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Curious about time


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hi there,

so this is my first post. I think :)


Reading through GA I am someway surprised reading about people waking up at 5 am to start training, or running, or getting ready to go to school.


I mean here in Italy I usually wake up at 7am, get up shower shave breakfast at around 8 and start working at 9:30

I usually get to sleep at aroung 11pm


What is the most common schedule there, what time do you wake up, have dinner, go to bed?

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I've gotten somewhat lazy over the years....I wake up between 7:45 and 8:00 a.m. I leave for work between 8:45 and 9:45 depending on how motivated I am that morning. (it's a 15 minute ride on my motorcycle).


I work until 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for normal hours, come home, eat dinner, and mess around until midnight to 1:00 a.m. (including playing games, spending time with Robert, watching television, and writing).


During campaign season work ends sometime between 8:00 p.m. and midnight on a regular basis, with a late night going until 2:00 to 3:00 a.m. (or the rare all-nighter).

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hi there,

so this is my first post. I think :)

Reading through GA I am someway surprised reading about people waking up at 5 am to start training, or running, or getting ready to go to school.

Hi mEis

Welcome to the Forum :great:

Dont forget the time gap between CA and Italy (about GMT-8) .

BTW, I never understood the time indications above our posts. I supposed it is local time of the poster, but I never checked accurately. I didnt matter :lol:

Sure somebody reading this post will teach me :P

Old Bob

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Hi mEis

Welcome to the Forum :great:

Dont forget the time gap between CA and Italy (about GMT-8) .

BTW, I never understood the time indications above our posts. I supposed it is local time of the poster, but I never checked accurately. I didnt matter :lol:

Sure somebody reading this post will teach me :P

Old Bob


Thanks for the welcome :)


regarding schedules and time, I was mainly referring to the ones in the stories, not when people post messages in the forum (while I have to say some people do write in interesting times :)

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Reading through GA I am someway surprised reading about people waking up at 5 am to start training, or running, or getting ready to go to school.


I'm up a little later than that...but if I don't do some excercise before I head off to work I'm jittery all day. Then again...I'm not 40 either :P . I'm sure I'll eventually slow down. I figure, the healthier I am now...the more time I'll have to enjoy slowing down later in life! :wub:


welcome btw



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Personally, I'm up just after 5am so I can have breakfast, and then drive an hour to where I work for a 7am start. I don't have to start at that time, but it means I beat the peakhour traffic and I can also leave early and get home at a reasonable time.


As for school, my understanding is that school in the USA can start quite early, but it varies from school to school. Someone in the USA should confirm that. In Australia, they typically start between 8:30am and 9am, so there's time for a teenager to do some training beforehand, or, alternatively, sleep in....

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Welcome mEis!


I get up at 5:30am, take the dog for a walk, feed her, play with her

Then about 6:30am, I shower, go to work from 7am-4pm (with a 1 hour lunch)

Eat dinner around 6:00pm then go to bed at 11pm.


I go with the motto 'You're burning Daylight' and try to be up when the sun is up :2thumbs:


Take Care,



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Hi mEis.

Welcome..I am a newbie as well... As for my scedule..well..I work night shift 7p-7a for three days and so my scedule while i work is get home in the a.m. sleep till 3p, shower..have coffee!!, make dinner, spend time with my kids..and then off to work. If its my days off...well my body is still on night shift time (been working that shift for 15 yrs) and so my routine is about the same excpet instead of work..i spend my time reading writing and as of late..spending most of that time on this site..which i love by the way! :worship:

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Hi mEis.


Alot of it depends on your schedule or age...


-When I was in high school (out in the country) I was up at 06:30, shower, breakfast & catching the bus by 7:30am and back off the bus by 04:15.


- University was another world with no schedule and late nights and even later mornings


- When I started working a job with normal hours, I was up at 5 am to go to the gym (before my brain was able to fully understand what I had planned :D ), at work by 7:30, home by 4:30 and bed by 10:30.


- For the last couple of years, I've had a job that requires me to work from 9am to 5pm and then a few hours each night starting at midnight with a few overnighters thrown in.



