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Running with the Pack - 5. Chapter 5

Aiden watched his human, the boy named Ethan, as he carefully considered his options on what action he should take. It was not simply a choice of what was in his heart or what his wolf told him. He could not tell from Ethan’s scent if he had started the turning process and that confused him as it generally began almost instantaneously. The boy still smelled exactly the same as he did before getting bit, so he did not think anything had changed.

He hoped Michael had not turned the teen, forever marking his blond pup with the scent of his rival. His wolf was sickened by the very thought of that mongrel sinking its teeth into their human. If anyone was to turn this boy it should be us, his wolf told him. Studying the young pup, Aiden had no way of knowing how Ethan would react to what he now considered doing, even though Ethan had just said he wished it was real Aiden had transformed into a human.

He wished Ethan had gotten to know his human side before revealing himself. Allow themselves to get to know each other prior to springing the entire, ‘Oh, by the way, I change into a wolf sometimes,’ thing. His wolf practically demanded he shift and wanted him to claim what was theirs. He quashed that idea then and there; he told his wolf not to do anything to frighten the boy. He finally looked over to his to closest friends and advisors sharing a silent discussion for a few moments until they both nodded in assent.

Casey wondered off to grab their packs and quickly returned to where Trevor waited at the edge of the clearing.

Aiden took a deep breath and let it out in a huff, then got up and took a few steps away from Ethan. Keeping his eyes on the pup, he started the shift to his human body. The fur began to recede, his bones reshaped and snapped into their reformed location, his face took on a more human look as the ears moved from the top of his head to the sides. The one thing that did not change was the dark grey penetrating eyes of the wolf. The process only took a matter of seconds, but for both Aiden and Ethan it seemed to take an eternity. Both kept their eyes locked on the other one’s. When the shift was complete, a very human and very naked Aiden knelt before the stunned and terrified Ethan.

“It’s okay, Ethan.” Aiden’s voice was soft and calming. “You’re safe and nobody’s going to hurt you.”

Ethan appeared ready to run away as fast as his legs would carry him. His face was covered in absolute terror even though moments before he was wishing this very thing could happen. He began to move away, scrambling back on his hands and feet until he found himself pinned against a tree.

The scent of fear and panic filled the air around them. Aiden knew he needed to act quickly. He crawled over to Ethan staying low and none threatening. Slowly taking his hand, he focused on Ethan’s eyes. “It’s still me. Look into my eyes and you’ll see I’m the same as the wolf that you wanted as your friend. You don’t need to be afraid of me.”

Ethan looked over Aiden’s face and timidly reached out, briefly pulling his hand back just before making contact. The pause was momentary before closing the distance again and running his fingers across Aiden’s cheek. His fingers ghosted over the face of the man who knelt before him, not quite believing it was real. The face was the one he thought he had seen before passing out. The face he had seen so many times in his dreams since that night. He looked deep into the eyes before him again, studying them; the color was that incredible dark grey with the same intensity they had when the wolf stared at him. Without a doubt, he knew those eyes were the same as the wolf; this handsome man was his wolf.

Aiden finally relaxed as he saw recognition on the blond’s face. “Are you going to be okay? If I’m too frightening just tell me and I’ll go. No matter what, no harm will come to you.”

Ethan was quiet for a long time as he studied this strange man. Aiden began to fear this was too much for the boy to handle and started to pull back. Like a rubber band that is wound too tight, Ethan finally snapped out of his fear and with tears streamed down his face he wrapped his arms around Aiden, burying his face against the man’s neck. “Please don’t go.” As afraid of Aiden as he was, he was more afraid of being alone again.

Aiden happily held on, pulling him into a tight hug until his pup finally looked up into his eyes again. He wiped the boy’s tears away and smiled down at him. “Hello Ethan, I’m Aiden.”

The blond gave a little smile then looked puzzled. “H-how’d you know my name?” It was quickly followed by, “Oh my god… you’re naked!”

Aiden laughed. “I know you have a lot of questions and we’ll take them one at a time. As for me being naked, it’s kind of difficult to wear clothes when I change shapes.” He added with a big wolfish smile, “And as I recall, you were naked when I first saw you.”

Ethan immediately blushed remembering everything the wolf had seen.

Aiden looked over at Casey and nodded. The auburn wolf picked up Aiden’s pack and brought it over to him.

Ethan looked up and saw the other wolf moving closer and started to panic. Aiden held on to him and brushed a hand over the trembling face. “It’s alright. He’s not going to hurt you. These are my two best friends. This is Casey,” who let out a bark, “and the other one’s Trevor,” who also let out a bark.

