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2024 Anthology Entries Due Tue October 1 ×

Happy 15th Nick


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Happy 15th Birthday Nicky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In hono(u)r of your birthday, I'll be an LGAITEr for the day (Sorry Luke :( ) !!!!


Hope you and sparky have a great celebration!!!




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no seriously though, only 3 more years till you can gamble and smoke

As someone who looked forward to the gambling part more than the drinking part, isn't it 21 to gamble nationally?? I know it is in Louisiana.


Wow!!! Thanks Everyone. :hug: I love all of you and I'm so happy to have found this place.

btw: I'm writing this on my birthday present, my new PC :)

Woo HOO! :2thumbs: Thats so awesome Nick, congrats :D

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As someone who looked forward to the gambling part more than the drinking part, isn't it 21 to gamble nationally?? I know it is in Louisiana.



i'm not sure--it must vary by state--in wisconsin and minnesota you can gamble at 18. *however, in minnesota you can enter a casino alone at 18, but must have your hand stamped so they know not to serve you any liquor. in wisconsin, you can enter a casino only accompanied by an adult, and they stamp your hand too. i'm not sure of any other states, since i was 21 before i even went to other states. also it was 10 years ago i even knew about all of this, it may have been changed by now for all i know.



BTW-nice birthday gift nick!! hope you had a good day :D

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