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I have to agree... guys with haircuts like yours and frosty's make me weak in the knee's (I love that style for some reason lol)

Why thank you. It took shitloads of conditioner.


*brushes hair*


No cutting Maddy!


It fits youuuuu!!! :D

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To avoid looking like Frost, cut it!


I kid, I kid. Do what you want with it. It's your hair. I still have to remind my dad of that whenever my hair gets long and he tries to get me to go to the barber with him on a Saturday at 7am... grrrr.

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XD Thanks guys. As for cutting my hair or not, I recently got one, so it's actually not as long as in the last two pictures. It's a little longer than the first one, but I'm letting it grow the length of the second picture. My hairdresser wants to do some highlights... (I'm still planning how to say 'no' without it sounding too independent).


And yeah... the ocean is definitely a factor preventing our union, Bob lol.


Maddy (:

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XD Thanks guys. As for cutting my hair or not, I recently got one, so it's actually not as long as in the last two pictures. It's a little longer than the first one, but I'm letting it grow the length of the second picture. My hairdresser wants to do some highlights... (I'm still planning how to say 'no' without it sounding too independent).


And yeah... the ocean is definitely a factor preventing our union, Bob lol.


Maddy (:

With my stylist I just go... "Oh Hunny no." and she usually takes it well lol but glad to hear that your keeping the hair long :D

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Maddy your still as adorable as ever :P no matter how long the hair. and as for Oceans... well oceans can be conquered :) time on the other hand bleh...



have to agree with you here lol... but quit being so cynical about time *thwap*

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My hairdresser wants to do some highlights... (I'm still planning how to say 'no' without it sounding too independent).

Next time the hairdresser asks, seem to puzzle over the question, then scrunch up your face, bob your shoulders side to side a bit, draw in a noisy breath through your teeth, and say "nooooo" slowly, being certain to draw out the 'o'. It'll get your point across, but make you seem pleasantly unforceful if that's what you're going for ;):boy:


Blah, I did drama once upon a time 0:)

Edited by AFriendlyFace
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lol hairdressers. I sometimes when my hair is almost shoulder length which is only every 4months lol go get my haircut by a guy from highschool who i fought daily with over the fact that i wasnt sleeping with his boyfriend. Now i go in and talk all about the men im trying to attract. He will bitch at me that i look like a disaster and i will be like "So fix me". He'll do a good job too its funny.


Maddy do not cut your hair you are Yummy! And Oh that Smile!.


Oceans i once had this like fantasy that i was going to move to Italy or like London England when i turn 25 and fall in love with some Foriegner though id be the foriegner. I still got 3 years for that plan. Hmmm maybe i will branch out and settle for the Great Lakes of Canada and the US ha ha


And Jack i have to totally agree with you on Dark hair. I love my really natural jet black hair. When i wear my glasses its like a Mysterious look. If i spike my hair im like a Punk Rocker look.


Highlights rock too in dark hair. Im tempted to dye my hair even blacker. Though sometimes i wish i had SUPER LONG light brown hair. Im tempted to buy a Wig and have long black Curly hair. Though it will have to be on my days off from Work.

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LOL Kevin. I think if I decide to take up your advice I'd be obligated to use a cheat-sheet. And thanks for all the compliments O.o. I think it's time for someone else to put their picture XD.


Maddy (:

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Okay, making sure...


I plan to dye full of my hair blonde before I go to college.


This is taken last fall, just parts of my hair blonde during my work at camp as a counselor-in-training. Ignore the beard :P


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