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Now let's see what kind of impact this will have. Will it be helpful to make people aware and improve the image of the gay community or will it be used to try to trash Anderson's career?

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Now let's see what kind of impact this will have.


See this is what people in other countries find so puzzling, that an advanced "free" country like the US should still see this as any type of issue. Go back 50 years in Britain and yes it would be here too. But c'mon guys, you really need to get your country into the 21st century and deal with important stuff like, er, employment, the economy. If anyone of significance makes waves about this you need to gang together and run 'em out of town because they are just helping to drag your country down.


Here's some examples of openly gay network TV presenters in Britain:


Graham Norton - chat show host BBC

Alan Carr - chat show host Channel 4

Jane Hill - newsreader BBC


There's loads more but quite honestly nobody in Britain gives a stuff Posted Image

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Zombie--you seem to forget that all the Puritans left England and came to America!


Bill--It will be interesting to see if the media tries to sensationalizes this and hounds Anderson relentlessly.


My observation is that he has always been rather reserved and non-judgmental. I guess it would be too much to ask that he be treated likewise.

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Oh please, this is the non story of the year, who didn't know Anderson Cooper was gay? How could you not know? It has never been a secret.


Yeah, he's never denied it before and many people just assumed he was.


Now that Kate has filed for divorce, I'm hoping Tom will finally come out too Posted Image .

Edited by NaperVic
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Oh please, this is the non story of the year, who didn't know Anderson Cooper was gay? How could you not know? It has never been a secret.


Unlike some, I never assume or put much faith in rumors or innuendo. The fact that Mr. Cooper has publicly acknowledged his orientation is news. IMHO everyone has a right to choose to keep their private life private as it is really no one else's business.

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LMAO, Benji. That is just about how important this is, but rest assured that some of our small minded homophobic fellow countrymen, will try to " make much ado about nothing" .
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LOL. But it's the worst kept secret. Everyone just assume I am gay when I didn't admit nor deny anything to them.... Same for Cooper Anderson, Ricky Martin and David Hyde Pierce. It's already treated as truth without the person's nod, so why bother deny it. If they really aren't, they should just say it like Orlando Bloom did.


At such stage of the rumor, if they're gay and admit it, at least they'll get a stronghold audience from gay community, despite it's a smaller fan base than the general public. Deny it, they'll get no loyal audience from gay or straight people (because straight audience already assumed they're gay and if they're haters, they'll just hate even if it's just speculation).


The impact and dilemma, if his situation is similar to what I went through, is how his friends and family would treat him, not someone unrelated to him like fans.

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The point is EVERYONE knew Anderson was gay. It wasn't like Ricky Martin or Sean Hayes. It is like Will Smith announcing he is black. Anderson being gay was a known fact, but no one talked about it because it wasn't relevant since he wasn't hiding it.

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I am surprised, I have to admit, that more people didn't know :unsure:


I really thought he came out back in the 'It gets better' videos, but maybe I am just making that up ;) .


I wonder what will happen when it dawns on everyone the the #1 Daytime Talkshow, Ellen, is followed closely (can't confirm) with Anderson. Possibly Dr. Phil and maybe Dr. Oz and the View might be in there ahead of them. I do find it interesting that most likely two of the top five are gay hosts :) . As long as none of them go as 'radical' as Rosie did, they shouldn't see a ratings drop.

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Yup, haven't you seen an episode of Fresh Prince of Bel Air :P


I knew as it was in the New York Times and pretty public that he was gay, but he kept it low in terms of tone.

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I guess only Anderson Cooper knows what will happen as his life unfolds


I think iglesis sort of explain why he came out .. did every one assume he's gay?

did it hurt his career or did he retire?


At my old job there is a guy who is gay .. he is not gay weird .. no one else i know is gay ..

he's opinionated weird .. there's good n bad .. but he fine guy


I'm pretty sure if the many people are left with the professionalism that Anderson gives every day of the week

Coming out gay ... would not affect his life much .. unless CNN is an anti-gay friendly employer?

maybe CNN will put out a warning like Kramer has .. "Anderson being gay is by no means a reflection of CNN etc etc etc"

I just hope there is no need to put that kind of msg out but yes there can be the nutty folks that take offense to gays

Edited by hh5
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I guess only Anderson Cooper knows what will happen as his life unfolds


I think iglesis sort of explain why he came out .. did every one assume he's gay?

did it hurt his career or did he retire?


