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personal expression and trolling


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What does everyone feel about strong personal opinions?


How can you seperate it from trolling or baiting?


I had this thought as i read a sports blog last night. I don't know if they were really strong feelings or trolls baiting an argument. (Leaving details general so it does not happen here).


The internet has opened up ideas and expression across the spectrum, but how many are true expressions?

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What does everyone feel about strong personal opinions?


How can you seperate it from trolling or baiting?


I had this thought as i read a sports blog last night. I don't know if they were really strong feelings or trolls baiting an argument. (Leaving details general so it does not happen here).


The internet has opened up ideas and expression across the spectrum, but how many are true expressions?

Strong personal opinion should have a forum somewhere, based on its subject matter. At this site, perhaps it's best if that's confined to writing. Differentiating between strong opinion and baiting online is virtually impossible. Even if it were simple, would your reaction change if you knew the difference?


Truth on the internet. hmmm...


It's so foolishly simple to misrepresent oneself on the net, personal safety should always be a consideration. I choose to take everything at face value until I know otherwise, but I'll never put myself in a vulnerable position based on what I read online. Whether responding to personal opinion or baiting, if I find myself too emotionally invested, I choose to disengage. Most websites have user filters, if I feel the need.

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To me a troll inserts their personal thoughts/opinions into a subject with no regard to the feelings of those who disagree. Debate is, and should be, lively but it doesn't have to become offensive. Attacking a differing view because you don't agree, with offensive and/or disparaging language,  is trolling. Do unto others, you know? If I want my opinions based on whatever research/experience I have to be respected I must respect others' as well. I may think they're wrong or idiotic, or wrong and idiotic, but that's beside the point. Adults can--and should--be able to disagree without devolving into bickering children. Unfortunately, that's seldom the case.

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I tend to agree cia and rustie. Sometimes passion mmay flare, but there is a difference between goading and anger.


Things like Sports excite our senses and adds bitter rivalries in our interactions, sometimes it seems like we goad each other out of extreme animosity, not merely pleasure in an argument.

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“I am that gadfly which God has attached to the state, and all day long …arousing and persuading and reproaching…”

- Plato, Apology


I will sting you in your complacency, bite you in your weak arguments and bloody your false or disingenuous logic.


The point is not to make a jackass of yourself which is what the vast majority of internet trolls do.


The idea is to make you think. Force you to look in another direction. See the problem from another perspective.


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Personal expression usually is innocent, evaluated by the person that is posting, and based on their own opinions and factual claims. Trolling hardly ever is innocent and is geared towards baiting other people and distractions. :P 

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To find the definition of trolling, just go to the comments section of just about any YouTube video and you will see the difference.


I swear, it doesn't matter what video it is. It could one about a fairy pink princess and the comments section will have devolved into one of several things...


1.) "OMG Bush is a war criminal. Iraq! 9/11! Iraq! 9/11!"


2.) "My country is better than yours because (xyz)."


3.) "Black people are all animals and should be sent back to Africa." (this one is actually far more common than you would think). 


Commenting on a YouTube video is basically fruitless because its a troll's version of Disney World. 

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Trolling is less about debate and more about being disruptive to the topic whether it's part of the conversation or not. It's never helpful and only serves to derail the whole argument by childish taunts and screaming.


Too bad we can't impose internet "time-outs."

Edited by Mann Ramblings
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Too bad we can't impose internet "time-outs.


Gasp! I can't stand it if the internet goes out for an hour or so. It would work, I think, but would require 'Troll Police'.




I wonder what the uniforms would look like.

Edited by Ron
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I wonder what the uniforms would look like.


Perhaps I can interest Sir in our new 2014 Catalogue...


The "Leatherman" collection




or, my personal favourite, "The Enforcer"



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Trolling is less about debate and more about being disruptive to the topic whether it's part of the conversation or not. It's never helpful and only serves to derail the whole argument by childish taunts and screaming.


Too bad we can't impose internet "time-outs."


Only works for kids with overactive parents :(


I think most trolls are not teenagers

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i don't get trolling. what's the point of winding someone up to the point of tears and/or vitriol? Especially if your not there to see it? Where lies the entertainment value in making someone else angry/miserable/rageful?

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To find the definition of trolling, just go to the comments section of just about any YouTube video and you will see the difference.


I swear, it doesn't matter what video it is. It could one about a fairy pink princess and the comments section will have devolved into one of several things...


1.) "OMG Bush is a war criminal. Iraq! 9/11! Iraq! 9/11!"


2.) "My country is better than yours because (xyz)."


3.) "Black people are all animals and should be sent back to Africa." (this one is actually far more common than you would think). 


Commenting on a YouTube video is basically fruitless because its a troll's version of Disney World. 

They also do it on random articles about celebrities, whether it be movie stars, politicians, etc.  Gays are also a favorite target.  Gay articles get ten times the comments.  It's ridiculous what people will write.  Not even worth responding.

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i don't get trolling. what's the point of winding someone up to the point of tears and/or vitriol? Especially if your not there to see it? Where lies the entertainment value in making someone else angry/miserable/rageful?

To make themselves feel superior, of course. It's not about the impact they make in an hour: it's about making themselves feel better about their pitiable lives in that moment.


That's what it's like when you're thirteen and just got past those parental controls, I guess.

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To make themselves feel superior, of course. It's not about the impact they make in an hour: it's about making themselves feel better about their pitiable lives in that moment.


That's what it's like when you're thirteen and just got past those parental controls, I guess.


Gosh I worry about the human race sometimes. You're right of course. Moments like this, I'd actually be quite happy for the power to run out and for us all to have to go back to basics. kind of shows you what's really important after all. Plus most people with no actual 'useful' skills, which i reckon most trolls probably fall into, wouldn't survive long.

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Gosh I worry about the human race sometimes. You're right of course. Moments like this, I'd actually be quite happy for the power to run out and for us all to have to go back to basics. kind of shows you what's really important after all. Plus most people with no actual 'useful' skills, which i reckon most trolls probably fall into, wouldn't survive long.


Unfortunately, neither would I. It's -4 outside, and burning down the flat seems like a poor alternative to central heating... :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

I also think part of being a non-troll is being open to other people knowing things you don't. People get overly focused on proving that their view is correct, rather than honestly incorporating new information into their views, or acknowledging uncertainty where it exists.

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I also think part of being a non-troll is being open to other people knowing things you don't. People get overly focused on proving that their view is correct, rather than honestly incorporating new information into their views, or acknowledging uncertainty where it exists.

Thing is, I don't think trolls are interested in proving that their view is correct. That's not their motivation. Their main intent seems to be that of insulting and offending people that they view as differing from them or their opinions.

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Thing is, I don't think trolls are interested in proving that their view is correct. That's not their motivation. Their main intent seems to be that of insulting and offending people that they view as differing from them or their opinions.


Nothing against you Lathe, but I tend to agree with Adam's point about trolls.


Being arrogant is not the tell-tale sign of trolling, (I should know I've been a stubborn and prideful guy :P ).


The acts of insult and offense would not only deflect a discussion from its points, but incite strong emotional responses in kind.

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