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I am sure JJS can fly a commercial flight. All it will take is he buys all the tickets for the entire plane. He's got an Amex Platnium like everyone else in the family so it's not an issue.

Not good enough. Going through Security is such a bother.

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Not good enough. Going through Security is such a bother.

You know, when his life comes crashing down to realityland, I wonder if it's going to be hard drugs that he goes to make him feel better or will it be cases of $1,000 bottles of liquor?


It should of been JJ that died in 9/11 and not Robbie/Hank/Jeanine.


I hope Lord Alex squashes JJ like a bug.


And where is that crowbar to the knees when you need it?

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I think we all know that JJ and his general snobbiness is going to take it real hard when he realizes that he's the product of a crackwhore who fucked her uncle(my god I can see his rival Johnny Weir being absolutely brutal about that), so eh, in the meantime, his airs are pretty funny to watch because we know at some point he's crashing hard into reality. If it's not about that, it'll be in 2006 when he's NOT on the cover of a Wheaties box because he didn't get the damn Olympic Gold.

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You know, when his life comes crashing down to realityland, I wonder if it's going to be hard drugs that he goes to make him feel better or will it be cases of $1,000 bottles of liquor?


It should of been JJ that died in 9/11 and not Robbie/Hank/Jeanine.


I hope Lord Alex squashes JJ like a bug.


And where is that crowbar to the knees when you need it?


Yeah, that was Sharon's version of 9.11.  :P


I think we all know that JJ and his general snobbiness is going to take it real hard when he realizes that he's the product of a crackwhore who fucked her uncle(my god I can see his rival Johnny Weir being absolutely brutal about that), so eh, in the meantime, his airs are pretty funny to watch because we know at some point he's crashing hard into reality. If it's not about that, it'll be in 2006 when he's NOT on the cover of a Wheaties box because he didn't get the damn Olympic Gold.


How is anyone really going to find out about that?  And if they do, how will they know he's the son of a crack whore?  This family is powerful enough (especially in Claremont) to have those stories swept under the table, or at least one would hope.  :P

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I wonder if Wade realized that one thing making Elizabeth happy was the ever so slight implication that he could be a little evil too? That's bound to cheer her for days.



Elizabeth is a fairly blunt instrument - I thought Wade was better than that, that he was more of a thinker. A subtle hint to airport security would have been a more appropriate punishment - Hammer would have missed the games, known that Wade fixed him up but nothing permanent or dangerous.


This is the first "transaction" between Wade and Elizabeth - she will do a "good job" so that Wade owes her for next time.

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Elizabeth is a fairly blunt instrument - I thought Wade was better than that, that he was more of a thinker. A subtle hint to airport security would have been a more appropriate punishment - Hammer would have missed the games, known that Wade fixed him up but nothing permanent or dangerous.


This is the first "transaction" between Wade and Elizabeth - she will do a "good job" so that Wade owes her for next time.

I think you are right that Wade is better than Elizabeth. He has warned Hammer at least twice...and told him to look him up online so he would know what he was messing with. Hammer is a sleazeball, and a stupid one at that. He is threatening something Wade holds most dear, something that was hard fought for... his partner and his kid's other father. Subtlety didn't work so Wade took the next step. I don't think it will be anything too horrible...just something very clever that will get the message across. It appears a fairly blunt instrument is necessary to achieve the desired effect....Cheers...Gary

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I don't think it will be anything too horrible...just something very clever that will get the message across. It appears a fairly blunt instrument is necessary to achieve the desired effect....Cheers...Gary


I think my definition of "too horrible" and Elizabeth Danfield's version will be very different

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I think my definition of "too horrible" and Elizabeth Danfield's version will be very different

LOL You could be right. My guess though, with Wade saying....nothing fatal...just some unlucky events...and knowing that her son is not extreme by nature(unlike herself)...will likely make her show SOME restraint...but I wouldn't be surprised at a broken bone or two...which is no more than what could have happened to Wade on the ice when Hammer was trying to hunt him down. Hockey injuries can be a Bitch...much like Mommie Dearest...Cheers...G

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How is anyone really going to find out about that?  And if they do, how will they know he's the son of a crack whore?  This family is powerful enough (especially in Claremont) to have those stories swept under the table, or at least one would hope.  :P


1. Bitty was not an isolated person and Claremont is a small town and people talk...


2. Under normal circumstances, they'd be able to sweep things under the rug, but JJ is not an ordinary family member as he's making his way towards becoming a well-known public figure...not yet, but he's on his way towards becoming famous...if JJ gets famous enough to be a target, it's not going to take that much digging to find out, especially if someone figures out what rehabs Bitty attended through the 1980's and the early 1990's.


3. He's becoming famous in a sport that is desperately trying to seem clean and friendly after the 1994 scandal, and the 2002 Olympic pairs judging scandal, and therefore tabloids would love it if they had some interesting "dirt" on a leading skater, especially if it's one that seems as stuck-up as JJ. We're also entering the era of the SmokingGun.com and TMZ is just a few years away...


4. He's becoming famous as the beginning of cell phone cameras and videos are making their way up...wasn't it you who told me once that high-profile kids you know have to be a lot more careful about the stuff they say and do because of this? Which would also suggest that it's not quite so easy to keep things swept under the rug even if the family is rich and powerful. See: Ashley Biden's cocaine scandal- it fizzled, but it still got out because this is the era when it's really, really easy to film people now.


