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Stupid things you've done that you really don't regret

Hayden L

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So, I was talking to some of my friends from high school last night, and we started talking about all the stupid things we did together.


One of the best memories I have from high school, was right after I got outted and the whole beating/hospital thing, my best friend, Scott, and a few of the other guys from the team (the ones that stood up for me and helped me deal with all of that crap) went out for a camping trip one weekend.


We each were supposed to bring food and drinks and whatnot. Well, I brought these fruit drink things that were frozen. I didn't really know they were concentrated and had to be mixed. (I was really kinda stupid about things like that) So, anyway, we ended up mixing them with vodka and getting so drunk that we all just passed out.


Another time, I was driving my dad's new car. We didn't exactly steal it per se', we just acquired it for the night without exactly getting permission. Scott had this road flare thing that he set off and was holding it outside the window as I drove. A cop saw us and turned around to come after us so I stopped in a parking lot and Scott threw the flare into the trunk and we tried to act like nothing was wrong and we were just chillin there.


As the cop was talking to us and had our id's and whatnot, he asked us about the flare and Scott was like "what flare, sir?" just then the trunk started smoking really bad cause the trink was on fire. The cop just told us to turn around and look for ourselves. SMH -___- Needless to say, we set my dad's new car on fire. He was not too happy when the cops call him to come pick me up.


Then, there was the whole getting banned from a Denny's and a salt shaker ending up being shoved down the front of my pants and me trying to pretend nothing was wrong.


So, yeah, my senior year was a blast and we all acted so stupid LMFAO. I still cannot believe that we all graduated much less started college.

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Well last week Saturday I went with my fam to do major shopping for food and other items. As we were heading back to the car we were accosted by this guy collecting charity. We didn't really have anything much left to spare and the ATM was a distance away (and it was raining to boot). So we kinda tried to gently tell the guy off. But he was real persistent and basically said in public with other people watching that we were stingy etc. and it was a shame given the season - without even knowing us or what we do. We do give to charity and I volunteer at a shelter. But anyway the guy wouldn't quit and judging my his T-shirt I saw that he was Catholic.


So I got damn mad and said I don't see why they were pestering us for money for the poor when the pope and friends live in palaces and dine of gold and silver and cloth themselves in brocade. They should ask their papal father for some handouts, that is if he can spare some money given his anti-abortion, anti-gay, anti-birth control drives and child molestation cover-ups and lawsuits. It stunned all present and we made a quick getaway. I don't know if it really ranks as stupid but I sure as HELL don't regret it.

Edited by Zachary McGinness
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As some here on GA know, there was the time my first BF and I got busy in a hot tub.  We didn't realise the neighbours could see us until after we were both finished and looking for a towel - thankfully we were both out to our parents or we really would have regretted it.


Not sure if it rates as stupid, probably more like two teens who were too young and too one-track for their own good, but neither of us regretted it for a second.

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1.) When you do not have a bed or hotel to go to when you want to do the hanky pankey, you find other places to do it in that you probably shouldn't. ;) I didn't regret it then and I don't regret it now. But it was never the brightest choice I ever made, because I was thinking not with my brain but with another very powerful piece of the male anatomy. :P


2.) At the ski mountain I work at, we have this steep, straight trail that is usually somewhat icey. On slow days where we didn't have much to do, we would take a radar gun and have somebody man it at the bottom of the trail. We would then take the chairlift to the top of the trail, and at the top we would get into a racer's tuck with all our weight forward and go straight down without turning or doing anything to slow us down. We never wore helmets, and we'd clock in on the radar gun at 60-65mph. If we wiped out going that fast on basically a sheet of ice underneath us, our brains were mush. We were all stupid and in high school, and the thrill of doing it overtook all common sense and caution. I've luckily smartened up since then and always wear a helmet when I do it now.


3.) Peeing in a bush on St. Patty's Day freshman year of college as two old ladies walked down the street. I waved hi to them and smiled. 

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Start with getting kicked out of Waffel House :S


Haha that's just a drunken experience. I don't really regret it because I go to the other Waffle House where they don't recognize me, but basically, I was very inebriated and demanded pancakes, and was told over and over that they didn't sell pancakes. Eventually I started yelling and saying things like "Waffle house sucks, IHOP wins!" until they asked me to leave and never return. 


I also changed my pants in the parking lot before at a party because I was positive that my pants were making me itchy. I don't remember that, but everyone else seems to.  


And once, and I hate to admit I was sober, me, Chris, and two friends, Dustin and Tim, were driving over to a friend's house to play COD, and Tim had to take a leak so we pulled over on a back road. While he's off doing that, Dustin pulls out some pepper spray, and being dumbass guys, we thought it would be fun to mace Tim when he gets back. So Tim starts to get in the car, and Dustin maces him right in the face! But half the mace sprayed inside the car, and we all ended up dry heaving and watery eyed for a while. 

Edited by Arpeggio
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Haha, there was also this one time, I was at a playground with some friends and they have this epic slide, about fifty feet long, and it had been raining and Chris got stuck going down, so his brother was going to slide down and unstick him, but then they both got stuck, then I went, got stuck, then Dustin, then Chance. So five guys crammed in a tube together, trying to get untangled. The whole time, Tim is at the bottom of the slide recording us and cracking gay jokes about it until Chris told him to shut it. XD It took forever to get out of that, and I never went down that slide again. :lol: 






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1. Cutting class as a junior one day I drove up to his seaside hangout I knew and ended up spending the whole day hanging out with this street guitarist I met, he played through a ton of classics and I got to sing along, and later that night, we went and hung out at Blues Fest, it was awesome and while I did end up getting busted for cutting class, i'll never regret the experience and fun of that day.


