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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Morningstar: The Malaise - 15. Chapter 15 Nothing's Written In Stone

Prepared for what?

Morningstar: The Malaise



Chapter 15



When they pulled into Tobyn’s driveway, the kids were already there. Six of them sprawled or sat on the small patch of lush green grass that managed to thrive in spite of almost constant shade. A quick flicker proved quite interesting to Kellar, and gave credence to some of his speculations.

There was no burnt umber present in any of them, which further proved his theory it came after the first shift. Dane’s tonsils were a little worse than earlier, but the rest of the youngsters showed nothing to indicate illness. He would wish for more vigorous colors though, but since these were his first glimpses at a bunch of shifter kids, he couldn’t rule out their age played some part.

“Come on. Let’s introduce you to the little monsters.” It was easy to sense how Tobyn felt about these young ones. A mixed wave of pride and concern filled the truck, replacing the previous turmoil he’d read from the man. The same turmoil Kellar was struggling to navigate. It had been a quiet drive from the marina, but if his friend could let it go, so could he. No doubt about it. Tobyn would be a great dad.

The small group stood up, a couple of them shyly fidgeting as Kellar approached just ahead of Tobyn. Kids never made him nervous the way adults did. “Hey, guys and girls. I’m Kellar.”

There was a lot of mumbling before one of the guys commented on how big he was. He grinned and said he ate a lot of spinach as a child, and that effectively broke the ice as a couple of them groaned while others giggled.

Tobyn ran through the group for him, one by one. There were best friends Mace and Dane, the two oldest at almost fifteen. Next was Rafe, at twelve. Rina, a shy little girl, was eleven, and her friend Marilyn, despite being a head taller, was only ten. The youngest was a boy who couldn’t stop moving, and his name was Bertram. He was eight… ‘and a half,’ the energetic lad added, and Kellar took to him right away. Actually, he liked them all. They were a polite, and obviously tight-knit family of friends, and amusing now that they’d relaxed. No children for almost nine years? He couldn’t let himself think about that right now.

“Okay, so you all know I’m really big… and that I’m also a healer.” More giggles as they smiled and nodded. “Just so you have an idea of how I work, I'll tell you about my special power. I can’t fly,” he said with a grin, “but it’s possible for me to tell if there’s something going on in your bodies that shouldn’t be, by checking the colors of your auras. I know that might sound hard to believe, but when I shifted the first time, I could see colors in all living things. It’s sort of like a signature written with a huge box of crayons….” He waited as more groans were expelled amidst now familiar giggles, rolling his eyes in mock exasperation. “… and when there’s a crayon color that doesn’t belong, it stands out to me. Dane is the only one that has a gross cootie color.” More giggles, and Kellar was relieved shifter kids understood what cooties were. “There’s a shade of purple, kind of like a grape popsicle, and it tells me his tonsils are inflamed. When I use a plant with the same color in its signature to help me, I have the ability to get rid of it. Does that make sense?”

They all said yes, nodding to him and each other as if it was the most normal thing in the world. A couple of them teased Dane about his apparent addiction to the home-made grape ice-pops always available at the lodge.

“All right then. So, all of you can go except for Dane.” Seeing the best friend’s reaction, he smiled, and included him. “And Mace, it’ll only take about five minutes, if you want to come inside with us?” Kellar wasn’t surprised the best friends stuck together like glue. They were the same way at the soccer field earlier. It was a special thing to watch, and he couldn’t help but wish he’d met Tobyn when they were that age.

“You’re really good with them. And I’m glad you noticed Mace and Dane hate to be separated,” his friend whispered as he herded the boys inside.

“Thanks. I like kids... and I figured that out pretty quick.”

“They’ve been besties their whole lives.”

“I’ve never had a best friend, but I know what it looks like.”

“You have one now, doc… that won’t change. Count on it, okay?”

He flushed with pleasure. “Okay… thanks.”

“Don’t mention it. I’m the lucky one.” He changed the subject quickly. “I’m impressed with how you had the little buggers eating out of your hand. Box of crayons? Cooties? They loved that.” Tobyn chuckled as he turned his attention to the two boys who’d taken seats at the kitchen table, and were deep in whispered conversation. He kept them occupied while the simple tea was made.

