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  1. Puppilull
    • Author
    • 2 Stories

    Why do people, more often than not, do stupid things that screw up their lives? Intrigued by people, but not always able to understand their actions, that question of why fascinates Puppilull. A long time reader and spinner of fantasies, Puppilull is new to writing for the public and her content varies. To tell a story worth reading, she tries to stay true and honest to the characters. Besides, what’s the point of telling a story, if you don’t try to get to know the people who inhabit it?
  2. craftingmom
    • Classic Author
    • 2 Stories

    Stories crafted here are going to be filled with angst. You'll find abused, hurting characters who feel lost and just want to be safe and loved, whether they are human, neko, or something in between.
  3. Nancer
    • Editor
    • 2 Stories

    Important things shall happen here; this I promise.
  4. Cynus
    • Signature Author
    • 2 Stories

    My stories are born from my deepest emotions, bubbling to the surface when they demand to be released. The subjects I pursue are as varied as my interests, and I love to explore different genres. Some of my work is dark, some of it is light-hearted, but I never write the same story twice.
  5. Israfil
    • Author
    • 2 Stories

    I'm primarily an urban fantasy writer - might do a little branching out eventually but for now sticking with what I know. I'm a freelance journalist and environmental blogger.
  6. Roland
    • Classic Author
    • 2 Stories

    There are truly no real new ideas anymore. What we must do now is take the old ideas, reimagine them, and add a twist. That is what I love to do as an author. I take old ideas, remake them into something new, and hope that I have been able to entertain people along the way.
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