At my old job there is a guy who is gay .. he is not gay weird .. no one else i know is gay ..

he's opinionated weird .. there's good n bad .. but he fine guy


I'm pretty sure if the many people are left with the professionalism that Anderson gives every day of the week

Coming out gay ... would not affect his life much .. unless CNN is an anti-gay friendly employer?

maybe CNN will put out a warning like Kramer has .. "Anderson being gay is by no means a reflection of CNN etc etc etc"

I just hope there is no need to put that kind of msg out but yes there can be the nutty folks that take offense to gays


Posted Image ................I'm pretty much sure everyone knew he was gay, I thought so many years ago myself.

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I saw Anderson Cooper at my school in 2009. Pretty great speaker- I got a book signed.


You know, on the Facts of Life, there was an episode where this guy tells snobby Blair Warner that he's involved with Gloria Vanderbilt's daughter as part of this smooth image to try and impress her. She figures out it's fake, and tells him, "Then I realized, Gloria Vanderbilt doesn't have a daughter." I remember thinking, "Well, that definitely wouldn't keep this guy from dating Gloria Vanderbilt's progeny!"


I just look up to Anderson Cooper so much. Here's this guy who could have just spent his life sponging off of his family money ala Paris Hilton, and instead he's done all these cool and interesting things instead.

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Yup, haven't you seen an episode of Fresh Prince of Bel Air Posted Image


I knew as it was in the New York Times and pretty public that he was gay, but he kept it low in terms of tone.


Will Smith is gay? ;) Just kidding.


Like PrivateTim, I think Cooper Anderson wasn't even hiding. He was not ashamed of it. He just didn't feel there is a need to announce it. It'll just affect his private life (like people keep asking stupid gay questions like, "What does it feel like growing up as a gay kid," or "who are you dating?" None of their business!). Whether people know he is gay or not, he is still himself. I think gay people will be happier if people don't treat us like strange....


I'm pretty sure if the many people are left with the professionalism that Anderson gives every day of the week

Coming out gay ... would not affect his life much .. unless CNN is an anti-gay friendly employer?

maybe CNN will put out a warning like Kramer has .. "Anderson being gay is by no means a reflection of CNN etc etc etc"

I just hope there is no need to put that kind of msg out but yes there can be the nutty folks that take offense to gays


I think those who are in their career with strong position, it shouldn't affect them detrimentally. It's some of us who are expendable the employer will find any reason to get rid of.... Being gay is just a very convenient excuse to be released from work.

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I'm pretty sure if the many people are left with the professionalism that Anderson gives every day of the week

Coming out gay ... would not affect his life much .. unless CNN is an anti-gay friendly employer?

maybe CNN will put out a warning like Kramer has .. "Anderson being gay is by no means a reflection of CNN etc etc etc"

I just hope there is no need to put that kind of msg out but yes there can be the nutty folks that take offense to gays


I highly doubt CNN will do such a thing especially considering they didn't do that when Don Lemon told everyone that he was gay.

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LOL. But it's the worst kept secret. Everyone just assume I am gay when I didn't admit nor deny anything to them.... Same for Cooper Anderson, Ricky Martin and David Hyde Pierce. It's already treated as truth without the person's nod, so why bother deny it. If they really aren't, they should just say it like Orlando Bloom did.


At such stage of the rumor, if they're gay and admit it, at least they'll get a stronghold audience from gay community, despite it's a smaller fan base than the general public. Deny it, they'll get no loyal audience from gay or straight people (because straight audience already assumed they're gay and if they're haters, they'll just hate even if it's just speculation).


The impact and dilemma, if his situation is similar to what I went through, is how his friends and family would treat him, not someone unrelated to him like fans.


don't lie Ashi, you are anderson cooper :D



I neither knew or cared if Anderson Cooper was gay, I thought he was hot.

It was and is no one's business but his own...

Which is part of why I don't care, besides it's not like anyone here is going to go out with him...

and I am certianly not going to be...



on a side note to other people saying they wonder what is going to happen...

Oh he'll get fired after repeated death threats to the CNN staff, and himself...

With the saying he brought too much fire to the company...

A reporters job is to report the news not be the news... may also be used...

But that's my theory, and yes I have no faith in humanity Posted Image

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Sadly, Celethial, you are probably right. If there is any negative feedback, the network will definitely take a step to right it, even if it means canning him, as sad as that would be. I love Anderson Cooper. Very honest, and straightforward, no adding any sugar to the truth with him. But maybe they will surprise us. Hope so :)

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