Casey set the pack down and walked back over to Trevor. Aiden opened it, pulled out shorts, and quickly slipped them on.

Ethan spoke before thinking. “I kinda liked the view.” As soon as he said it, he slapped a hand over his mouth and his whole body blushed bright red with embarrassment.

Aiden could not help howling in laughter.

When Ethan recovered somewhat from his embarrassment, he looked up at Aiden. “So how did you know my name? Can you read minds or something?”

“No, I can’t read minds, even though I know what your next question’s most likely gonna be. But as far as your name, Doctor Alexander told me. Your next question I’m guessing was going to be, what am I?”


“I’m a lycan. Some people call us shape shifters, others call us skinwalkers. Specifically, I’m a lycan wolf or wolf shifter. So are Casey and Trevor.” Aiden waited a moment for that to sink in before continuing. “The wolves that attacked you are also shifters like me.”

“Why did they attack me then? I didn’t do anything to them or any other wolf.” There was a sadness in his voice laced with a hint of anger.

“They attacked you because of me.” Remorse was thick in his voice. “They’re from my pack and one of them figured out I was spending time with you. He and I aren’t exactly friends. They intended to only try and scare you and have some fun at your expense. But when I showed up to protect you, the one that was leading the group thought he had to attack me to save face instead of backing down. You were bit as a result. I’m truly sorry for that, but I’m not sorry I met you, became your friend, or tried to defend you.”

“Am I gonna turn into a werewolf because of the bite?” Ethan looked fearful.

Aiden winced a little at the term werewolf, but had to admit it was a fair question. “We’re not actually werewolves like you find in the movies or books. Normally, a bite from one of us will turn a human into a lycan though. I should be able to smell the change in you giving how many days it’s been, but I don’t. I honestly don’t know what’s going on yet and if you will be turned or not. I don’t think you have been, but again, I’m not sure.”

The two sat silently for a bit while Ethan tried to absorb what he had been told so far. His mind was in turmoil over wanting to run away from this person that wasn’t human and in awe of what was really before him. He honestly believed he was still asleep and this was nothing more than a dream.

Ethan pulled back from Aiden a little bit and looked up into his eyes. “I need to tell you something and if you don’t want to be my friend after that I’ll understand.” He took a deep breath then looked down at the ground in front of him. “I’m gay and I won’t hide it, so if it’s a problem...”

Aiden had to chuckle and gently put his finger under Ethan’s chin to make him look back into his eyes. His smile was brilliant. “I already figured that out.” He leaned in and gave Ethan a light kiss on the tip of his nose.

Ethan looked at the bigger man with shock, longing, and a host of other emotions he could not even begin to name. This huge sexy man that was also a shape-shifting wolf had just kissed him. Now he knew for sure he was asleep, but oh what a wonderful dream this was. “Is all this real? I’m not still asleep and dreaming, am I? Did I just get kissed by the hottest guy I’ve ever seen? You are really a shape-shifting wolf? Has a white rabbit with a pocket watch and top hat gone running by yet?” Ethan took a breath after ratting off all those questions in rapid succession.

“I haven’t seen a white rabbit, but I’m sure the three of us could hunt one up if needed, though I doubt it would have a pocket watch or hat. You’re not asleep. I am a shape shifter and yes, this is real.” Aiden grinned big for a moment. “So… hottest guy ever? Oh, and yes, I kissed you.”

Aiden held the boy’s gaze for a long time before softly asking, “Why are you out here in the forest all by yourself? If you don’t want to tell me it’s okay. You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to.”

Taking another deep breath, he gave Aiden a brief and very sugar coated rundown of his history and why he came to the mountains. Aiden’s heart nearly broke as he listened. He was amazed at the strength this boy had shown taking care of himself on the streets. There was no pity, just admiration.

He pulled Ethan into him so the blond’s head rested on his chest. “If I have my way, you’ll never be alone again.”

Ethan reached up and absentmindedly ran his fingers through the thick layer of fur on Aiden’s chest. His other arm wrapped around Aiden’s back holding him tight. He did not understand why, but he felt perfectly safe in the arms of this man that was his wolf.

Aiden held Ethan, breathing deep, and taking in the wonderful scent that made him feel calm and at peace. To both of them, this felt right.


As they talked and got to know each other, Ethan extricated himself from Aiden’s hold, got up, and grabbed his fishing pole.

“We should think about catching something for dinner before it gets too late.”

Aiden smiled and gave a wolfish grin while looking at the fishing pole. “It’s not how I’m used to fishing, but it will be fun doing it with you again.”

