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Family and Friends?

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At the moment I'm working on a scene in A Cursed Life that isn't exactly pg13. At this point into the story I'm starting to bring a bit of the gay element into the story which has been absent up until now. And that fact that I'm writing a gay rape scene (important to the plot) isn't something I want to share with my family and friends who have been reading my story up til now. So at the moment I'm faced with writing two versions of the same story.

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My poems, yes......my stories???? :unsure::unsure::unsure::unsure::unsure:



So I take it that's a no?


Yeah i doubt I'll be sharing with them the real stories but I might just keep altering the story at certain parts to make it a little more reader friendly for them.

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There was a time when i thought about sharing What's the difference between me and you? with my parents....well, only the begining part right up to my first bus ride to school, but I decided not to because I think the old man would trip out about me knowing he used to smoke weed. As far as my other stuff, maybe I wouldn't mind them seeing Bodega Bay, but it's only one chapter long so far......well, I guess they could see my spring anthology entry too, since there's no sex or anything in it.

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I think if i would show anyone it would be my stepmom, but I get the feeling she'd tell my dad and I'd be in deep crap



If I recall a number of your stories are actually about you and your family aren't they. (Haven't read them yet but they're on the list.) So I guess that would be problematic if they saw your witting.

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At least you guys get to show your family a chapter or two. I just don't have the courage at the moment. I mean, nothing much has happened in the first few chapters of mine but they don't even know I'm gay, so...

I showed a friend one story that I haven't posted here and he kept trying to edit like the gay elements were bad or something. Oh, well. At least I get to share it with you guys. :)


I like A Cursed Life and Bodega Bay, by the way. :read:

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Considering my family consists of an 11 year old boy... I would say no. Extended family, I did when I was younger, then I was told to "grow up and get a real job" so I just let them think I stopped writing, it was easier that way. My father read exactly one short story I wrote. He didn't like it, said I should get my head out of the clouds and back in reality where it belonged. I think I was like 12 or 13 at the time. I never showed him anything else.


My friends have all read 'something' of mine. No one has read everything I've written.


For what it's worth my therepist doesn't know that I write homoerotica. She knows I write, but not what. We don't discuss it. Tabboo topic. Go figure.



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The only member of my family that's ever read anything of mine is my mother; the rest are a little too...."down home" for my style of dark sci-fi/fantasy. I never made the mistake of showing my mother anything again after she read a very tame passage describing a post-apocalypitc future (she didn't even know the main character was gay, and the passage wasn't graphic at all), and in response to my "do you think I could show this to a publisher?" question, she said, "I wouldn't show this to anyone, it's sick." Yay for conservative families.


My friends, on the other hand, read my work rather often and have been known to prod me for new chapters until they leave poke-bruises in my ribs. They're my biggest supporters and they can be counted on to kick me out of a slump when I slack off on working on my novel, and know just how to deal with me when I get into "waaaaah, I suck so much" mode: stop coddling me and give me a swift boot in the ass. I hesitate in showing things to new friends, but when they find out that I write many will express an interest anyway, and will often have their own stories to share.

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The only member of my family that's ever read anything of mine is my mother; the rest are a little too...."down home" for my style of dark sci-fi/fantasy. I never made the mistake of showing my mother anything again after she read a very tame passage describing a post-apocalypitc future (she didn't even know the main character was gay, and the passage wasn't graphic at all), and in response to my "do you think I could show this to a publisher?" question, she said, "I wouldn't show this to anyone, it's sick." Yay for conservative families.


My friends, on the other hand, read my work rather often and have been known to prod me for new chapters until they leave poke-bruises in my ribs. They're my biggest supporters and they can be counted on to kick me out of a slump when I slack off on working on my novel, and know just how to deal with me when I get into "waaaaah, I suck so much" mode: stop coddling me and give me a swift boot in the ass. I hesitate in showing things to new friends, but when they find out that I write many will express an interest anyway, and will often have their own stories to share.



a little support from real life friends can go a long way.

