraine/rebound headache sufferer. I'll get a migraine and then get rebound headaches for a week so I have to be very careful of walking that line of enough caffeine in my system to help stave off the pain and not too much to make it worse. I don't drink soda before lunch though so while I will occasionally drink coffee, I just never grew to like it as an adult like I thought I would. Poor teenage delusion that if I added half a cup of sugar and cream and drank it it mean I was 'adult' because only someone with no tastebuds can drink the canned swill I grew up watching my dad drink. I usually drink tea.


I have a nice Moroccan Mint that has only 10-15% of the caffeine of the same amount of coffee and I love it strong and plain, no sweetener.It's a great after dinner drink for a little perk without any pep, so to speak :D I think my Samauri Chai from Teavana is my fav though. It's very 'posh' I've been told to spend that amount of cash on a tea but compared to speciality coffee drinks dropping $6.20 for 2 ounces of mix isn't bad. It has real stuff in it, not that processed crap in a bag. We're talking green mate tea, red rooibos, cinnamon, candied pineapple bits, orange peel, lemongrass, aniseed, coriander, cardamom, almonds and cornflower blossoms. It is the most frangrant spicy burst at first and then you get hit with the sweet from the pineapple and lemongrass. No added sweetener or cream needed. It rocks cold too. Add in the fact that it has the same amout of caffeine as cup of coffee and I can get a total of 15 cups (16 oz) for that 6.20... yeah, not hitting the coffee shops much anymore.


Sorry Starbucks, your sucky overpriced burnt tasting drinks are off my menu!

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I used to drink Maxwell House or Folgers all day, but I've developed a preference for quality over quantity.


These days, I have two 12 oz mugs of coffee every morning.....


... brewed in a press pot to proper strength


... with freshly roasted beans (less than 10 days out of the roaster)


... that are ground while the water is heating

... black, no sweetener.


My custom blend is a mix of beans from Brazil, Ethiopia, Java and Yemen...all with chocolate highlights...to get a balanced flavor in the cup. Most days, that's sufficient caffeine, but I sometimes supplement with either dark chocolate or iced tea (which is almost mandatory with meals in the South).

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I like the smell of coffee and tea but not the taste... so I do a small bottle of coke zero or diet-something at lunchtime to stay awake at work (my work is way exciting and challening :2hands: *yawn*). Sometimes I do caffeine pills instead but they seem to have more caffeine than I can handle....:lmao:

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I'm a coffee drinker and i love tea. Also love my occasional coke. there was a time when i would drink more than one a day. I've managed to wean myself off though and only drink soda occasionally. but i love my cup of coffee in the morning and my tea. i also love chocolate but don't eat it as much as i used to

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I drink coffee throughout the day; I don't particularly want to count just how many cups I drink because I know it’s way too much. Also I’m a bit of a purist, it has to be black with no sugar or sweetener, even a trace of it will make me chuck it and brew a new cup.

Tea I drink when I’m in the mood, with lemon. It is more refreshing than coffee and goes better when you eat bacon and eggs for some reason. ^_^

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I used to be obsessed with coffee! I would drink four or five cups every morning and I can count many a nights that I spent all night sitting with friends drinking cup after cup of coffee.... teehee needless to say we would get pretty hyper before we all crashed around oh... nine in the morning. (once we had five people sleeping in a twin bed... talk about cramped)

However, there came a point when someone told me I was addicted to coffee (a lot of religious people here consider coffee and tea just about as bad as alcohol) and me, being my stuck up narcissistic self had to prove them wrong. So, I vowed that I wouldn't drink a single cup for two whole months. I kicked their asses :P After the two months I would occasionally have a cup of coffee or I'd drink some tea but it turned into a special occasion drink. I will drink a few times a month when I'm with some friends and that's about it. Even when I drink coffee though I do decaf because I drink it for the rich dark taste of drip coffee not for the caffeine.

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The standard joke around my office is that my blood is about 90% caffeine. I sometimes think that might actually be a bit low! I'm a huge tea drinker. As soon as I wake up in the morning I'll make a 32 oz glass of iced tea to drink to wake up with. No sugar - just straight tea. Then when I hit the road for the commute I'll make another 32 oz glass to take with since the first one will be empty. The drive is only 25 minutes long and I've usually finished it by the time I get to work.


While I'm at work I drink soda - but only because I'm too lazy to take my tea in with me to make and I really don't care for what's usually available in restaurants. Or that vile stuff they sell in the cans in the vending machines. Just ick! So I have to make do with diet Mt. Dew - I think the straight stuff is a little too sweet. Once I'm home though, I start making the tea again and will usually have consumed at least another 3 of those 32 oz glasses before I go to bed. I tell myself that I'm only doing it because all the studies say tea is good for you though.! 0:)


Thats my story and I'm sticking to it!

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I'm a tea drinker mainly. Having grown up around Englishmen, I drink a lot of Earl Grey, namely Steve Smith's Lord Bergamot. Steeped in situ with boiled water, and garnished with a slice (not a wedge) of lemon.


Kind of a crazy thing, that. All of my friends hate tea and think I'm a whacko :wacko:

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I have to say that coffee is by far my favorite, and it has been since I was a wee child. But to be honest, I get my caffeine from soda more often than I do from coffee.


As a side note, I dislike hot tea a great deal if it's not prepared properly. And since I'm a terrible tea maker, I usually stay away from the stuff.

Edited by undisclosedtoyou
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Let's see, I drink Coffee like water; 10 cups easily within a day. I also have tea if there's no coffee or if the caffeine is stronger in that particularly brand of tea, (I really recommend Irish Breakfast Tea, it can wake up the dead)


By the way, I drink all of it black, no cream or sugar. If I do buy it from Dunkin Donuts, I will only ask for a shot of expresso in the coffee to make it extra potent.


The best coffee for me is Ethiopian Roast; it has a hint of cocoa and a taste of dark chocolate, when you drink it black.


As for Soda, I have tried to wean myself off it, too much sugar. I love Coca Cola way too much. Caffeine is slightly better in large quantities than sugar.


As for people that drink coffee and tea in large quantities, do you guys ever try playing around with it, like pairing it with different food? I find sumatran coffee to go very well with curry, some how it makes it a bit more smokey and spicy. There's also teas that I think go great with cobblers, accentuating the taste of fruits.


Maybe, I am over thinking it, but I feel like tea and coffee can be just as variable towards taste as Wine pairing has become in French and Italian dining.

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