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Hello! Just joined today, I have browsed literotica and nifty for a few years, don't know why I didn't stumble across this site sooner, but I am so glad I finally did! I'd like to thank robcub32 for leading me here from his tumblr account.


I'm not an author nor am I inspiring to be one, I am perfectly content reading all the fabulous stories posted here Posted Image


Welcome! If you have any questions just ask. If I don't have the answer I'll find it. There are a lot of great people here and great stories.
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Hello! Just joined today, I have browsed literotica and nifty for a few years, don't know why I didn't stumble across this site sooner, but I am so glad I finally did! I'd like to thank robcub32 for leading me here from his tumblr account.


I'm not an author nor am I inspiring to be one, I am perfectly content reading all the fabulous stories posted here Posted Image


Welcome and enjoy, there are indeed many wonderful authors on here, Bill W being one of them. Glad you made.



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  • Site Administrator

Oh we love readers! Obviously having authors on the site is important, but without readers, what would the point of writing be? I'm glad you found the site. Welcome andreanugget!

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Hello! Just joined today, I have browsed literotica and nifty for a few years, don't know why I didn't stumble across this site sooner, but I am so glad I finally did! I'd like to thank robcub32 for leading me here from his tumblr account.


I'm not an author nor am I inspiring to be one, I am perfectly content reading all the fabulous stories posted here Posted Image


Always glad to find someone new to the site. Trust me having people who enjoy to read and comment is just as important. Hope you find plenty of stories to keep you reading and enjoying.



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Thank you all for the warm welcome Posted Image


I will continue reading stories, I excel at that (if my overflowing home library is anything to go by).


Excellent. We have a library of around 5 thousand books as well. Mostly Scifi and Romance. (My wife says I write better sex than her romance novels. lol) I have one Sci-fi Otherworld novel in print. It's also available for free to anyone in GA just for the asking. It is hetero and targets the young teen reader. "Tears of The Dragon Boy" If that is a preference of yours then follow the link for a preview and anyone on ga can PM me for a free digital download link.


What do you prefer to read if that is not too forward. I am sure that the other members will be happy to steer you to some great writers who write the age and type of stories that you like to read. I personally write young love that gives young teens hope. Something that needs more writers. Hope helps keep them sane until they get used to all those new hormones. I'm sorta a one man crusade to prevent young teen suicide. I think know that what I've written has saved a few lives and has helped some to come out to their support network. I have a warped sense of humor sometimes that manages to come out in the dialog. But I am not nearly as skilled as many other writers here like Mark Arbour. His HMS series weaves gay fiction into the British Navy of the late 1700's. He puts you there on deck with George Granger as he goes through life. He also has what I refer to as a wealthy gay soap opera that is more addictive than crack.


I could spend a great deal of time and space listing the others as well. Cia, Dom, nightowl, Comicality and many more.


Welcome and be prepared to suffer a most pleasant addiction.




There are many others so just tell us what you like to read and I am sure the suggestions will flow.

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Hi, I am new to this web site. I have looked around and I like what I have seen so far. I got here through

Comicality's site. I still marvel at the number of stories that guy puts out. It's amazing!


Anyway, I think I would like to improve my writing of stories. I have written a few but most of them have

been on the raunchy side. I do have an small idea for a short story that involves gay romance between

gay teens. I hope its not too close to what someone else has written.


Does anyone review stories? Maybe someone who could give me some good advice after reading something

I have written?

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Hi, I am new to this web site. I have looked around and I like what I have seen so far. I got here through

Comicality's site. I still marvel at the number of stories that guy puts out. It's amazing!


Anyway, I think I would like to improve my writing of stories. I have written a few but most of them have

been on the raunchy side. I do have an small idea for a short story that involves gay romance between

gay teens. I hope its not too close to what someone else has written.


Does anyone review stories? Maybe someone who could give me some good advice after reading something

I have written?


Welcome Zippo One,

I think you'll find a lot of great people here. I also write young love and if you mean over the top sex, ya, they have that as well. But there is a vast difference between a jerk sheet and a love story. I'll be happy to read and comment for you. The site won't ket you use the private messaging system until you have five active posts though. It shows you currently have two. Make three more posts and you should have the ability to send a private message and I'll send you my email and you can send me your stories.


Comicality is a fantastic writer. I had to stop reading anything he wrote because I was getting frustrated waiting for a year plus for a next chapter. So now I just wait until they are finished. But he is completely addictive. It helped me to discover this though because now I will not have more than two going at once. Lesson learned. I still have one open which I hope to get back on shortly. But for me, life just got in the way as it sometimes does.


Again, be welcome and if I can answer any questions then by al means just ask.



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Hi Zippo One, welcome to GA! Now, as for posting, it's a bit different on GA specifically than Comsie's site and areas for his fans to post stories. I'm not exactly sure of his rules over there, since I'm not a fan of the younger age stories, but we do have a rule against stories that are what we call 'plot, what plot?'. Basically that means that you can't just have a story solely about sex between two guys, there has to be something beyond the sex to make it a story and not a stroke piece. Ricky should be able to give you some great advice on that with your stories.


When you get all your posts made, and if you decide to try submitting to GA Stories, please read this FAQ topic. The New Author Help will guide you on how to post and hasguidelines about things like how often to post and how to fix the most common formatting errors. The link can also be found at the end of the greeting on the main GA Stories page and through the 'Site Help' tab.


Again, welcome to GA!

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Excellent. We have a library of around 5 thousand books as well. Mostly Scifi and Romance. (My wife says I write better sex than her romance novels. lol) I have one Sci-fi Otherworld novel in print. It's also available for free to anyone in GA just for the asking. It is hetero and targets the young teen reader. "Tears of The Dragon Boy" If that is a preference of yours then follow the link for a preview and anyone on ga can PM me for a free digital download link.