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Well my three gay friends were the ones that wanted me to write. They said the needed something to get into that wasn't so, "Will and Grace," so it was their pushing me to write that started my Homosexual based fictions. I have let my other friends read the stories (even a boyfriend) and they all took it pretty well. They didn't realize that there would ever be sex in them so that surprised everyone. They've stopped reading now though so now my audience is the people on this site and the Nifty readers... lol.


Anyway, I would never let anyone in the family read them. I haven't even let on to my family that I am a writer, but I'm new when it comes to writing (Only been writing for 3 years) so that's the reason behind that. When I become more comfortable I'll show my older sisters and brothers. As far as my mother goes I'd probably never show her. Then when my younger brothers and sisters are at an older age I'll show them as well.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Site Administrator

My wife reads everything I write. We also printed off a couple of the non-gay items to give to her parents, but they've never said anything to me about it. My wife's side of the family know that I'm gay and that I write, but it's just not mentioned. I'm not out to my family. So, it's only my wife and my online friends who read my stories.

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All my online friends read my stories. I have several friends I call 'pre-readers' ones who I know will give me honest opinions before I even send the chapters off to my editor. As far as people I know and see in person only Sam has ever read them. Everyone knows I write. My boss and several people at work keep asking to read my stories but I just don't ever see that happening, I guess I just don't want them to think 'woah what's wrong with this guys head!' I'd rather to continue to be the happy goofy guy they already know!

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Well, the story I'm writing is very personal, and there are many bits in there which deal with my closest family and friends. I'd really like to share my writing with them, because I reveal a lot of thoughts and experiences that many of them probably do not know about (yet). If they knew about the things I went through and the way I think (all there in the story), then they'd get to understand me better. Besides, if they could read my stories, they'd know how good I can write (or so I heard...), and probably be proud of me.


I always feel it's important for people around me to know about 'me', the ins and outs, the good and bad bits. If not, I feel like there's a barrier between us, and that I'm hiding. But unfortunately reality is that truth hurts, and sometimes it has to be hidden or twisted so that other people do not get hurt.


There is one gay friend who I think has read my story, but he lives far away and hasn't said anything about it. There's another girl-friend who I think read it too, but she too didn't say anything. So, the majortiy of people who are reading my story are online, people I don't know and haven't met before.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Everyone!


Well I'm completely unsuccessful as a writer. When I first joined this site I intended to contribute to it (in a literary capacity), but everytime I start something or have a new idea I'm lucky to make notes on the characters/plot and POSSIBLY write the first few pages before my mind wanders off to something else and in 90% of the cases I never look at the story again. :/


So anyway I don't have any "major work" to show anyone. However, all the lesser things I've written (school essays/papers, a few poems, and some VERY short stories) I haven't felt compelled to show to my family (and these items generally didn't contain sex anyway). I don't know why...just never felt right. I'm sure if I did manage to finish something, or write a substantial amount, I still wouldn't be inclined show them. With friends...well I had one special friend I was actually eager to show things to, even my (personal) journal once. But mostly still no.



At the moment I'm working on a scene in A Cursed Life that isn't exactly pg13. At this point into the story I'm starting to bring a bit of the gay element into the story which has been absent up until now. And that fact that I'm writing a gay rape scene (important to the plot) isn't something I want to share with my family and friends who have been reading my story up til now. So at the moment I'm faced with writing two versions of the same story.

WOW! this sounds intense! I can't wait to read it.


Yeah i doubt I'll be sharing with them the real stories but I might just keep altering the story at certain parts to make it a little more reader friendly for them.

that sounds like a lot of work to me, but if you want to I say go for it :)


My father read exactly one short story I wrote. He didn't like it, said I should get my head out of the clouds and back in reality where it belonged. I think I was like 12 or 13 at the time. I never showed him anything else.

