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Story Series

Series Must Contain 2 Stories to be viewed in the Browse by Series list
  1. Confounded

  2. Kenrick

    Struan Kenrick is an Army soldier, bi, single and loves travelling, which is where trouble finds him and his younger brother Sawney when on holidays.

  3. The Mantis Gland

    Superheroes are real, but their powers can be stolen if you eat their brains.

  4. Chronicles from the Orchard

    The journey of a team of childhood friends as they grow, through laughter and tears, into a loving and steadfast family.

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    C. J.

    CJ’s fifteen when his step-father banishes him from his home for being gay. When he moves to Washington to live with his father, he begins a journey of discovery. The series follows him through high school and college as he accumulates friends, and learns what it’s like to be a young, wealthy, gay man living in an urban environment.

  5. Lloyd Family Corp

    This series about the adventures of the Lloyd family and the crews of their vessels, Aquaria and Oceania.

  6. Stories by Luna M.

    Stories written by Luna M.

  7. Essays

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    My Uni-Verse

    Assorted Poetry

  8. The Neko

    This is the story of Astara, a small planet home to humans, elves, and, of course, nekos. Some of them are werewolves, some of them want to be werewolves. And some want nothing to do with their wilder sides.

  9. Gateway

  10. Desert

    Jexon Kendrik and family living and working in the very harsh Pilbara an Kimberly regions of Western Australia.

  11. Novellas

  12. Benji's World

    Beginning with Backwoods Christmas, this is a series of short stories describing backwoods-boy Benji's experiences with his friends over the course of several months.

  13. Wearing Green on Thursday

    The fictional autobiography of Bruce Hutton, a gay man in his late forties, takes place in three parts. The first, set in his last year of high school and first semester of college, is called Coming of Age. The second, called Coming Out, picks up with his college years and continues through grad school, a time when he accepted and explored his sexuality. The final part, Coming to Love, sees him embarking on his career as an aeronautical engineer and finding true love.

  14. Stories from Old Photographs

    Stories inspired by old photographs, or set in the 19th or early 20th century.

  15. The Boot

    A series of stories that are centred around The Boot, a fictional shelter for homeless people set in Manchester UK. The stories are centred around individual characters, both staff and 'guests'. As with real life not everything is sunshine and roses. It has it's ups and downs, showing the effect that events have on people and how people can affect and have an impact on others. There will be fun and laughter, there will be sadness and tears.

    Characters will come and go, some will remain throughout, others will appear in more than one story.

    These stories are representative not definitive, some degree of literary license is used.

  16. Tall Ship Adventures

    These are the stories of Zac Hynes, who has always had an interest in sailing, since completing a sailing course at the age of twelve. With his parent's support, Zac gets to experience sailing on a tall ship, first as a trainee, then as a volunteer crew member, where he meets Jordan Sanderson, whose family own a cattle station in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.

  17. The Fear of Fairies and Other Fairy Tales

    A collection of gay-related fairy tales.

  18. The Sapphire Thief

    Tales of Zafiro the thief!


    Recommended to read the Star Crossed series first for more context of the setting There are a good number of references from it.

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