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How you know you are always wrong


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I got out of bed today and wasn't feeling so great. I went to my weight watcher's meeting and stopped at Kohl's to pick up a new shirt. While I was shopping, I seen two young guys stop and lean in and kiss one another. I paused and smiled. It was the highlight of my day. Two young people in love. However, I guess I was wrong and don't deserve the chance to smile for someone else's happiness.


As I started to walk away, feeling really good for the first time today,I heard the one turn to the other and comment.


"Great. Can't even kiss without some fat old bastard looking on."


Guess I should just put a bag over my head and stay home.



Sorry, just really sort of made what had been a bad day that much worse.

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First you are free to watch Mike and I kiss anytime.


Second they sound like assholes, so don't feel bad. They sound like stuck up A list wanna bes who when they are your age will hate themselves because none of the 'other' young people - a label they will apply to themselves - give them the time of day.


So there are two ways to look at this, one - some stupid twits with the IQ of cabbage - insulted you, or, they haven't a clue who you are, what you are, or how well liked you are so who gives an F' bomb about them.


Either way, it doesn't matter, they're assholes unworthy of your time.



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I’m sorry but I would have had to say something. I love seeing couples in love. The little old couple who’ve been married for years strolling through the park or the young nervous teens with sweaty palms holding hands for the first time…I’m a romantic and I’m proud of it.


I wonder if their hurtful remark was aimed from their personal insecurities at someone in general watching them kiss and they retaliated by malicious comments. In today’s society PDA is frowned upon in same sex couples. They are told to only be affectionate behind closed doors and not like everyone else in the open and they might have already experienced that in the past which prompted their remarks. They obviously didn’t know that you were supportive of them being a gay man also.


You are a wonderful person Wayne! :hug: Don’t let their insecurities ruin your day.

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Yea I know that feeling...having a great day and boom, 1 little thing making you feel sh*tty.


But forget about em and try not to let it bother you so much. Like Andy said, they sound like little bitches, there's no need to win their approval.


What kinda shirt did you buy? I'm in the process of turning over my college boy closet into a more adult/professional one.


On another note, keep us updated on your weight-watchers progress. I'm pretty into health and fitness and always love to hear of other people taking initiative in their health.


P.S. We should host a Mike and Andy watch party ;)

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You know, I never think of anything to say at a time like that, usually because I'm just so stunned by how rude people can be. But now all us "old bastards" can be prepared, if opportunity ever presents itself again we could always say something like..."Sorry boys, if you want privacy when you kiss, don't leave your trailer."

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Yeah well, it was just one of those days to begin with and it sort of stopped me cold. Wasn't what I was expecting at all, and, well it hurt more than I should have let it.

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Thanks guys and gals. It was just a case of the comment coming at the wrong time. Turned what was a good moment in a bad day, to a horrible one all the way around. Just needed to vent before it poisoned my day further.

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Maybe they thought you were a straight person criticizing them. A couple I've encountered before who were holding hands while walking immediately let go when they saw that I looked at them. It might also have been born out of their own fears. :)


At least that's the rock bottom, and I'm sure the rest of your day will be simply AWESOME! (^_^)

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I think Aximili might have a point here. That was my first thought when I read your recollection of the event too.


In any case, the comment itself was less than nice and totally undeserved. You were right to vent; friends will always come to the rescue :)

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I would have said something back. Someting that would have struck them down a notch.... nothing mean but something around, "I wasn't intentially watching, but you are in public and I admire that fact that you could do that. So sorry this fat old bastrad was feeling happy for you and that I hope one day you can grow up to ralize the beauty in the simple things like a kiss in public with someone you care about."


They may be too mentally young to grasp that, but it would have stayed in their minds, because you said something and maybe one day they'll reflect on it and feel guilty. Yes, it's totally about guilt tripping them. I agree with Aximili.... people are so eager and willing to be defensive rather than open. I would have smiled at you if it was me, but alas it couldn't have been because I'm single. So... I'm a SAM LF SWM.... :P Cheer up, mentally young folks only think about themselves at that mental age.

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I would have said something back. Someting that would have struck them down a notch.... nothing mean but something around, "I wasn't intentially watching, but you are in public and I admire that fact that you could do that. So sorry this fat old bastrad was feeling happy for you and that I hope one day you can grow up to ralize the beauty in the simple things like a kiss in public with someone you care about."


I woulda just said "f@ggots"


But I know that opens up a can of nasty worms.

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