:hug: I'm sorry Lugh, and for the record I'd never want my head anywhere else. Why I could more see me saying to my son, "Quit being so practical and start thinking in a more fanciful manner!" (Just kidding of course! :boy::P )


The only member of my family that's ever read anything of mine is my mother; the rest are a little too...."down home" for my style of dark sci-fi/fantasy. I never made the mistake of showing my mother anything again after she read a very tame passage describing a post-apocalypitc future (she didn't even know the main character was gay, and the passage wasn't graphic at all), and in response to my "do you think I could show this to a publisher?" question, she said, "I wouldn't show this to anyone, it's sick." Yay for conservative families.

aww I'm sorry :(


My friends, on the other hand, read my work rather often and have been known to prod me for new chapters until they leave poke-bruises in my ribs. They're my biggest supporters and they can be counted on to kick me out of a slump when I slack off on working on my novel, and know just how to deal with me when I get into "waaaaah, I suck so much" mode: stop coddling me and give me a swift boot in the ass. I hesitate in showing things to new friends, but when they find out that I write many will express an interest anyway, and will often have their own stories to share.



All my online friends read my stories. I have several friends I call 'pre-readers' ones who I know will give me honest opinions before I even send the chapters off to my editor. As far as people I know and see in person only Sam has ever read them. Everyone knows I write. My boss and several people at work keep asking to read my stories but I just don't ever see that happening, I guess I just don't want them to think 'woah what's wrong with this guys head!' I'd rather to continue to be the happy goofy guy they already know!

:hug: I don't see that ever happening, Vance! You're too darn teriffic! :great:


Well, the story I'm writing is very personal, and there are many bits in there which deal with my closest family and friends. I'd really like to share my writing with them, because I reveal a lot of thoughts and experiences that many of them probably do not know about (yet). If they knew about the things I went through and the way I think (all there in the story), then they'd get to understand me better. Besides, if they could read my stories, they'd know how good I can write (or so I heard...), and probably be proud of me.


I always feel it's important for people around me to know about 'me', the ins and outs, the good and bad bits. If not, I feel like there's a barrier between us, and that I'm hiding. But unfortunately reality is that truth hurts, and sometimes it has to be hidden or twisted so that other people do not get hurt.

Well said, Formosa!!


:( I accidently deleted the quote of Nick's, but I wanted to say that I'm really glad you showed your family your poems!! I bet that made them really happy. :hug:


Have an awesome day everyone and take care,


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  • 10 months later...

I know this is an old topic, but I thought it was better to bring it back up than to start another one that's exactly the same.


My mother wants to read my anthology entry. I refused to give her the link, but I think she has enough knowledge to dig it up on her own (Hi, mom!). She already admitted she's been searching "gay stories" and "gay fiction" trying to find it, which I find kind of amusing. It's not like it's any secret what I like to read and write, but I'm still weirded out by the idea of her reading my story. On the other hand, I appreciate the interest, because I don't think anyone else in my family would even bother. My dad is a not much of a reader, and my sister would be totally uninterested and probably wouldn't like it, anyway. Even my husband hasn't bothered to read it, although we've discussed it, and he's supportive of my writing in general.


Maybe I'll let her look around for a week, and then give it to her if she hasn't found it.

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I would never ever let her even know that I visit GA, let alone tell her I'm a gay fic writer!!


I'm not out to her and she's better off not knowing what all I do on the internet...lol


The BeaStKid

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I let my mom and dad read two of my GA anthology stories, A Christmas Story and The Tale of Snow White. The first is G-rated. The second is PG. I let them read the G-rated version of another story, Escaping Katrina, that I originally wrote for my APUSH class in 11th grade. They don't know about the NC17 version on Nifty.


No way I'll let them read my more explicit stories!


Colin B)

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I actually discussed my anthology entries with my sister and my mom. The problem is that I'm sure my mom would love to read them, but I'd have to draft a vocabulary sheet along. And the first one (Goldilocks) still could puzzle her (young characters and a hint at tie-up activities).


The biggest problem is my alias, actually. I'm out, and I told a couple years back to my parents that I wrote smut, but some of my fiction she could get to is super kinky, even when not overly sexual, and I don't want to have to explain. So I cannot give her the link! I think I'll do an effort and give the latest one to my mom, she might enjoy it.

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You gus are so lucky! I'm out to only one friend. I did talk about my stories to him. My first story is a straight one (no gay characters and which I haven't posted here) and he really liked it. But I found that he's not at ease reading slash stories. So I just don't tell him anything now about my stories.


So all I got is you guys!


As for family, I have told my mom about my desires for writing and she's pretty encouraging. But I prefer to keep my stories to me, right now. Perhaps, afterwards...



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