In the wide stream, the fish seemed hungry and liked the berries Ethan used as bait. It didn’t take long before the two had caught several nice-sized rainbow trout. Ethan cleaned them while Aiden got a fire going. Smelling the fish cooking, the other two wolves returned from whatever they had been doing. The auburn wolf was sniffing the air with his tongue hanging out from the scent of the fish.

Ethan looked between Aiden and the two still in fur. “There’s plenty here if they want some. Would they prefer it raw or cooked?”

Aiden called over to his two friends. “Why don’t you guys shift and come join us for dinner. Now is as good a time as any for him to meet you two mutts.”

They both gave Aiden a playful growl at being called mutts, but shifted into human form and pulled on their shorts.

Casey was the first to walk over after grabbing a mess kit from his pack. He sat down licking his lips. “That smells pretty damn good.”

Trevor followed his friend. “Hey, I’m Trevor.” He held out his hand to the much smaller guy. “When food’s around, this chowhound forgets his manners.”

“Oh yeah, sorry about that. Hey, dude. I’m Casey.”

Ethan had to smile. He was around three hugely built guys that could change into wolves; one of the guys was staying in almost constant contact with him and yet he felt perfectly safe. It did not any make sense to him, but he knew they would not hurt him.

“Hey, guys.” Ethan nodded at the two.

After all the trout were cooked, the four dug in. Ethan was stuffed, the other three would need a little more food, but they could go for a quick hunt later.

After everything was cleaned, Casey looked at Aiden. “Man, if he can cook this good out here in the forest I can only imagine what he can do in a real kitchen.” As he was walking away, he glanced back. “You got yourself quite a find there.”

Aiden gave his friend a hard glare causing Casey to realize what he had just said, although Aiden had the same thought himself. He just did not want to scare the blond away.

Ethan thought the comment was a little strange, but was happy with the compliment on his cooking. “What does he mean by 'you’ve got quite a find'?”

Aiden thought hard about his next words, but decided he needed to be open and honest with Ethan even if meant getting rejected. “From the first time I saw you, my wolf has been telling me you were someone special and that’s been driving me to be close to you. After leaving you with the Doc, I could feel something pulling me to try and find you again. I know you’re not a wolf and I don’t want say too much yet and risk scaring you off. Basically, I want to get to know you a lot better.” Aiden grinned and decided to taking a chance. “Have you ever had a boyfriend before?”

“No, I haven’t.” Ethan smirked. “What about you?”

“I haven’t either, but I met this great guy and hopefully he’ll eventually change that.” He leaned in and gave Ethan a light kiss on the tip of the nose again. “I know it’s too soon to even hope for that, but a guy can dream.”

Tears filled Ethan’s eyes as he got up and ran into the forest. Aiden gave chase and quickly caught up with him. Pulling the smaller boy into his arms, he held him tight against his chest.

“I’m sorry, Ethan. I didn’t mean to scare you. I know the whole shape shifter thing is a lot to take in. And having one say he likes you a lot right after finding out we exist, probably doesn’t help.”

Ethan could not bring himself to look at Aiden. “Why would you want some worthless, homeless person? My life’s a wreck and everyone I’ve met tosses me aside like yesterday’s garbage after they get what they want.”

Aiden could not help the growling that started deep in his chest. He held Ethan even tighter as the boy continued to cry. He pulled back a little so he was gaze deep into Ethan’s eyes. “I know you have no reason to trust me and we both have a lot to learn about each other, but I’m only going to say this once. You are not worthless, Pup! Yes, your life may be a wreck and you may be homeless. I’ve caused a few train wrecks in my past. When I look at you, I see someone who is incredibly strong and brave. Far braver then a lot of people I know.” When he finished he pulled Ethan close and held on tight.

Ethan did not know what to say so he remained quiet and let the bigger guy hold him.

After a few minutes of silence, Aiden pulled back enough to be able to look into Ethan’s eyes again. “I know at the very least you could probably use a friend. I’d very much like to be that friend. You don’t need to answer me now and I know we just met as humans. But I’d like you to think about in addition to me being your friend, maybe, someday, possibly being my boyfriend. If you tell me you’re not interested and want me to leave, I’ll abide by your decision. At the risk of scaring you off, my wolf’s telling me you are the one I’m meant to be with.”

