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Does love at first sight happen?

Yuki Winchestor


39 members have voted

  1. 1. Does love at first sight happen?

    • Definetly
    • Nope
    • Still wondering

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Lust at first sight can happen. Love, not so much. Love is more than an attraction to a person's body; it envelopes the mind and soul, as well. I met my husband, thought he was handsome, we started dating... 15 years later we've been married for 12 years and we have 2 kids, but I still didn't love him at first sight. The longer we were together, and the more we lived through, the more our ability to love -and tolerate- each other grew as well.

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Love is... Being able to disregard things without them getting under your skin. Being able to come together again after a row (not an argument, but a full-on screamer) and know that both of you are genuinely sorry. It also depends on your circumstances. I met my first long term partner in an empty bath, and lost him in a warehouse accident while we were 8,000 miles apart, December 19th 1982. We had been together for 6 years. However, Den and I have been together now for 12 years, and before his previous partner died they had been together for almost 25. On both occasions I knew they were the people I wanted to spend as much of my life with as possible.

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Nope. How can you decide if you love someone if you've just seen them for the first time? Do you know anything about them? Do you even know their name? How can you love someone you know nothing about? Love at first sight is a wild fantasy created by depressed poets and Disney to make 13 year old girls swoon in their panties.

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I'm just purging old demons with that line. I got introduced to Nifty at 13 and I fully believed in it until I was about 21/22. Every time I would hang out with a cute drunk straight guy in early college I kept wondering why it didn't end up with us having sex like it always did in those Nifty stories. I got over it for the most part but I still walk past frat houses and wonder how much secret gay sex happens in them. LOL.


I think my favorites were the one when an average guy went to a N'Sync, BSB, or 98 Degrees concert and then embarks on a wild romance with JC Chasvez or something

Edited by methodwriter85
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If you're lucky, you see a cute guy and he notices you too. But I wouldn't call it love, I'd call it infatuation.

Love at first sight is a myth that's made up by Disney. For more realistic view, it should be called hardon at first sight.

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I'm just purging old demons with that line. I got introduced to Nifty at 13 and I fully believed in it until I was about 21/22. Every time I would hang out with a cute drunk straight guy in early college I kept wondering why it didn't end up with us having sex like it always did in those Nifty stories. I got over it for the most part but I still walk past frat houses and wonder how much secret gay sex happens in them. LOL.


I think my favorites were the one when an average guy went to a N'Sync, BSB, or 98 Degrees concert and then embarks on a wild romance with JC Chasvez or something


I knew you were kidding, I just wanted to josh you. Posted Image I still like to read Nifty sometimes to get my "every gay teenage male fantasy" fix, but after experiencing reality a little bit I just can't enjoy them like they used to. I'm waiting for a story where they actually write about a realistic relationship where they both aren't perfect and they don't have orgasmic, mind blowing, perfect sex the first time they do it.

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Love is too deep and complicated. I doubt its like a bolt of lightning or cupid arrow in a flash. Love is like that lingering aroma in a room- even if it isnt there anymore, you would still get goosebumps thinking about it, despite the pleasure or the pain.

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Love works at first sight. However, for it to become meaningful then you both have to want it and work for it. Attraction is just the turning of the key to your heart.


Okay, even I'm going to barf at that bit of sugar. However, the thing still stands - the first signs of Love is Attraction.

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Of course it happens. Maybe not for the great majority of people but this is a perfect example of the exception proving the rule.

And, of course, in responding to the question, people apply their own understanding of what 'love' is. - hugely variable but just as valid for star struck 'first sighters' as for those in a deep and abiding relationship.

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I knew you were kidding, I just wanted to josh you. Posted Image I still like to read Nifty sometimes to get my "every gay teenage male fantasy" fix, but after experiencing reality a little bit I just can't enjoy them like they used to. I'm waiting for a story where they actually write about a realistic relationship where they both aren't perfect and they don't have orgasmic, mind blowing, perfect sex the first time they do it.


I think my favorite cliche stereotype in Nifty has to be the "evil" jock villain, who will do everything possible to keep Studly Jock Hero from having a happy ending with Shy But Hot Nerd, including having sex with said Shy But Hot Nerd for some weird reason. I mean, it's a fantasy, but really- jocks pretty much only end up with other jocks. If you're an artsy nerd who doesn't have any interest in sports, you're really not going to have much to say with the studly jock hero in real life.


I absolutely loved Yankee by the Zot for completely upending the "nerdy outcast and studly jock" trope. It's a great story- I know it's on here. Although in my case, I'm more interested in 20-something/30-something angst stories as opposed to high school/college stuff.

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i agree with Cia, infatuation can happen at first sight, so can lust. You can even become besotted at first sight - does anyone still use that word? But i can't love without knowing someone. I almost had to retract when i thought of my daughter, but then again I knew her for 9 months before we met face to face and by then i already loved her.

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I don't know. Logically, it doesn't make sense. You must know the other person to a certain extent to actually 'love' him or her - or else, it's lust.


But then again what about love actually follows logic or hard-core rationality? Who knows maybe we do have souls and all that mysterious spiritual connection with certain people...


There is something very romantic about the idea that love happens at first sight which is why the hopeless romantic in me wants to believe in it.

Edited by Warrior1
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