5. Finally, this is a soap, JJ has a juicy paternity backstory, and paternity secrets tend to explode in soaps. I mean, I kind of figured that's the reason why you gave JJ that kind of a paternity background in the first place- for the drama that will happen when he's old enough to deal with it.


  I think the only paternity secret that has managed to stay buried is Jim Crampton's child that he had when he was a teenager, and who would be a couple of years older than Stefan.

Edited by methodwriter85
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JJ demands and expects a private jet no matter where he goes.  I can just see his bulging eyes and his total temper tantrum when someone suggests he should fly on a (gasp) airline!  All of these guys have their idiosyncrasies, but JJ has been consistently adamant that he wants the easiest, most painless, and most luxurious modes of transportation. 


Since JJ is on the East Coast now, the family probably isn't going to fly a jet to him to fly back to the West Coast or someplace else. Even private pilot's have limitations on how many hours they can practically fly.


The family, Stef or Brad, probably would buy JJ a NetJets membership.



Ah, now I get it. Your comment on my review was related to Alex having to go on a commercial flight (and of course he doesn't have money, which is why he's staying with Wade and Co.) This makes sense. I should have noted that JJ left on the 22nd but Wade, Matt and Alex went to Goodwell on the 25th.

And I'm glad to know that my instinct about JJ expecting to be flown private jet style was spot on :lol:


Where do you people get that Alex is poor? He is staying with Wade and Matt because Wade extended the offer, otherwise Alex would have found an apartment.


Alex's grandfather has a townhouse in Grosvenor with staff, estates in Suffolk and Derbyshire with staff, stables and an extensive art collection, which is one reason he is studying art history at Harvard.


His Grace, The Duke of Suffolk, let JP pay for the restoration and preservation of the Bridgemont letters because he has better things to do with his cash, not because he doesn't have any.

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I think we all know that JJ and his general snobbiness is going to take it real hard when he realizes that he's the product of a crackwhore who fucked her uncle


Genetically, he may be so, but mentally and spiritually, he comes from a very different background and this is what counts here, I think. I can see JJ dismiss his biological parents as completely irrelevant, and rightly so.

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Genetically, he may be so, but mentally and spiritually, he comes from a very different background and this is what counts here, I think. I can see JJ dismiss his biological parents as completely irrelevant, and rightly so.


*shrugs* However that reveal plays out (and I'm guessing we won't even get to that until JJ's 20 and it's the 2006 Olympic season), my general feel is that JJ's snobbiness and airs are setting him up for some kind of humbling experience. If not there, some other place. It would be pointless to follow JJ as a narrator if he stayed that stuck-up, dismissive teenager forever- I'm looking forward to his character growth, and I wonder what will spark it.

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Bored so I am writing this post -->


Non-deadly things to do to Hammer:


Simple Identity Theft. Cancel his passport and report it stolen when he arrives in Australia.

Do the same with his credit cards.


Open 1,000 NEW credit cards under his name. That will mess up his credit rating and it will take a while to clean that up.


Construction worker? Grunt worker or Licensed Contractor? Have the state find issues with his licenses and have them suspended.

Same with his drivers license.

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The Vegemite smuggling wouldn't work because Hammer needs to be stopped before going to Sydney otherwise he will be in Matt's room day and night.


A simple phone call to say that the well known terrorist "Hammer of Vengeance" was boarding a plane would be enough trouble for him.


While it's fine for the Princess to call his mother and get a problem fixed, I'm not sure how well Matt will take this interference with the team.

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This may sound bad and could be blamed partly on my mood but I wouldn't mind if he got a broken arm or something from a couple of burly guys packing heat...and got a warning to like disappear to Alaska or something....maybe even another country....

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After JJ's tantrum at not getting Alex on the phone after a few hours (not to mention not knowing about Alex's recent indiscretion). God help Alex if he really does something serious to piss JJ off.


Like sleeping with Mary-Ellen? The sparks will definitely fly...


There is no way that will be kept a secret - Alex better be the one to tell him and have some excellent grovelling prepared. But you are right - Alex will need divine intervention to survive.

Edited by Bucket1
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You know...I think Alex has maybe given an indication that he is in uncharted waters with JJ. It is possible that they both need to learn the ins and outs of relationships. Personally, I don't like what Alex did...it wasn't cool to forget about JJ when JJ had so much on the line...and the fact that screwing Mary Ellen helped him forget makes it even worse. If he had remembered to call JJ, then they could have had the talk about what the boundaries of their relationship were after the competition and it may have gone well. Now, because of the combination of the forgetting (which creates the initial problem) and the hook up with M-E, the chances of that conversation going well, looks rather bleak. I could see that Alex was feeling remorseful but I don't know what the motivation for that remorse is. I would hope it is because he really cares for JJ but in reality it could be for any number of reasons...some may not be that good. I was starting to almost like Alex...and was even thinking he may be the one that needed protection from JJ :huh: . Now I question if and how he can redeem himself. Maybe he will want Mary Ellen to be part of his life now since she would be "suitable", in which case I wonder if we will see exactly how volatile and vindictive JJ can get. I will feel really bad if, the first time JJ trusts someone after his abuse, he gets burned. Spoiled diva or not...this kid has been through a lot. Hopefully, Alex will fly in for the long program and grovel, grovel, grovel. Just saying...Gary

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