2.Some of the stupidest things I've ever done have been done while bored. In this case, it would be hitching from Virginia to New Hampshire. It was one amazing adventure after the other, and the people I met, and the stories I heard, and the places I saw have stuck with me ever since, but when I think about the danger I could have found myself in at so many points along the way, I know it was stupid, but i wouldn't change a thing about that trip.

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B) .......... Okay, I'll bite! Many years ago I was in charge of a small construction crew, revising drawings, scheduling their work.... etc.

Problem with this small company of 15 employees was the owner. He was very incompetent. While my pay wasn't bad, his paying us was! It seemed every payday we would have to rush to the bank to cash our checks, before his funds were depleted, as it happened to a few employees. After about 2 months of this rushing to the bank to be first in line, he called a meeting for everyone. 


After going through upcoming projects (only 2) he started in a pep talk about how well everything was going and stated that he couldn't see why all of us could be buying new cars at the end of the year (this was October) I could not contain myself and burst out laughing in his ashen face, hoe ludicrous,  and how stupid did he think we were? Even his son smirked a little during my laughter, I laughed so hard I had tears coming down my eyes while the room wa silent. Of course the meeting broke up and the manager came in (why he had a manager, I'll never figure out?) And told me I was fired, of course I knew that the moment I had the outburst in the meeting.


Good thing too, I was hired by the City the next month and his business failed in January. The owner came into the city one day I had the pleasure of having him as a customer when he came in for a building permit for a patio cover. He couldn't resist telling me that 'draftsman' were a dime a dozen, I told him I felt the same way about contractors!!  :lmao:

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I went to a pretty good college for my undergrad years.  In my junior year, I assessed the workload (onerous) and the effort it would require to get A's and B's in my classes.  I contrasted that with the effort it would require to get B's and C's.  So I had this basic decision to make:  Would I be an uber-student and have no life, or would I enjoy the hell out of the last two years, and get mediocre grades.  I chose the latter.  


The college years were the best years of my life.  The thought of wasting those years on incessant studying instead of enjoying them seemed idiotic then. Today, it seems even more idiotic.  I'd make the same decision all over again.  

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Having sex with my (then boyfriend, now) husband in the shower of the very public womens' bath house of a campground and then having his (my future mother-in-law) mother come into the bathroom and chit chat with me. We'd gone camping for the weekend with his parents and his sister's family. He'd bypassed the mens'  and decided to join me when we noticed the womens' was empty. That is until his mother showed up to brush her teeth. He had me pinned to the shower wall, slow grinding while wearing nothing but water and a wicked grin.I was trying to carry on a rational conversation with her and convince her she didn't need to wait and walk back with me to the camping site while not making any...sex noises. Jeez  :*)  I just made myself blush! The whole thing was hotter than hell.


She, bless her soul, passed away two years ago this month, thankfully never knowing about this episode.

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   Things I don't regret...


1. Having sex with a stranger in the bathroom stall of a library during winter finals 2006. He was tall, slender, dark-haired, blue-eyed...just cute as hell. Sure I could've gone for the true love waits route, but that was hot as hell. I was 21 and allowed to be stupid then.


2. The night that myself and a friend found a baggie of sage and decided to smoke it in a bowl. I'm not sure if we got high, but damned that was a fun night.


3. My 21st birthday. I passsed on the bathroom floor of a bar, then continued on to another for my night cap after passing out.


4. Walking around a neighborhood late at night while smoking a joint with my friend, Stoner Steve. Yeah, I wouldn't do it now, but at 23 it was a nice way to spend a night and bond with my friend.

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So I was in the drive through of a Dunkin Doughnuts (I really really needed my coffee) and the line was like 30 cars long and the place was mobbed. So i waited in line and after about 15 minutes I got to the ordering booth and I noticed that there was nobody behind me. I was the poor shmuck that had to wait the longest. Now I was a manager for a Dunks a long time ago and I know that when you drive onto the ground-plate it triggers the headsets inside and beeps in their ears and turns on the mic of the active headset.


I drive onto the plate

"Thanks for choosing dunkin doughnuts, can you please wait a moment?" she asked.

Obivously since there were still 9 cars between me and the front. In the deepest voice I could muster i replied.


"sure no problem"

I then threw the car into reverse drove off the plate and then drove back on.


"what the... thanks for choosing dunkin doughnuts, can you please hold."

this time I used a southern accent


"Sure, that ain't no problem"

I drove off the plate and then back on it again


"I don't know, I... Thanks for choosing dunkin doughnuts, can you please hold?"

this time I used the best female voice I could manage


"That's no problem sweetie, take your time."


I drove off the plate a final time and then back on

"Thanks for choosing dunkin doughnuts what can I get for you?"



to which i heard peels of laughter from over the headset.


I ordered my coffee and when I drove to the window, they gave it to me for free.



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  • Site Administrator
Just about every weekend in High School... I may have done some not so lady-like things.. :P 

Only in high school? 0:)

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Right after my ex and I broke up I went through almost a month of total intoxication every night. The best night to date, I woke up with my face next to the tub and my phone ringing. When I answered, swear to god the most shrill voice ever came on and is screeching who knows what. Finally I got her to talk slower and turns out I was missing one of my friends fairwells for his little mission thing. So I basically threw on a shirt and tie and upon glancing at the clock, realized I had to go forty miles in fifteen minutes.. Needless to say, I made it, with two minutes to spare. :D Kind of felt bad for he poor Mormon family I sat next to, you see, I forgot to brush my teeth and I"m sure I reeked of tequila. Oh the drunken stupors  used to put myself in when I was eighteen :D I have a lot...

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