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  1. ColumbusGuy
    • Author
    • 4 Stories

    Wrote bad science-fiction in high school, sent some out but got it all back. In college I learned I had a talent for writing historical fiction, but didn't do anything with that until the internet put me in contact with others of like mind. This led to nearly two decades of writing interactive stories set in Ancient Rome, then I discovered gay fiction online and decided to try my hand at it.
    My main story is based on my high school years, and I'm also back doing sci-fi!
  2. alishead
    • Editor
    • 4 Stories

  3. Thirdly
  4. Bleu
    • Author
    • 3 Stories

    I wrote some poetry a few years ago. Writing a little piece of fiction at the moment.
  5. Sara Alva
    • Author
    • 3 Stories

    Romantic fiction with a realistic spin carries Sara Alva's readers on journeys of self-discovery, heartache, personal growth, friendship and love.
  6. CassieQ
    • Signature Author
    • 3 Stories

    CassieQ likes to write about the strange, the unusual and the very very sexy. Her stories are a mix of paranormal, fantasy and romance, often told through the perspective of young adults or teenagers. From the multiple realities in her Not the Sun Trilogy, to the complicated drama of Unrequited and the supernatural twist of Warm and Restless, readers never find themselves bored.
  7. Al Norris
    • Author
    • 3 Stories

    I have written several speculative fiction and contemporary drama/romance stories, some of which I will bring to GA. I'm an avid Sci-Fi and fantasy fan. I suspect I will be writing more of these types of fiction in the future. Of course, that's assuming the various characters keep talking to me!
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