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2024 Anthology Entries Due Tue October 1 ×

Tips On Reviewing


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First let me say this is really helpful, and I look forward to seeing what people add to this thread.


But I must add that what you called


'the awefully cliched " I really enjoyed your story"'


I actually would rather see this as a review to a chapter/story than get no comments at all. At least I know people liked and enjoyed what I wrote.

Yeah, I guess monotonous would be more suitable there.

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Great topic. Would it be too forward to ask for ideas regarding responding to reviews on this topic, or should I start my own? I was just thinking about doing one of those last night. :P I often don't know what to say in response to reviews, and I feel like my responses sometimes come off as monotonous.

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Great topic. Would it be too forward to ask for ideas regarding responding to reviews on this topic, or should I start my own? I was just thinking about doing one of those last night. :P I often don't know what to say in response to reviews, and I feel like my responses sometimes come off as monotonous.

Well, this thread should help with your reviewing skills Cynus. Let's see who else has something ro add then we go from there. :)

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As a response I usually:

  • address questions directly
  • validate a reviewer's ideas
  • hint at a coming point in the plot that might hold their interest for the next chapter (the hook)
  • Always, always thank the reviewer for their comment whether it is praise, criticism, or a request for clarification.


Great topic. Would it be too forward to ask for ideas regarding responding to reviews on this topic, or should I start my own? I was just thinking about doing one of those last night. :P I often don't know what to say in response to reviews, and I feel like my responses sometimes come off as monotonous.

Edited by MrM
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  • Site Administrator

This is a great topic :)


One word of caution: some authors don't like public criticisms. If you're going to point out a weakness, be careful. It's probably better to do it as a PM or email, rather than as a public review. If you know the author doesn't mind (a lot don't, including myself), then post away, but some authors are very sensitive to criticism and that should be taken into account.


When I respond to reviews, I quite often don't address a lot of the points raised. That's because I don't like giving out spoilers or hints as to what's going to happen. I slip up from time to time, but as a general rule, I'll comment on background or points from previous chapters that may have been overlooked, but I try to avoid talking about futures except as generic speculation.

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Here are some additional suggestions I found on the net:

  • Review the story you read -- not the story you wish the author had written.
  • If this is the best story you have ever read, say so -- and why. If it's merely another nice story, say so.
  • Words of encouragement are golden, especially to a new writer so try at best to include some positivity in a case where the story isn't "your cup of tea".  :2thumbs:

Here's a good site I found, also: http://www.movellas.com/blog/show/201504261836013336/sanguines-tips-on-giving-reviews


That's all I have for now.  :thankyou:

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writing a review is sort of like being an author in a way

you can delve into the psyche of the characters

you can speculate about future arcs of the story

you really have all this creative potential in front of you. :D


similarly, when responding to reviews

I try to get into the head of the reviewer

assuage their concerns or heighten them

hint at what might be approaching re their comments

always appearing grateful ...because I am!!   :kiss:


I enjoy this topic because I'm learning so much!

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I still have the pointers of Golden Rules of Leadership hanging on my bedroom wall.  Praise in public, criticize in private is a big pointer (to me anyways).  We want to encourage people keep up the good work, but also promote people to grow a little bit.  I don't like stay status quo.  I like pushing myself, and if people help me doing that, I'll be gracious.  But some people can be touchy on criticism.  Constructive is always good, but giving criticism (which review sort of is) can be done in tactful ways, even if you're basically telling them some parts have rooms for potential.  As long as you remember you really love the story you are reviewing, perhaps the words will come out in a loving way.  Take your time to write a review is a great way to appreciate your favorite authors!  :)

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Good points everyone,


I only started doing extra-long reviews recently and mostly for non-GA stories and movies, but I really hope more people do reviews and I am open to doing extra-long reviews for authors that have interesting stories right here.


As for criticism, I leave that to my green friend (no, not Zombie! :P )



Edited by W_L
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As a reader and reviewer I'm always happy when an author responds to my comments. Sometimes "thank you" is enough and sometimes it's nice to have more than one sentence. It's a two-way street, if I leave a very short comment, an author won't leave a long respond. And I must confess that I stop leaving reviews if I notice that an author never responds to them. And I always check if there's a respond because I want to know what an author has said.

There are several authors that I stopped reviewing because they do not respond to reviews. In some cases I stopped reading their stories altogether. The only one I excuse from this is Comicality. I know that he reads and appreciates reviews.

