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Chapter update - good news!

C James

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First off, wow.... Thank you so much everyone!!!! I'll be back after some sleep to jump into the threads, answer mail, etc, this is just a fast update to say thank you, and let y'all know that this (Forum posts, email, PMs, reviews) has had a HUGE effect.


I got inspired. And I wrote. And I wrote some more. I finished a few minutes ago; the chapter is now in the hands of some of the team.


It's actually a double; two chapters merged into one. Part of my way of saying "Thank you!" for giving me my muse back. I can't promise it'll be ready in time for Tuesday, that's unknown (I'm late sending it to the team) but I won't delay it for one second more than I have to; if it's not ready in time, that doesn't mean a slip to the following week, just a slip until ready. We'll see what happens and I'll keep you updated. Tuesday might well happen, or maybe Wednesday.




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  • Site Administrator

Personally..... I don't want ANYTHING to do with your Muse.


I have a sudden feeling this may be the last chapter to be posted :(




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I got inspired. And I wrote. And I wrote some more. I finished a few minutes ago; the chapter is now in the hands of some of the team.


It's actually a double; two chapters merged into one.

Well, bang goes the weekend!

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  • Site Moderator

Well, bang goes the weekend!

Having read it myself, I think you'll find it well worth the time spent reading it.


I have a sudden feeling this may be the last chapter to be posted Posted Image



Posted Image

If CJ was to end the story now, I'd see to it that he gets a certain award.
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Hi Mark.

I have been following this story all along, and am enjoying it immensely. I hope you continue it to it's fullest extent rather than stop with the next chapter. I would suggest that the very long length is putting off some people from continuing to write feedback to you. I, however, like very long stories, and hope you continue to like to write them.


I would like to point out I have devoted many hours of my time reading your story. I have a story on a minor site, (World of Slash) and I am thrilled that a just few people have read it, and just a couple of them have given feedback, both praise and critical. I appreciate their time spent to enjoy my story. I wish I had the time to write more, but my life, even at 74, is very crowded. Yet I still read, the passion of my life.


If you decide to finish this story for just fans, please include me on your list!


I encourage you to keep going!! At least one person cares a lot.



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Personally..... I don't want ANYTHING to do with your Muse.


I have a sudden feeling this may be the last chapter to be posted Posted Image


Posted Image



That story you linked is one of the first things I ever wrote, and of course, I wrote about my sweet little muse. That's also the only story besides Circumnavigation to have a Trevor as a lead character. Hrmm, I wonder if there could be a connection?



Having read it myself, I think you'll find it well worth the time spent reading it.



If CJ was to end the story now, I'd see to it that he gets a certain award.


But... WHAT certain award? I am not eligible for the King of Cliffhangers (for many reasons, though one is the no-three-in-a-row rule) and Circumnavigation won't be eligible in next year, due to completing this year. :P

I have been following this story all along, and am enjoying it immensely. I hope you continue it to it's fullest extent rather than stop with the next chapter. I would suggest that the very long length is putting off some people from continuing to write feedback to you. I, however, like very long stories, and hope you continue to like to write them.


I would like to point out I have devoted many hours of my time reading your story. I have a story on a minor site, (World of Slash) and I am thrilled that a just few people have read it, and just a couple of them have given feedback, both praise and critical. I appreciate their time spent to enjoy my story. I wish I had the time to write more, but my life, even at 74, is very crowded. Yet I still read, the passion of my life.


If you decide to finish this story for just fans, please include me on your list!


I encourage you to keep going!! At least one person cares a lot.




Thank you!!!!


I've written a great deal more so far this week than I have in a long time, and not just on this story.


The looming deadline is my coming trip; I HAVE to get the story done and posted by then. One reason is I promised to do so, and I will. The other is kind of selfish; I want to still be here when the finale posts . This story has been a huge part of my life for over two years now, so I don't want to miss out on being around as it ends. I'll be gone a fairly long time, with only sporadic internet, if any at all. I won't be back until just before New Year's day (which effectively takes me out of being able to effectively participate until next year, Jan 1st or so).


CJ :)

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Well all other things aside----

Have a great sabbatical----Or trip or journey.

Learn some new things----See new views of Being.

Love someone----The ability to do this is the Universe's greatest gift to mankind.

Make some love to someone in some way----With the body; with the heart...who cares?

Rest when you can----Perhaps the hardest thing for passionate humans to do.

Be refreshed----Let it happen!

Find some happiness----Easy, just look for it.

Appreciate the Good in our world!

Come back to our community whole.


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