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Hey :) I'm Daniel, joined a few days ago and am not really sure what to say here lol. I'm from Australia but live in London and if anyone has any recommendations for a good story hit me up! Love stories set in high school and uni which have a happy ending (emphasis on the ending lol have been scared forever by a certain story which I became addicted to then never ended! Nucking futs!)

Sure it will be great getting to know you all! :D

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Hey Posted Image I'm Daniel, joined a few days ago and am not really sure what to say here lol. I'm from Australia but live in London and if anyone has any recommendations for a good story hit me up! Love stories set in high school and uni which have a happy ending (emphasis on the ending lol have been scared forever by a certain story which I became addicted to then never ended! Nucking futs!)

Sure it will be great getting to know you all! Posted Image


Welcome Daniel. Lots to read here. Mine are young love with happy endings save one, "The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of" which has loss in it. The rest are comical and provide hope. At least that was my intention.

Comicality has tons that are outstanding however, look to see if they are completed because he is so prolific that it is often quite a wait for your next chapter. But his writing is fantastic.


You'll need to have a total of five active posts before the site is fully open to you. As soon as you do it will open the messaging system to you and I'll see if I can put a list together tailored to what you requested. Others will have suggestions here as well.


Be welcome!


You can find a person's stories by going to their profile and click on the link on the left side. I confess that I have not mastered control of the sites search capabilities. "For ME" they are quite cumbersome. So I use work arounds. I am profoundly dyslexic though so it is probably just me.


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Welcome Daniel. Always glad to see someone who loves to read join the site. There are a large number of younger and college age stories here. Just click to look to see if the story is complete before you begin if that is your preferred way of reading. Enjoy and I'm sure you will find plenty to keep you busy.

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New to this BBS/Forum/Whatever-the-kids-are-calling-it-this-week - been writing and editing small press and semi-pro since the late 1970s through to around 2000, took a break, found my other half (fell in love to the point of Civil Partnership in 2006, after having been together for six years prior to that) and now getting back to writing and editing again. Half a dozen* sales to XCite, before that 56 sales to ADC up in Manchester before they finally closed. Two novels finished and going through the rejection process (getting comments back such as 'consider this not to be an easy sell in the UK commercial market.') which is pushing more to consider going back into the publishing side and doing ebooks, etc.


Prefer my fiction to be longer, and less pornographic (erotic, yes, if you take the reader along wtih the fantasy - graphic sex for the sake of it is, IMHO, just porn) and have had more than my fill of the Twilight generation of storylines. Give me a good story, with a logical ending (happy or sad, it doesn't matter) and I'm more than happy.


Looking to discuss writing, styles and ebook design, as well as maybe posting some of the less commercial fiction up in the relevant sections - and also see if I can find some people who have good graphic design ideas as well.


Website (says he, gambling that the moddies won't yellow card me for posting a link) is at www.murderous-ink.co.uk - I keep it updated as best I can, now that Marcus has been having problems with jobs and the recession.


So here's to what I hope will be a fun time,


Best to all!


John C aka Xtro

(and no, the picture's not been photoshopped! Posted Image )


*That's half of twelve, for any metric-only people reading this - writing under my own name, also as Jerry Wilson, and Jason Haywood

Edited by Xtro
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New to this BBS/Forum/Whatever-the-kids-are-calling-it-this-week - been writing and editing small press and semi-pro since the late 1970s through to around 2000, took a break, found my other half (fell in love to the point of Civil Partnership in 2006, after having been together for six years prior to that) and now getting back to writing and editing again. Half a dozen* sales to XCite, before that 56 sales to ADC up in Manchester before they finally closed. Two novels finished and going through the rejection process (getting comments back such as 'consider this not to be an easy sell in the UK commercial market.') which is pushing more to consider going back into the publishing side and doing ebooks, etc.


Prefer my fiction to be longer, and less pornographic (erotic, yes, if you take the reader along wtih the fantasy - graphic sex for the sake of it is, IMHO, just porn) and have had more than my fill of the Twilight generation of storylines. Give me a good story, with a logical ending (happy or sad, it doesn't matter) and I'm more than happy.


Looking to discuss writing, styles and ebook design, as well as maybe posting some of the less commercial fiction up in the relevant sections - and also see if I can find some people who have good graphic design ideas as well.


Website (says he, gambling that the moddies won't yellow card me for posting a link) is at www.murderous-ink.co.uk - I keep it updated as best I can, now that Marcus has been having problems with jobs and the recession.