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hi there,

so this is my first post. I think :)


Reading through GA I am someway surprised reading about people waking up at 5 am to start training, or running, or getting ready to go to school.


I mean here in Italy I usually wake up at 7am, get up shower shave breakfast at around 8 and start working at 9:30

I usually get to sleep at aroung 11pm


What is the most common schedule there, what time do you wake up, have dinner, go to bed?

Hi Meis! :)


The "typical" schedule that I assume people follow in the US unless I'm told otherwise is:

-Work/school starting at 8:00am (thus the time you would actually get up depends on how far away you live, how long it takes you to get ready, and whether or not you wanted to take care of anything else before hand)


-A lunch break beginning and ending sometime between 11:00-1:00 (typically lasting anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour)


-School would likely end between 3-4pm, work would end around 5:00pm


-Dinner sometime between 6:00pm and 8:00pm


-Bedtime would depend on many factors, I'd estimate 11:00pm typically.


But of course that's just the general idea I have in my head about how the "typical" American spends a "typical" weekday. I'm sure very few actually adhere the schedule. I for one don't even come close :P



Hi mEis

Welcome to the Forum :great:

Dont forget the time gap between CA and Italy (about GMT-8) .

BTW, I never understood the time indications above our posts. I supposed it is local time of the poster, but I never checked accurately. I didnt matter :lol:

Sure somebody reading this post will teach me :P

Old Bob

Hey Bob! :)


I think the time shown on people's posts is automatically formatted in terms of what time it was FOR YOU when they posted.


Anyway take care everyone and have a great day! :)



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Welcome mEis!


For most of the years I worked as a salaried engineer I had to be at work by ~9AM and rarely left before 6:30-7PM. Weekend work was common near project deadlines, too (still is!) I usually didn't make it to sleep till 1-2AM, so I was basically sleep deprived much of my life...


I do contract design work now, so I'm better able to accommodate my vampire blood and commonly have dinner with friends in the early evening, then work into the wee hours. Then I'll usually take my German Shepherd running, or if it's getting close to when my gym opens at 5AM, I'll head over there to exercise before crashing for 7-8hrs. I think my home planet must have about a 28-30 hour day, though, as I'm really asynchronous with the rest of the world if not forced to a schedule. :wacko:


When I visited CSELT in Turino a few years back I was surprised by how late you Italians liked to party! We went to a nice little Mom & Pop restaurant on a week night ~8:30 and were told we were way too early for dinner. Momma advised us to go play pool across the street and come back ~9PM and she'd give us antipasto. So, we finished dinner about 11PM and then the guys from the Milano office took us for espressos at midnight! That was fine except we had to be back at the lab at 9AM the next morning -how do you guys do it?! Terrific trip, tough -except I must've gained 5lbs during that week.



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Well I live off two hours of sleep. So I get to bed around 2 a.m then wake up around 4. I exercise for an hour then I clean up a few things. Then I take a shower get ready. During school I do my homework that's due.. lol. I'm a terrible student really. Then around 9 a.m I'm off to class. 4 p.m is when my last class ends this semester so I eat dinner as soon as I get home and get it cooked usually around 5 p.m. Then I relax until I go to bed.


Anyway that'll probably only change slightly now that I've transferred and I don't have to do any errands or anything for my mother. I'll be in a dorm. I still will only need two hours of sleep though. It's probably not that healthy.. lol but I like long days.




Oh - Welcome to GA :)

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Never really though about that, I guess it is fairly regional. I remember school in califa starting at 6:45, with a zero period at 5:40, which I had to be there for sometimes. Leaving the house at like 5am

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Thank you all for the welcome and the descriptions. I think I know understand more about what is written in the stories...


Sure there is gymn open at 5am here: as far as I know even in Milan -where I work and live 2 days a week- one of the most famous fitness center opens at 10am till midnight.


When I visited CSELT in Turino a few years back I was surprised by how late you Italians liked to party! We went to a nice little Mom & Pop restaurant on a week night ~8:30 and were told we were way too early for dinner. Momma advised us to go play pool across the street and come back ~9PM and she'd give us antipasto. So, we finished dinner about 11PM and then the guys from the Milano office took us for espressos at midnight! That was fine except we had to be back at the lab at 9AM the next morning -how do you guys do it?! Terrific trip, tough -except I must've gained 5lbs during that week.


