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Today was actually a very rough day at work,

Arbitration can be very stressful. But today I looked in the mirror and saw a weary person.


I saw the same weary face I see everyday, looking at least 10 years older than I actually am, and I don't like it very much. I only look in mirrors when I have to shave. It's too depressing otherwise.


(Did I see a fleeting reflection of my father?)


Oh well


And you? What do you see in the mirror?

Edited by MarkInAlisoViejo
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The person I see in the mirror today is a lot happier than four years ago. The essential difference is that I've finally accepted my orientation.


Oh, and I've also got more grey hairs. This has nothing to do with having two young boys, of course. 0:)

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I saw stray hairs on my chin... come to think of it I never look at my self in the mirror. Not for any real reason, I've just known whats been there for 20 years now, so I don't look at it too often.

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Lets see, what I see in the mirror.. Someone trying to escape their parent's successes so that people would stop seeing me as someone spoiled or indifferent or ungreatful. Also, accepting something I can't change and getting over all of what that means in the future. Someone happy with the way their body looks on the outside, and lastly someone happier about their relationship. Oh wait.. and I need to hit the tanning booth. :)






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Hmm, very interesting question, Mark!


I see myself everyday in mirror. Heck, right now, I just see to turn back and see myself in a mirror! What do I see in the mirror? Well, a guy like every seventeen-eighteen person! Someone who is about to step in adulthood ( and is afraid of it) but the young age is very visible! Yeah, not a cool-looking dude- I never bothered putting hair style or having baggy jeans or ripped shirts. Not my type. Always remained within the rules and regulations (for school).


Take care,


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And you? What do you see in the mirror?


I can honestly say that I never know what I'll see when I look in the mirror.


Oh, there's the obvious fact that I change my hair and clothes styles so much that it's easy to "forget" and be surprised. Beyond that though...


Sometimes I stare into the mirror and notice all the things I want to change. The nose I wish were just a bit more narrow. The chin that I'd prefer if it didn't angle up quite as much. The two barely visible lines on my forehead that don't seem to go away.


Other times I vainly ponder all the things I like. My eyes, with their dynamic, clear blue and the way I can use them so effectively to convey my feelings. The way my smile changes the whole shape of my face into something I quite like. The way I've used that smile to get me what I've needed, or wanted, or needed and wanted to give.


I see the fruits of the labour I've spent on my face. The smooth, firm, skin that I spend so much time moisturizing, exfoliating, and protecting. The teeth I've spent so much money whitening and straightening. The brows and lashes I've so maticulously tweezed and waxed.


Often, in more somber, darker moods I see just another silly, twinkie gay boy who's already desperate to stop the advancing years. I see an absent-minded, flighty young man who lacks the drive and focus to accomplish many of the things he wants the most.


Other times, when my mood and day are brighter, I see someone strong and independent. Someone resourceful and adaptive. Someone who's careful not to hurt others and who often puts their best interest above his own. Someone postive and cheerful, with a witty, out-going personality.


I see hope. Fear. Power. Weakness. Love. Lust. Pride. Humility. Determination. Flexibility. Mistakes. Accomplishments.


But most of all...I see another chance.



Edited by AFriendlyFace
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I look into the mirror and I see nothing that's good but I wouldn't change anything for the world anyway.


Thats when I do look into the mirror though... which is rarely. I have a tendency to look a bit too start thinking about things a bit too much and I'm never in the mood for those thoughts.



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Terrific poem, Luc. Here's some lyrics from Dan Fogelberg that touch me:


You've climbed your way to the top, but lately it seems

That there's a hole in the heart of the American dream

Sitting pretty in your trophy room

With your shining souvenirs

That just remind you of the wasted time

And the lateness of the years

Is that all?

Is that all there is?

Is that all?

There must be more than this

In the eyes of the world your touch is like gold

Your reputation's so cool and cruel and controlled

In a moment it could all be gone

In the twinkling of an eye

Then what's your pile of precious pride worth then?

If you've ever wondered why

Is that all?

Is that all there is?

Is that all?

There must be more than this

Is that all?

Is that all there is?

Is that all?

There must be more than this

More than this

Is that all there is?

All there is?

I'm actually pretty happy at the person I see - although there are some regrets. I've reached and surpassed my professional life goals...but I can't help but wonder, "Is That All There Is?" I gaze at my face and wonder if I'll find Mr. Right...again? The minor aches and pains that accompany getting up in the morning are a nuisance that one accepts. The one thing that's annoying is how fast ear hair grows as a male gets older. So, I guess if that's one of the few things I can bitch about when I look at my reflection, life is in pretty good shape.