So here's to what I hope will be a fun time,


Best to all!


John C aka Xtro

(and no, the picture's not been photoshopped! Posted Image )


Welcome John C. I'll look forward to reading and discussing styles. I am always looking for ways to be a better writer. And like most, as my writing matures so do my storylines. Opting for less graphic and more implied. I'm learning.


Be welcome.



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Hi Ricky,


Recomend me somewhere and we can start discussions (unless The Lounge is a free-for-all space?) - worst time with my writing was actually letting someone edit my first novel - he did an excellent line-by-line job and it was vicious. Learned a whole new bag of tricks from it all though, and the finished product has been getting good comment. No agents, however, but I'm also taking a serious look at Stephen Leather's business model (professional, long time author now branching out into self-publishing/independent publishing.)


I still love my Faulkner-length sentences, but the style today is short and sharp. Gotta keep with the style otherwise it's not likely to sell, alas.




John C

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  • Site Administrator

Welcome Danno. If you click the 'title' option under browse you can go through and customize all your seach options including status (complete) and teen as the tag. That should give you a great list of stories. Look at the amount of times a story has been reviewed/followed/favorited to tell if it is something that is popular with readers. There is no guarantee that they have HEA's in them, but maybe you can find a frequent reviewer of a story you do like and ask them for recommendations via pm.


Hi JohnC. So... mentioning what you do and your website here is okay... but advertising for sales is considering soliciting and would get you 'yellow carded' in a major way so don't go overboard. There is a field in your profile information for you to share your website link in a bit more of a permanent way, which you can reach through the 'edit my profile' option. Your profile image is hilarious, btw! The Lounge is a good place to discuss many things, but we have the story cafe to talk about stories off-site, and writers and editors corner forums for discussions about different facets of writing.


You can post stories here, but only if they are free. Posting a few chapters of a story and then promoting it for sale elsewhere with the option to purchase the whole story will get your posting privileges removed. Posting a topic/ad solely for stories that are on sale elsewhere without permission from an administrator will get your warn points increased and a site suspension.


We truly enjoy getting new and established authors on the site. There is a lot here beyond writing, editing, and reading but that is still a major facet of GA, of course. Anyone who wants to contribute is welcomed with open arms. If you ever have any question about if something is, or is not appropriate to post, you can pm me or another staff member. There is a list in the Administration Communication forum with an explanation of all our roles, and links to contact us. You can also do so through our profiles.

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Soliciting? Moi? Not since the 1980s!


What? Oh, you mean 'advertising'.... Posted Image


OH he's gonna fit right in with this bunch. lol


Hi Xtro, sorry I didn't respond sooner. Spent the last couple days working with the DC police to retrieve a stolen computer. If you have a smart phone or a computer I HIGHLY recommend getting the open source FREE program called Preyprogram. It gave us cam pics and screen shots and IP and mac addresses that allowed us to take the cops to his door. Then before they knocked we set the alarm off. No questions asked. No lies believed. We had the proof. Good guys 1, bad guys zero. And it works no matter what country you live in.


Give me a day or two to finish this show Xtro and We'll get together.;)


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No smartphone - and the tech I have are basically Frankenputers, built from other peoples' cast-offs (it's the perils of being an old IT Systems Manager.) However, I can see the value of some things, and anything which nails thieves gets a thumbs-up from me! Especially if it's also OpenSource (my first Linux was Slackware, back in 1995) - it's also what keeps me sane when my other half decides to go surfing the net (Ubuntu 11.10 + Firefox.)


Take your time and sort the hassles out first, then we can bounce some ideas & tips around.


Stay cool - but don't freeze!


John C

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  • Site Administrator

Not a real post. Just need to get to 5 so I can try posting a story.



LOL. Okay, we know you're Bashfulpie and you wanted to get author status from that post, so how is it not real? You introduced at least part of who you are. ;) Welcome to the site!

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Hi new pups and welcome to GA


Enjoy our stories and our eccentric personalities ! :)

Edited by W_L
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Hi folk,


Stephen here. Just stumbled across this site and thought I'd give it a go and see what it is all about. I've just started writing and was looking for a place to connect with other queer writers.





Welcome Stephen. Nice to see someone else join the nuthouse, er um, I mean site. :lol: Enjoy. You will find all sorts here from your dedicated reader to your fellow writers.

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Hi Bashful and Stephen! Oooooh looking forward to new stories to read. Welcome aboard the crazy train :lol: You joined at a good time, I'm looking for some new stuff to read so quickly get to it and start posting. :P

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