Within the promised five minutes of healing, Kellar had finished, and pronounced Dane ‘fit as a fiddle.’ That got him matching snickers from both kids. “How does your throat feel, buddy?”

“Great. It’s been sore for a week, but today was the worst. Now, it doesn’t hurt a bit. I won’t have to go to the doctor and take pills. Thanks a lot, sir.” He smiled at Kellar, and then Mace. “Wait till I tell everyone how easy it was.”

Tobyn teased as the boys went out the door. “And your legend grows.”

“Yikes. Don’t really want to be a legend, and I sure as hell don’t want to be called sir.”

“Too late, man. You already are. And you should be… sir.”

“Knock it off, smartass.” He laughed when Tobyn bowed.

“Whatever you say, sir. So how did the others’ colors look to you?”

“No health issues, but there was a little paleness to their auras. Dane’s was better when he left, though. It was brighter, for sure.”

“See, I told you your healing does that.”

“I don’t know, Tobyn. It might be a temporary effect, but there even looked to be a tiny difference in Mace’s. Maybe a kid’s fluctuates? These are the first shifter kids I’ve met. So… there hasn’t been a child born for eight-and-a-half years?” He attempted to smile as he imitated Bertram, but that fact was freaking Kellar out. He’d known there were only six children in the entire pack, but he hadn’t known about the barren stretch. Now that the young ones had left, he allowed his shock to surface at the grave statistic.

“No. There were two pregnancies, but the babies were stillborn. It scares you too, doesn’t it?”

“I have to admit it’s pretty sobering. Wow. That’s sad. Did they look normal… no defects?”

“As far as I know. I didn’t ask anyone at the time, but I remember my mom saying the little girl was beautiful. We were all upset, and it’s still a touchy subject. The pack pins a lot of hope on any new pregnancy, and it’s been a long fucking time since....” Tobyn turned away, wiping at his eyes.

Kellar found himself folding, even if he wasn’t sure it was the right thing to do. He walked up behind the man anyway, putting a hand on each shoulder. “We’ll figure this out, Tobyn.”

He didn’t turn around, but he did utter, “We?”

“Yeah, we. Let’s take this one day at a time. I’m not part of the pack, but maybe that’s a good thing. I’m looking at all this from a different perspective, and the more information I can get the better.”

Tobyn did turn around this time. “Are you telling me you’re staying?”

He put his dislodged hands on Tobyn’s forearms, looking slightly down at him as he expelled a big breath of air.

“You’re not, are you?” It was a resigned statement more than a question.

“I… I don’t know. Wait, Tobyn. Look at me, please. I want to. I want to help you in any way I can. Do you even want me around knowing how I feel about you?”

Tobyn turned his eyes back to Kellar. “I’ve thought about that,” he said softly. “If you leave it’s gonna hurt, and if you stay it’s gonna hurt. Either way, it’ll be hard… not just for you… you know that, right?”

“I do. I’ve heard what you said about how your life has to go, but I also have a pretty good idea how you feel. I don’t know if that makes it harder or easier.” He tried a little smile, and got a hint of one back. “So let’s just take it day by day. I’m learning more all the time.”

“What does that mean? Are you saying you have some idea of what’s going on with the pack?” The hope in his eyes ripped at Kellar’s heart, but he couldn’t jump the gun.

“Nothing I have any certainty about. But, I’m always thinking, and I am a healer, so maybe that will come in handy. I’m beginning to see more clearly just how devastating the malaise has been for Morningstar. For now, trust you’re not alone in this. I’m not sure I’d ever be able to desert you when you need me, and if that means going with you in search of other packs… well, I’m not saying no just yet. Fair enough? That’s if you still want me around.”

Tobyn was quick to respond. “I think I’d rather be hurting with you, than without you. It’s fair enough for me if it’s fair enough for you?”

He nodded. “So, one day at a time, and nothing’s written in stone anymore?”