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This is such an interesting topic! :P


I review every single chapter I read in a story. The only exception would be if I read a few chapters on my phone, I would just mention the past chapters in my current review of the latest posting. I do like reading the author's response to my reviews, but it doesn't bother me that much if an author doesn't respond. And, as dr said, that would never stop me from reviewing Comsie's stories!! :D


I always read what the other reviewers before me wrote (which is everyone nowadays, because I am always so late in reading the updates!), and I always say, "I agree with so and so about...". Sometimes I like to be one step ahead and try to figure out what's going to happen next. There were actually a few authors on another site who took my guesses and wrote them into the story. :P


If I find a chapter funny, I'll write down (or copy and paste) the funny parts and include them in my review. I used to do that for Chris when he was on here writing his Rossford series because I found parts of the story absolutely hilarious.


I never hesitate to tell the author I needed to go out and buy more Kleenex, because it's nice for the author to know he or she moved the readers so much that they cried reading their chapter.


Then, of course, there are other times when it's so late at night, and I'm so tired, but I just have to get the review done so I can shut down the computer. lol That's when my reviews are short and to the point.


Back in the day, I used to write really long reviews and try to psychoanalyze the characters to figure out why they're doing what they're doing. But now I don't have time for that. :(


To tell you the truth, a lot of my reviews just say, "I ditto Gary" or "I ditto CG" because we read a lot of the same stories, and they always read the latest chapters way before me (see Skinny, it's not just your story I'm way behind on!! :D). I can never write anything different than what they had written because I always agree with everything they have to say! :lol:


So I guess I'll be doing that with all the anthos too! :D

Glad that you found the topic interesting, Lisa. Thanks for your addition! :)

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To tell you the truth, a lot of my reviews just say, "I ditto Gary" or "I ditto CG" because we read a lot of the same stories, and they always read the latest chapters way before me (see Skinny, it's not just your story I'm way behind on!! :D). I can never write anything different than what they had written because I always agree with everything they have to say!  :lol:


Is this a hint that I'm behind with my reviewing, Lisa? :( (JK :hug: )


Anyway, I love getting reviews and replying to them. I also enjoy writing reviews, but I have to admit that if the author never responds to any of them, I give up commenting.


I always read the reviews left before me, and I sometimes remark on them. I'll often try to focus on aspects which haven't been covered yet, or I comment on those parts of the story which touched me or thrilled me.


Once I get to know the author, and I know he or she doesn't mind, I'll occasionally do some ranting or teasing, but often it's even better to do this in a story discussion forum, since you can then interact with other readers as well as the author.

Edited by Timothy M.
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I would like to say that if you want to emulate a good reviewer, then Lisa is my choice. I enjoy reading her reviews almost as much as the story itself!


I agree. Lisa and Gary (Headstall) are my favorite role models, but there is a whole gang of brilliant reviewers out there. You can learn a lot about reviewing by reading their comments.

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I would like to say that if you want to emulate a good reviewer, then Lisa is my choice. I enjoy reading her reviews almost as much as the story itself!

Now I have a cramp in my pinky.

Omg, Coastguard!!!! I'm so flattered! lol Jeez, I really better get my s**t together, and write better/longer reviews.


Thank you so much!!!!  :)  :)  :)    :*)


And what a great compliment to come on my five year GAversary!!   :off:  Sorry!!!



I agree. Lisa and Gary (Headstall) are my favorite role models, but there is a whole gang of brilliant reviewers out there. You can learn a lot about reviewing by reading their comments.

Tim! Thank you also!! And I'm sure you've been reviewing way more than I have. But of course we have great excuses -- we've been very busy b/c one author on here keeps us on our toes with his updates!  :D


But yes, there are tons of great reviewers out there, including you. :)

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Now I have a cramp in my pinky.

Also, thank you, Coastguard for writing all that on your tablet. I know what a pain in the neck it is to write on anything other than a computer keyboard! At least for me. Of course it would be easier if I could only get the two-thumbs-texting part down...    : :*)

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Thanks for the topic and, like the reviews, it has helped me understand the subject more. Here at GA the interaction between writers and reviewers is more interactive than most sites. I really enjoy that. I have also speculated that this symbiosis may have been a factor in authors becoming so prolific that they overdose and disappear.  But it is total speculation.  I know I comment more here than other sites because it the feedback.  


That being said I , too am reading on a tablet or phone now and my reviews have become much more cursory or generic. Sorry but even this much is really hard to get off on this damn device.

Pax. Ste

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