Perhaps the Peggy Lee song summed it up best:


Is that all there is?

If that

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I think part of a poem I wrote once sums it up:


I usually see that in the mirror. When I am looking and not thinking or feeling, I guess I see the mailman. Think my mom has some 'splaining to do.


A very grand style Luc. Great to read. :)

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I saw the same weary face I see everyday, looking at least 10 years older than I actually am, and I don't like it very much. I only look in mirrors when I have to shave. It's too depressing otherwise.

Try using some windex on the mirror once in a while. You don't look anywhere near your age handsome. B)

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Try using some windex on the mirror once in a while. You don't look anywhere near your age handsome. B)


That reminds me, I need to clean the windows on my car... residue from the PVC-made dash sitting in the hot sun is getting all over the inside of the windshield again.


Sorry, off-topic.


Anyway, what I saw in the mirror this time was someone who needs to dust off his acne meds again... I noticed that my face was bleeding while I was working today. Ew.

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In the morning, while shaving, I see somebody asking "what will you do today? looking in the future...

In the night, while teeth brushing, I see the same "somebody" asking "what have you done today ? looking in the past....

Questions are important...not the answers !

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I see the wrong person. Like it not what I think I should look like, but I working it out.



That make me sound nuts don’t it hehe. Never mind I probly am.

Edited by Neirin
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I think I'm a little nuts too because I have the same sort of reaction. I look in the mirror and wonder why I look this way. Some times it catches me off gaurd and freaks me out for a second or two.

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In the morning, while shaving, I see somebody asking "what will you do today? looking in the future...

In the night, while teeth brushing, I see the same "somebody" asking "what have you done today ? looking in the past....

Questions are important...not the answers !


Very wise words, Bob, very wise indeed. :2thumbs:

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Honestly. Recently atleast (as in, the past.. 3 ish years).


I see a failure.



Aww, you're not a failure until you stop trying things. :)


It's also ok to take breaks. ;)




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A lot of potential with no motivation to use it in a constructive manner. A boy who could be very attractive if he had the discipline to try. An intelligence wasted on someone who has absolutely no inclination to test it on anything that doesn't benefit or interest them. A kid trying to change into what he wants to be.


And ya know what? I'm pretty damn happy about it, all things considered. :)



EDIT: It's been framed on the wall somewhere in every house I've lived in; it seemed appropriate.



The Man In The Mirror



When you get what you want in your struggle for self

And the world makes you king for a day,

Then go to the mirror and look at yourself,

And see what THAT man has to say.


For it isn't your father or mother or wife

Whose judgement upon you must pass;

The fellow whose verdict counts most in your life

Is the one staring back from the glass.


Some people may think you a straight-shootin' chum

And call you a wonderful guy,

But the man in the glass says you're only a bum

If you can't look him straight in the eye.


He's the fellow to please, never mind all the rest

For he's with you clear to the end.

And you've passed your most dangerous, difficult test

If the man in glass is your friend.


You may fool the whole world down the pathway of years

And get pats on the back as you pass,

But your final reward will be heartaches and tears

If you've cheated the man in the glass.


-Walter Danuser

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In the morning, while shaving, I see somebody asking "what will you do today? looking in the future...

In the night, while teeth brushing, I see the same "somebody" asking "what have you done today ? looking in the past....

Questions are important...not the answers !




Very insightful and makes other people think about what they're doing or how they're valuing their life or time. :)




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Well I see a future wife in me. Which is actually a first, I definitely didn't feel that way when I was engaged to David not so long ago. I think it was because I knew deep down that it wasn't the best for me. This time though, I do feel like I'm wife material. It's a huge step for change and I'm having mixed feelings about it. I'm scared that I'll completely fail at being a wife or a mother. I still feel the need to be successful, but I feel like I'm already stepping out from behind my mother's shadow and becomming someone people actually respect. I'll also be finishing school and will have a degree before my wedding in June so I'll officially be an adult.





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I see someone who is learning quickly, and changing at a startling pace. I see someone that has good intentions, and optimistically tries to see the world in a new light. Sometimes, however, I find that I don't recognize who I see, and that scares me.

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I saw myself in the mirror this morning

No longer a boy, not yet a man

Closing out one phase of my life

Soon to begin another

I'm glad

I'm sad

I'm smiling

I'm crying

That's life


Colin :boy:

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