“Agreed. Thank you, Kellar. I don’t know why, but you give me strength. I pretended to myself this would be easy… getting answers and handling the pressure. I was wrong. I need help. I need your help, but only if you can handle it.”



“Enough talk. I’m starving. Mountain man must eat.”

“Oh crap. Sorry. Do you want to head over to the lodge or...?” Tobyn pulled open the fridge and Kellar came up behind him to find Elinor had taken care of them again. There was lots of food packed in, including what smelled like a venison stroganoff.

He breathed in loudly through his nose as he leaned partly over Tobyn. “I want whatever that is.”


“What time do you think we’ll leave in the morning?” They were sitting at the kitchen table, having made a good dent in the delicious meal.

“Knowing my mom, she’ll need an hour or so in the office. She likes to make sure every department is covered for the day, and Maynard and Ingram hate doing the day-to-day shit, so they leave it to her.” He chuckled. “They barely know where the office is, let alone the schedules and stock orders. Between you and me, Ingram would rather be taking people out on one of the boats, and fishing. Stay clear of him if you don’t like fish stories.”

“It’s pretty obvious your mom is the one in charge.”

“Yeah, she takes on most of the responsibility, but if there’s a big decision to be made, she doesn’t let the other two off the hook… no pun intended,” he said with a grin.

Kellar rolled his eyes. “I think it was intended, and I’ll give it a C minus. So, what time?”

“Come on,” he whined. “It was at least a C plus. And if Mom doesn’t call, we should just head over and have breakfast while we wait. Most of the workers will be eating between six and seven, so unless you want to meet a lot of the members at once, we should go after that.”

“Sounds good to me. I’d prefer meeting them in small groups.”

“I figured,” Tobyn said with a knowing look. “So what do you want to do next?”

“Check on Adelin, if you don’t mind? I want to make sure she’s not overdoing it. Just because she’s feeling better doesn’t mean she should be up and about. Her body suffered substantial damage from the cancer.”

“Oh, so that’s what I heard in your voice this morning.”

“What did you hear?”

“Exactly what you just said. A doctor’s concern, when Hutch said she’d been into the lodge. Let me clean up these dishes and we can go check on your patient. I’ll call her and tell her we’re coming.”

Kellar jumped up. “I’ll wash and you can dry.”

“Deal. I hate washing.”

“And I hate drying. See, we’re perfect for one another.” He wanted to bite his traitorous tongue off. “Sorry… I was just….”

“Joking? I know, man. I do have a sense of humor, you know.”

“Right.” He busied himself with filling the sink, trying to get his blush to dissipate. At least Tobyn didn’t appear to be affected by his stupid remark.


Tilly was sitting on her front step as if waiting for them, her dark blond hair pulled back in a ponytail, and blue eyes pensive. Kellar wondered at her serious expression. The girl looked miles away, but seemed to snap out of it when Tobyn called out from the road. Standing, she greeted Kellar with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, profusely expressing her thanks, and apologizing for being asleep when he'd left the previous evening. “Adelin is resting, but she’s looking forward to seeing you. She has been wanting to thank you all day. Go on in… Tobyn and I can sit out here and talk.”

Kellar gave Tobyn a quick glance before entering the girls’ home. He found Adelin on the couch in the front room with her feet up, looking rosy-cheeked, but tired. Flickering, he was relieved to see no offending color anywhere. Even though he’d been sure of her cure, it was still nice to have it verified. It was an inescapable fact, though, this young girl would need time to regain her vitality, and until then, she was susceptible to a number of illnesses.

Standing, she wrapped painfully thin arms around him, and held on with surprising strength. “Thank you for giving me my life back, Kellar. I was so scared these would be my last few days.” She was talking into his stomach because he towered over her, and seemed to have no intention of letting go.

Truly touched, he stroked her hair, taken note of the dryness of it. That would soon change as she built up her health and strength. “Are you ever going to let me go?” he asked with amusement.

“Oh, sorry.” She released him, and wiped away the tears on her face.

“No need to be sorry. I enjoyed the hug, but I want you staying off your feet as much as possible for the next week.”

