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The "Gay Threat"


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That web page does indeed exist. It is the online home of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. :lmao:

Hey CJames and Formosa,

Thanks to have given me the opportunity to check the Onion and to discover the FSM. On one side the stupidity of some homophobe christians, on the other jokes and fun. But the best jokes are the translation of the venganza in french, I had a fit of laughter :lol:

Old Bob

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Now I'm laughing :D Thanks for telling me and sharing those websites :2thumbs: Yeah, if you can read other languages, that translation tool makes it all the more hilarious. The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster in German is: 'Church of Flying-Isolationtube Monsters'...in Mandarin it's: 'Church of Flying Flour Monster'


I guess a lot of Dutchies aren't aware of the fact it's supposed to be a spoof. But then again, every joke has some grain of truth to it, even twisted truth that some will believe...I mean some of the other reactions to the discussion were pretty much the same fundamentalist mumble-jumble.


take care~


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We really should take over.


A gay led world would be much neater and cleaner place; aestetically pleasing without the tendency of sending young men off to slaughter each other. We would have more creative uses for them. :devil:

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Now that was actually fairly hilarious. :D Sometimes I wonder if Christians really think that gays recruit other gays... and then I found this Truth for Youth Bible comic thing, and oh gawd, it was horrid. The title, you've probably heard of it, was "Adam and EVE, not Adam and STEVE", and it showed the gay neighbors (one skinhead and the other one just looked freakin evil) trying to convince the neighbor boy that all his homosexual urges were natural and healthy while the text in their thought bubbles read "Fresh meat" or something to that effect, hehe. It cracked me up to no end. :D


I just like to have a sense of humor about it. If people want to believe something so obviously idiotic, then let them, that's protected by the constitution. Although, I seriously think a clause prohibiting free speech by stupid people deserves consideration...

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What's really scary...is how many people on BOTH sides will believe it without thinking about it...


That sure terrifies me, becuase I see it all too often: people beleiving anything they read or see on TV. <shudder>


Now I'm laughing :D Thanks for telling me and sharing those websites :2thumbs: Yeah, if you can read other languages, that translation tool makes it all the more hilarious. The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster in German is: 'Church of Flying-Isolationtube Monsters'...in Mandarin it's: 'Church of Flying Flour Monster'


I'm particularly fond of www.godhatesshrimp.com It is a satire, sort of, but in their case they make darn good doctrinal arguments (far better ones, bucolically, than the fundies can drum up regarding homosexuality). I love it that they so often cite Leviticus! :lmao:


We really should take over.


A gay led world would be much neater and cleaner place; aestetically pleasing


Uhoh. I can see that I'd have my gay card revoked in short order, once my taste in home furnishings and housekeeping was noticed... :P

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What's really scary...is how many people on BOTH sides will believe it without thinking about it...

I read through the entire thread, and one of the points the original poster was trying to make was that too many people will accept a "quoted" extract from a reference without verifying that the extract is accurate. He gave a links to legitimate websites and either referenced them out of context (eg. the ACLU involvement in gay cases -- the link was the ACLU defending the rights of an ANTI-gay case) or actually making something up that doesn't appear on the referenced sites.


It's a common issue -- many people will just assume that if a quote is given and a link to what appears to be a legitimate site, then the quote is accurate and relevant.


As the original poster said at one point: he was employing a little-used debating tactic where he was trying to make the "opponent" do their own research and come up with HIS conclusion.

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SHIT! We've been found out. We must have a straight spy in our midst! Everyone assume the position, we'll have them weeded out in no time!




On a more serious note... GIRL!!! Where did you buy them shoes!?




God that cracked me up. Thank you!

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I hate to throw a damper on the lighter mood, once we established that the original post was satire. BUT,


This link is for real. It's one of several parts of Exodus, an ex-gay ministry that is supposed to convert Gay to Straight. This particular place in Memphis specializes in "treating" gay teens in a residential setting. These kids are virtual prisoners here while they are brainwashed into believing that they can't be gay and believe in God and the hereafter. It's really sad. The attached link is the "philosophy" page. It's really some sick shit.





Stop the Hate!



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We really should take over.


A gay led world would be much neater and cleaner place; aestetically pleasing without the tendency of sending young men off to slaughter each other. We would have more creative uses for them. :devil:


An old class mate has the gay recuriter shirt :D


Agree's probably alot of ppl think it's real.

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Well, the first thing I thought of when I saw this was good ol' Betty Bowers.


Go read the BASH (Baptists Are Saving Homosexuals) section - specicially "The Homo Agenda." The rest of it is great too, such as "I Left My Boyfriend For Jesus" in the Testimonials section. All of that site is just pure class though :D

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God bless the moderators.


When I looked at this web page I noticed that this guy Cmass is the only one who is making a fool of himself. The forum moderators intervened and here is what they had to say:

Moderator Intervention


As this thread is rather over the top satire, has no well-defined questions for debate, does not seem intended for debate but rather to confuse forum members, and CMass has altered text from at least one website in his postings without noting this to this end, I am moving this thread to Random Ramblings.

Ironically, Cmass avatar says

Edited by Xiao_Chun
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God bless the moderators.


When I looked at this web page I noticed that this guy Cmass is the only one who is making a fool of himself. The forum moderators intervened and here is what they had to say:


Ironically, Cmass avatar says

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Actually, if you continue reading the thread you find that Cmass is not making a fool of himself, but was trying to use satire and sarcasm to provoke a discussion. He's actually pro-gay -- but was parodying the anti-gay point of view to try to show how they use outrageous claims that too many people don't challenge.


Cmass even managed to get the moderator to get involved in the discussion. He was mildly upset with the moderator because he'd pre-empted the plan Cmass had for getting people involved, and the next few posts went on to explain what he was doing and why.


Thanks Graeme for pointing this out to me.


I think that Cmass was very ineffective in what he tried to do. The very first response to his post exposed that he was not serious but was trying to use satire in order to make a point.

Cmass, do you have a source for that "data" you shared above?


The only thing I could find was here: http://www.theonion.com/content/node/28970.


That would clearly make it satire; not some "real" issue as you seem to present it.



Yet Cmass continued with his mock rant and false information. The point that he was trying to prove was that the often we do not check the evidence that people use to support their claims. But in that forum there were 2 people besides Cmass, and 1 moderator and they all exposed the misinformation right away. So I think he should have stopped after the very first reply to his post.




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Well that article may have been satiric, but the other discussions in there that were full of opnions and facts actually was helpful in determining what I want out of one of my stories that I'm currently working on.


So, David, i'm thanking you in a way for posting it.. lol. I certainly had the story going a different direction until I read some of the comments made on that site.



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I hate to throw a damper on the lighter mood, once we established that the original post was satire. BUT,


This link is for real. It's one of several parts of Exodus, an ex-gay ministry that is supposed to convert Gay to Straight.


I was actually at a seminar at which two spokesmen from Exodus International were prominent speakers. I got to hear about 12 hours of lectures from them.


And people wonder why I went through a suicidal phase.

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Well, one of them was this creepy "ex-gay" guy who talked about how after his "counseling" he married an ex-lesbian and they're really happy together now.


And somehow he turned the conversation to the shirtless good looking guys playing rugby.

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