Ethan did not understand the strong pull he felt towards Aiden. He had not trusted anyone since he had been on the streets, but he desperately wanted to believe in Aiden. “I don’t trust well. Since I’ve been on the streets, not trusting people is what kept me alive. It’s gonna take me a little time. I do want to trust you and believe in you, but I’m scared to let myself believe in anyone. I trusted you as a wolf that you wouldn’t hurt me, I think I might be able to trust you as a person. Before I say yes or no, you need to know a few more things about my life and how I’ve gotten by for the last few years. If you can handle that, then we’ll take it one step at a time. If not, I understand and am used to it. Okay?”

Aiden nodded and the two walked back to the camp. Trevor and Casey were tending the fire when the pair returned.

Trevor looked up. “Everything cool?”

Aiden give him a nod.

Casey looked to his friends. “I’m hungry, can we go hunt?”

Trevor playfully shoved him. “When aren’t you hungry?”

Ethan laughed at their antics.

Aiden shook his head and looked down at Ethan. “Pup, are you gonna be okay if we go for a quick hunt?”

Ethan barely managed a slight smile. “I’ll be okay. I’m feeling really tired anyways and was hoping we could have that talk tomorrow. I could also do with some time to think.”

The three stripped and in a few seconds, their bodies transformed from big muscular men into massive wolves. Aiden nuzzled Ethan’s hand and gave it a quick lick before they ran off into the forest. Ethan put out the fire and crawled into his sleeping bag. He could not wrap his mind around the fact this big, handsome man he had just met actually said he wanted him as his boyfriend, let alone the fact he could turn into a wolf. He fell into a fitful sleep and woke sometime later feeling very warm and like something was pressing down on him. Raising his head a little, he could see his wolf laying against him with its head his chest. He quickly fell back into a very restful sleep for the remainder of the night.

Running with the Pack, WolfM, 2012-2016, All Rights Reserved
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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I just found this story and love it so far. I like the way it's progressing and the way you are showing the character that this group has. I am really looking forward to more.

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I can see how Ethan is accepting of Aiden's shape shifting as he is an ardent reader of stories with white dragons, etc. Aiden's need to associate with a human is more complicated. I will have to be patient to see how WolfM works it all out.

You still have me enthralled, WolfM, even reading for this second time as the progress of the story has left my mind since the first time I read it. Sometimes when I finish reading a chapter just before going to sleep I have to refresh my mind by going back and re-reading the last few pages of the previous chapter to connect it to the new chapter, but that is not your fault. Your writing paces ahead just fine. I can foresee problems arising between Michael and Ethan in the future, but there would be no story at all if there were no tension.

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I see strong traces of Kipling's "The Jungle Book" here. Of course Baloo and the other jungle animals in Kipling's books were not 'shape-shifters', but Doc is similar to Baloo in that he is a wise old bear and Aiden takes care of Ethan the way Bagheera, the black leopard, guarded Mowgli in the Kipling tales. Shape-shifting (Lycanthropy, if restricted to wolves) is a pervasive theme in Medieval religious belief, the biggest difference here is the romantic attraction that is developing between Aiden and Ethan, but that is a near requirement of a GA story.

Your characterization and pace, WolfM are spot on and I am enjoying these tales just as much in reading them the second time as I did the first. Shape-shifting among animals other than wolves (Doc for example being a shape-shifting bear) is a rare frosting on the cake.

One very small nit-picking; after all, I am (in)famous among GA authors as being the 'Old Troll', who lives undar the bridge that an author must walk across barefoot on his way to publication, and who nips at the bare toes of the author….There is no such word in English as 'anyways'. That is a slang misuse of the word 'anyway', which is acceptable English, and fits perfectly into this place in the narrative.

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And the first bloom of love is upon us as Ethan and Aiden get acquainted with one another. Casey and Trevor seem like great guys to have in your corner. Another stellar chapter from you.

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On 4/2/2022 at 5:16 PM, bearbtm said:

And the first bloom of love is upon us as Ethan and Aiden get acquainted with one another. Casey and Trevor seem like great guys to have in your corner. Another stellar chapter from you.

Thank you, Bear :)

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Ethan's reading and imagination have left him more open to accepting Aiden as a shifter.  What is the main problem for him is not the wolf, but that the wolf may love him.  This scares him, I believe, because Ethan has never felt that unconditional love from anyone.  It will be difficult for him to accept, but at least it is something he wants to believe in.  He will probably struggle with the idea that he is worthy of Aiden's love for a while.  As one comment implied, there is potential for a lot of drama here.

Edited by raven1
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On 12/3/2015 at 2:31 PM, WolfM said:

Aiden always considered himself "mostly" straight so never gave any thought to finding his mate to be a male.

Not only male, but Human!!!

I'm actually glad that my last comment turned out to be false. This way Aiden can turn Ethan when the time is right.

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