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Wheeee just got back from a party, and I forgot to take a pic before I left, so I took one after I came home :P


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So that's me with black hair and blue eyes :P



Johnathan, I'm sure you're probably 10 times hotter than me... ANYONE is hotter than me :P So no worries there ;)

*jumps Niels' bones*


So hot!

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OMG, Jack, your bedroom is SO fantastic! Red is my favorite color. I went to our dorm manager and asked her if we could paint our dorm room red. It was one of those "if looks could kill" moments, and if they could I wouldn't be writing this right now! :devil: Needless to say, her answer was not just "no", but: "That question doesn't deserve an answer. Is there anything else, Mister Kelly?" I answered "Nope, guess not." and left. It was definitely wonderful. I LOVE to do stuff like that, I did it all the time in HS, so much so I was called "disruptive" by a couple of teachers. :P This is my first attempt being a "disruptor" in college. I think it was a success! :worship:


Colin B)


My son's bedroom is black and red!! (I'm talking dark red). I've tried to lighten it up a bit with a chrome blind and accessories, but oh well....he's 15. Hopefully he won't want his room black and red forever!


Sarah :blink:

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I refuse to grace this topic with my face and all of it's horrors, but all of you guys are extremely good looking :D hope to see more pictures. (even though there are 42 pages...) lol

Edited by bry_9316
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I refuse to grace this topic with my face and all of it's horrors, but all of you guys are extremely good looking :D hope to see more pictures. (even though there are 42 pages...) lol

B) .........You are propbably too hard on yourself, anyway never post if your not comfortable

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That was awesome benji. Here i am, its a bad picture, but oh well





hope it works



If 14 year olds had looked that good when I was that age, I would have refused to grow up. What is it with you kids and your sparkling blue eyes, perfect posture and A&F good looks?


Are they putting something in the water that we missed out on in the seventies? :(




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My son's bedroom is black and red!! (I'm talking dark red). I've tried to lighten it up a bit with a chrome blind and accessories, but oh well....he's 15. Hopefully he won't want his room black and red forever!


Sarah :blink:

LOL, well I can definitely see your point, but I think an unusual coloured bedroom is also kinda fun. I probably wouldn't have anything too dark, but the same old off-whites, light blues, and grays definitely get old.



I couldn't play the video. The link brought up a page where the video obviously should have been, but that part of the screen was completely blank.



Awesome picuture, Bry :D




If 14 year olds had looked that good when I was that age, I would have refused to grow up. What is it with you kids and your sparkling blue eyes, perfect posture and A&F good looks?


Are they putting something in the water that we missed out on in the seventies? :(




I was actually thinking what beautiful green eyes he had. Maybe it was just the shirt was making them look green though. LOL, so which is it Bry, do you have blue eyes or green?
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LOL, well I can definitely see your point, but I think an unusual coloured bedroom is also kinda fun. I probably wouldn't have anything too dark, but the same old off-whites, light blues, and grays definitely get old.




I couldn't play the video. The link brought up a page where the video obviously should have been, but that part of the screen was completely blank.


:( ........Humm. it was on mysape, called "End ot the World" awesome scene of an life threatening astroid hitting the earth. Pink Flyod playing in background.


Awesome picuture, Bry :D



I was actually thinking what beautiful green eyes he had. Maybe it was just the shirt was making them look green though. LOL, so which is it Bry, do you have blue eyes or green?



I thought they green also!!

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thanks to everyone for your positive comments about my picture. :D I appreciate it muchly.


And Bry, nice picture [that's not fair, I didn't look that good two years ago]. Haha. My vote goes to grey/green, and they're very perdy. The only thing that puts me off about them is that they remind me of my now ex-boyfriend, who had blue/grey eyes... But your eyes are still very very pretty.


PlugInMatty, very nice picture. Your glasses are like the exact same frames as mine, except mine are gold-coloured. [i got glasses after that pic I posted was taken].

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Here i am, its a bad picture, but oh well

Nice picture Brycito :great: . You're going to be quite the charmer when you get older.


Are they putting something in the water that we missed out on in the seventies? :(

Flouride, cute-ide, & something to make kids dress better. When I see pictures of myself growing up, it's pretty scary how we were dressed :wacko: . Even in early highschool when we should have known better.

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LOL, well I can definitely see your point, but I think an unusual coloured bedroom is also kinda fun. I probably wouldn't have anything too dark, but the same old off-whites, light blues, and grays definitely get old.




Yes I know what you mean about the usual colour schemes becomming boring. It's his bedroom after all, and he likes it so I don't mind really.



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