What do you prefer to read if that is not too forward. I am sure that the other members will be happy to steer you to some great writers who write the age and type of stories that you like to read. I personally write young love that gives young teens hope. Something that needs more writers. Hope helps keep them sane until they get used to all those new hormones. I'm sorta a one man crusade to prevent young teen suicide. I think know that what I've written has saved a few lives and has helped some to come out to their support network. I have a warped sense of humor sometimes that manages to come out in the dialog. But I am not nearly as skilled as many other writers here like Mark Arbour. His HMS series weaves gay fiction into the British Navy of the late 1700's. He puts you there on deck with George Granger as he goes through life. He also has what I refer to as a wealthy gay soap opera that is more addictive than crack.


I could spend a great deal of time and space listing the others as well. Cia, Dom, nightowl, Comicality and many more.


Welcome and be prepared to suffer a most pleasant addiction.




There are many others so just tell us what you like to read and I am sure the suggestions will flow.


Hmm. Age and type of stories. I don't really care for teen stories, 20+ is usually what I like to read. I also have a horrible addiction to cowboy stories Posted Image


Welcome Andrea, I have been here about seven months, and a reader also. Great writers, and great folks here, and lots of stuff to entertain you and enjoy.


Thanks for the welcome :)

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Ricky and Cia ... That is very nice of you to answer my post. I would appreciate some help.


Yes, the PWP thing would apply to the few stories I have written, although, one of my stories does have a plot (I think). It is a "rag" story. The initial plot revolves around a boy teaching how to do certain sexual acts and techniques to another person Other parts of the story develops characters changing from one point of view to another. Specifically, a teen boy's view of just having sex to one of accepting that he is gay and becomes more interested in a romance more that sexual conquests. But the story is extremely raunchy and I realize that it would probably be dismissed because of that.


I now understand your problem with the Comicality stories. I just read one "New kid in School". I got involved with the characters wanting to see how the story progresses only to see that this story has been written for years and years (didn't he start it in 2002?). Sometimes a new chapter wasn't released for close to a year. So now, I can read the spin off stories he has written to "New Kid in School" but I just have to give "New kid in School" up because it doesn't look like it will have an ending any time soon.


One of the things I would like to develop in my writing is to be able to describe a character so well with the written word so that a reader would have a very good mental picture of what that character looked like.

This would also include descriptions of facal expressions and physical action.

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Ricky and Cia ... That is very nice of you to answer my post. I would appreciate some help.


Yes, the PWP thing would apply to the few stories I have written, although, one of my stories does have a plot (I think). It is a "rag" story. The initial plot revolves around a boy teaching how to do certain sexual acts and techniques to another person Other parts of the story develops characters changing from one point of view to another. Specifically, a teen boy's view of just having sex to one of accepting that he is gay and becomes more interested in a romance more that sexual conquests. But the story is extremely raunchy and I realize that it would probably be dismissed because of that.


I now understand your problem with the Comicality stories. I just read one "New kid in School". I got involved with the characters wanting to see how the story progresses only to see that this story has been written for years and years (didn't he start it in 2002?). Sometimes a new chapter wasn't released for close to a year. So now, I can read the spin off stories he has written to "New Kid in School" but I just have to give "New kid in School" up because it doesn't look like it will have an ending any time soon.


One of the things I would like to develop in my writing is to be able to describe a character so well with the written word so that a reader would have a very good mental picture of what that character looked like.

This would also include descriptions of facal expressions and physical action.


There's a lot that the site finds acceptable and unacceptable and I can help you figure out what would be acceptable for this site as I've walked the line a time or two. So I have sent you a PM as this is not the right venue for this topic. I look forward to a good chat and helping you find the right balance.


No worries, we have a lot of goodhearted folks here who will help if we have more questions than answers.

In the meantime, be welcome. ;)

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Zippo One: Click on the GA Stories blog, then click on the word Archive just above the actual blog list you'll get. That gives you a really neat listing of all the blog articles in an easy to read format. Look for the Tip days that have to do with characters and settings. There are quite a few in there, like KC Grim's recent on about building believable characters and one back in April by CassieQ about figuring out your character is before you write the story and how to share that with readers. The Writer's and Editor's Corners also have a lot of great articles on writing.


Andreanugget: Check out the search options in GA Stories, along with the tags. If you click on 'Title' in the browse options on the left side, you can search by genre (we have a few stories in the Western genre) and then by length, status, tags, ect... to refine your search specifically. You can also simply use the options in the browse area to go straight to searching by tags.

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See, I knew someone would bring forth suggestions no matter what your favorite is.

There is a bit here for everybody.

I read one that was really good. Not sure if its here or not. I don't remember the author right off, I'll have to look it up. I think it was called "Liam"

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Hi everybody! I'm Elena from Italy and I'm here thanks to my friend Marzipan :) A pity I don't have all the time I wish so I won't be around much but I'm a professional bookworm Posted Image I love reading good stories and dropping a comment on the emotions they give me. On this quiet Sunday afternoon, let's start reading Posted Image

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Welcome Elena! I'm glad Maria got you to join the site. If you're looking to read, you came to the right place, LOL!

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Hi everybody! I'm Elena from Italy and I'm here thanks to my friend Marzipan Posted Image A pity I don't have all the time I wish so I won't be around much but I'm a professional bookworm Posted Image I love reading good stories and dropping a comment on the emotions they give me. On this quiet Sunday afternoon, let's start reading Posted Image


Welcome Elena. We love a good bookworm here. Welcome to the site. :)

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