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Condolences to Emoe

C James

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At shorty after eight o'clock on Sunday evening, Emoe's father lost his fight to recover from surgery, and began a journey that we must all one day take.


My sincere condolences to Emoe and his family.


Please join me in keeping Emoe and his family in your thoughts and prayers.



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That's horrible. If there's anything we can do, let us know EMoe. I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I know how it feels, and it's one of the worst feelings a person can have.

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I know how you feel when you losing your father. My father died in a car accident when I'm 6, so I know how painful to feel without any father there in my heart.


Condolences to you and your family. Get well and come back to GA, We'll always be here for you with open arms for comfort.



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There is nothing I can say to make this any better, but I will stand by you silently, ready to help should you need anything.





Edited by Myk
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I'm sorry EMoe. I know what it's like to lose someone important to you -- I lost the only grandparent that I ever knew on the second day of my college career... needless to say it was the work two weeks of my life, leaving home, starting a new life, losing my grandmother, burying her, etc.


I don't want to scare you but the next week or so is going to be very tough for you, so I wish you the best of luck now when you need it the most.

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My thoughts and prayers are with you for you and your family deeply sorry to hear about your loss. No one is ever really gone as long as we keep their memories in our hearts. When my grandfather was dying i remember getting the phone call i had a exam that day and didnt even care. Me and my mom drove 5hrs in a snowstorm just to make it in time to say goodbye. We got stuck in a snowbank too and i had to walk up a road to use someones phone and they wouldnt answer there door but stood at the door so i kicked there door. I was really angry with god that day. Every song on the radio was about someone dying... Tears In The Floor Of Heaven, How Can i help you say goodbye? By the time i got to the hospital i asked god that if he thought i was strong enough to let my grandpa die peacefully then let him. We walked into the room and i said goodbye grampa was asleep then, I made lots of promises that day and am still trying to keep alot of them. One was that i would make sure to be strong for my grandmother and too help her the best i could... It was a weird thing too because the night before i dreamt that he died. then the next day he was so for years i felt guilty about that. One thing that really helped me was i had good friends who understood what i was going through. I even took 3 weeks out of school and theatre classes. Grief counselling was another option i was doing.. their was 1 song i would listen to all the time as well called Light In Your Eyes. In the beginning it goes "Something is happening everythings different this isnt the world i knew inside" We will all be here for you thats for sure.

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Oh dear, I'm so sad to hear this... :hug: My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family. I wish something I could say or do would help, but I'm aware that it will not :(




My deepest condolences,



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Death is a harsh reality of life....and yet it is one that we all have to face one day. But that doesn't mean that it is easy for us to overcome the death of a loved one. I offer my sincere condolences to your loss, dear friend, and hope that the departed soul finds peace.



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I very, very much want to echo my support for the Living Will. Everyone should have one.


There's even more to it than sparing your loved ones an agonizing decision; you may also be sparing yourself a slow and lingering death. Modern medicine is wonderful, but when hope of recovery is gone, in many cases it merely prolongs the agony.

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I very, very much want to echo my support for the Living Will. Everyone should have one.


There's even more to it than sparing your loved ones an agonizing decision; you may also be sparing yourself a slow and lingering death. Modern medicine is wonderful, but when hope of recovery is gone, in many cases it merely prolongs the agony.



We had these drawn up a couple of years ago (The Living Will & Will) I had 6 copies witnessed and nortarized made. Our attorney has one, the rest are safe keeping and with family members.

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