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What Animal Would You Be?


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You are a Spider! (your score: 28)

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Characters: Arcas and Nelma in the Aspect of Crow trilogy


Powers: Artistic genius, ability to see patterns and sense trouble from a distance


As a Spider, you're artistic, intuitive, and independent—maybe even a little eccentric. You can become so absorbed in your endeavors that you lose track of the outside world and the people in it. But what you give in return is magic, pure and simple.


Best matches: Cougars, Hawks, Owls


Watch out for: Wolves, Otters, Bears




Which is hilarious, spiders are my familiar and favorite animal. =D



The quiz said I was an Owl. So if the Animorphs apocalypse comes, I call dibs on Lacey! I said it first! So y'all are warned!


Now Lacey, turn into a pretty spider, not an ugly one, umkay. Preferably a cute jumping spider.


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  • 4 weeks later...

According to the Chinese Zodiac I'm a Dragon (Earth Dragon if you go through it all), I'm a Cancer so Crabs are cool.


According to the test I'm a Wolf which is exactly what I would have chosen without the test. I've always been attracted to wolves (and Dragons lol) since I was a kid but my interest in Wolves has grown a lot in the last few years since this whole Journy of Self/Spiritual discovery has kicked in. Tight knit family structure, mates for life (mostly), loyalty, devotion and passion, all qualities that I admire and do my best to exibit.



Well I'm done.


Owl (Owls are cool too, if I was going to be a bird it would be a Barn owl or a Great horned).

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I took the test, and it is seriously wrong as I became an owl (ok) but it said to watch out for horses, and I deal with horses every day...


If I could choose I think I'd prefer to be a cat, at least one of our cats...B)

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I'd either want to be a house cat, as they just eat and sleep all day without too many cares (unless someone yanks on their tail or something, then...). That or some kind bird, as flying through the sky would seem rather neat.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey! The quiz said I'm an owl!

Not bad at all!


If I could choose what animal I can be, I'd go for an owl or an eagle.

Top of the food chain so NO ONE messes with me and they know when to leave me alone.

Well, that and the fact that I could FLY at will whenever i fancy couldn't hurt.



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Wolverine (your score: 20)


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Characters: Lycas, Nilo, Sirin, and Drenis in the Aspect of Crow trilogy; Marcus in "The Wild's Call"

Powers: Fighting ability—strength, speed, and toughness

Nobody messes with Wolverines. You're fearless, assertive (okay, aggressive), and tenacious. You might be a Marine, or a middle linebacker. You're the best at whatever you choose to do, because you give yourself no alternative.

Best matches: Bears, Cougars, Wolves

Watch out for: Crows, Owls, Swans



Was there ever any doubt!?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd be a cat or a bird if i had a choice.

Cat - sleeping anywhere and everywhere and lots sounds good to me. Also, being able to purr seems like a serious skill.

Bird- being able to fly? Hoo yes :D


Recently, however, my friends have decided I would be a squirrel. I think this is kind of cool. The climbing thing, and being adorable...


I got Wolf in the quiz, which is pretty cool too.


The biggest problem I would have with being an animal is the whole eating other animals business. I might have to be something low down on the food chain so I can be vegetarian...

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You are a Wolverine! (your score: 24)


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Characters: Lycas, Nilo, Sirin, and Drenis in the Aspect of Crow trilogy; Marcus in "The Wild's Call"

Powers: Fighting ability—strength, speed, and toughness

Nobody messes with Wolverines. You're fearless, assertive (okay, aggressive), and tenacious. You might be a Marine, or a middle linebacker. You're the best at whatever you choose to do, because you give yourself no alternative.

Best matches: Bears, Cougars, Wolves

Watch out for: Crows, Owls, Swans


Why is my score more than other wolverines??? ain't I cool? :D

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I took that test once, I was a hawk, then i took again today and now I am an owl, i guess i am just a shape-shifting bird freak....lol

But if there was an animal i think i'd be is some kind of Cat, OR a phoenix for some reason i like that bird a lot, I like dragons too but the Phoenix more.

My Chinese Zodiac makes me a chicken...a rooster.

and My western Zodiac makes me Virgo the Virgin, ruled by Mercury.

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The quiz told me I was a Crow!

If they werent so hated, that would actually be alright!

But I think I would want to be a panther, or something equally as cool if I had a choice!


I should probably watch out for you from now on! :unsure: But, I love you, what about that?

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Chinese Zodiac is Dog

The Western Zodiac...if you call it that way..I'm definitely Taurus.

and for that quiz..I'm a Crow

and I'm liking it..I would have gone for a wolf but that was me before.

and now the wolf turned into a crow.Posted Image

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I got hawk! :) Freedom, flight and great eyesight. What more could you ask for? :D






You are a Hawk! (your score: 27)


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Characters: Galen, Thera, Zilus in the Aspect of Crow trilogy; Maxine in "The Wild's Call"

Powers: Communicate with the divine, discern powers in others, photographic memory

Hawks are the messengers of the Spirits. Adept with language, you might be a writer or a teacher. Your ability to assess situations impartially means that people often seek your guidance before making decisions. A brilliant visionary, you sometimes forget the mundane details of life like eating, sleeping, or paying bills.

Best matches: Owls, Foxes, Spiders

Watch out for: Otters, Bears, Horses

Here are your scores for the other animal spirits:

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

KC's quiz says I'm a Hawk, but I see myself as a cuddly Panda.


Okay, throwing in the zodiac I'm a Leo or a lion, but the Chinese have me born in the year of the Rat. That's one heck of a broad range of animals.

Edited by Bill W
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