Neither do I. And the time is shifting more and more: at presents the discos start at 1am, but if you want to be fashionable you have to get into at 3:00am.

I am not much of a clubber now ;) but sometimes I do spend my evenings out and when I do i start with an "aperitivo" at 6:30 pm -that's when you go into a bar, drinking cocktails for 4 euro each and eat as much as you want from the buffet. THEN you go out for dinner, around 9pm, then you go into a lounge bar and THEN into a club/disco if that's your scene.


Not good for my profession,though. So I mainly tend to have dinner and spend the night at home.


I was thinking about some exercises in the early morning, such as running and stuff but I am not too sure because I am somewait afraid that I should have to change my whole schedules...

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Neither do I. And the time is shifting more and more: at presents the discos start at 1am, but if you want to be fashionable you have to get into at 3:00am.

I am not much of a clubber now ;) but sometimes I do spend my evenings out and when I do i start with an "aperitivo" at 6:30 pm -that's when you go into a bar, drinking cocktails for 4 euro each and eat as much as you want from the buffet. THEN you go out for dinner, around 9pm, then you go into a lounge bar and THEN into a club/disco if that's your scene.


My theory is that Northern Italy is sort of hybrid of Northern & Southern European cultures with traditional late dinners and active evenings from the South, but with Northern European business culture and hours. The afternoon siesta of the South got lost in translation, though, so everybody ends up with 2hrs less sleep than they should have. Does that make sense?


I really loved Milan -especially the plaza and all the shops around the Duomo di Milano. You have a beautiful city!

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as i am vampyric, it hardly matters....bawhahahah


My schedule is almost vampire-like. I don't go to work until the afternoon and toil in the restaurant business during the evening...working when others play. :(


Because of my goofy hours, I get home after work between 11 pm and midnight and read to wind down. It's in the morning when, rev'd up with coffee/caffiene, I write...although currently I have a semi-writer's block.


Interesting that DK mentioned campaign season in his post. Guess that explains the political theme in his story, DOT. Hmmm.


In addition to the Duomo, the Galleria is marvelous. When I was visiting Milan, I ran into a neighbor from home having coffee in the Galleria.


Jack B)

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My theory is that Northern Italy is sort of hybrid of Northern & Southern European cultures with traditional late dinners and active evenings from the South, but with Northern European business culture and hours. The afternoon siesta of the South got lost in translation, though, so everybody ends up with 2hrs less sleep than they should have. Does that make sense?


I really loved Milan -especially the plaza and all the shops around the Duomo di Milano. You have a beautiful city!


I think that sums it ;)


Coming from the south myself (I have my private practice in Sardinia and work in a hospital in Milan) I do tend to be a sort of a snobbie around Milan: smog, noise, cars, honking cars, models, fashion... well, you get the picture. But it's a great place to be after 18:00 :)

next time you'll be there I'll show you around, if you want.

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Yes, we'd complained that one of the national hobbies seemed to be "run down the pedestrians" as we walked around town -Italian motorists are crazy!


One of the Turin guys explained to us about traffic signal compliance:


In Germany traffic lights are mandatory.

In France they are optional.

In Italy they're ornamental -we like some green, some red -very pretty. :wacko:



I'd love to visit Milan again and accept your offer as an expert tour guide, but I'm afraid it won't be this year. I no longer work for a German company so my next trip will likely be a holiday. Some friends have been pestering me to go to Florence with them, though, and another couple is getting married in Greece next spring, so that's a possibility.


You have quite a commute from Sardinia each week!

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I'd love to visit Milan again and accept your offer as an expert tour guide, but I'm afraid it won't be this year. I no longer work for a German company so my next trip will likely be a holiday.


Hi everybody


For those who like to visit Milano by night,either personally or on the Web, I can suggest following addresses, among a lot of others :


Idroscalo, beach solaire, via Circonvallazione, www.beachsolaire.it

Absolut Icebar, piazza Gerusalemme 12, www.townhouse.it

Il Gattopardo Caf

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