“But, I feel so good. Is everything okay with my cancer?” Her expression had quickly turned to one of alarm.

It touched him further to see some doubt over her turnaround. “What cancer? You don’t have cancer.” He grinned at her as he saw the relief flood her face. “But you did, and it took its toll, so you need rest. Lots and lots of rest. I don’t want you catching any colds or flus. Okay?”

“Okay, doc,” she said.

Kellar found he was getting used to, and kind of liked this new moniker, and laughed at the pretty girl’s smirk. “Good. A short walk every day is fine, and after a few days you can stretch it to two. All right then, I’ve seen all I need to.” He walked over to the window and noticed Tobyn and Tilly had walked out to the road, and were talking intently. Tobyn glanced up and met his eyes, looking confused about something. He could sense this was not a good conversation. “I, ah….”

“Kellar, can you stay here for a bit longer? Tilly’s been waiting to talk to Tobyn, so if you wouldn’t mind giving them some time?”

“Oh, sure. No problem.” He couldn’t help wondering what was going on as he took a seat.

“You like him, don’t you?”

“I don’t know what you mean?” Yeah, that wasn’t defensive at all. “Tobyn? Yeah, he’s become a good friend.”

“You know Tilly and he grew up together?”

“I never thought about it, but of course… it makes sense.”

Adelin giggled. “I was the tag-a-long little sister.”

Kellar’s thoughts went to his own childhood. He was never welcomed as anyone’s little brother. “I’m sure you were adorable.”

“I was.” She giggled again. “You should know… I want to tell you something, but….”

Why did she look so nervous all of a sudden?

Leaning slightly forward, she spoke again. “Tilly knows Tobyn better than she knows anyone, outside of me, I guess… and better than anyone else knows him.”

“I’m sure she does. Adelin? What are we talking about?”

“I’m sorry. I’m not doing this well.” She gave him a sheepish look. “You saved my life, and I feel like I owe you this. I just want you to be prepared.”

“Prepared for what?”

“Tobyn. Tilly is pretty sure she knows how he feels about you, and she’s convinced you’re aware of it too. I’m not saying she’s right, and you don’t have to say anything, but he was never good at hiding stuff from her. We’ve talked, and it’s none of my business, but I understand how my sister is feeling. I just think you should have a heads-up that he might be upset later. I don’t want to say anymore, but maybe this will help you understand what’s going on if he gets weird. He hates change… he always has. Just know Tilly holds nothing against you, and she thinks you’re a great guy.

“Hey," Adelin said nervously. "I hope you don’t mind me talking to you about this? I didn’t want to overstep, but my sister has been on edge all day. She only wants them both to be happy… to resolve this… and Tobyn can be a little stubborn sometimes.”

Holy crap! What is Tilly doing? Kellar found himself unable to answer the girl, and returned to the window, his need to lay eyes on the man too great to resist. He was surprised to see them in a hug this time.

Adelin joined him, and he barely heard her sigh of relief. “Oh, good. It looks like it went well. They really are the best of friends.”

Kellar was still a bit befuddled at what Adelin had said. What the hell was happening? Had Tilly given him an ultimatum? Had Tobyn denied any feelings for him? Tilly was now walking toward the house while Tobyn stayed on the road, his hands stuffed in his pockets. “It looks like we’re going now,” he said to Adelin. Another quick embrace and he was out the door, trying not to hurry. He received a hug goodbye from Tilly, and some words he didn’t hear, before approaching his friend. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine… just fine.” He started walking, and Kellar fell into step beside him.


“Can we talk later, please?”

“Yeah, sure.” It was a quiet but tense walk home, and Kellar’s still-full stomach kept threatening to empty.

A big thanks to my editor, Timothy M., and to all those who read and support this story.
Copyright © 2017 Headstall; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

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Chapter Comments

On 07/27/2016 08:10 AM, LitLover said:

It sounds like Tilly and Adelin are both very bright and observant women. I'm not sure what Tilly's saying to Tobyn, but I suspect she's standing up for herself in some way. Either she's telling him to choose and and commit, or she's telling him they need to stay as friends, but not in a relationship. That said, I can't imagine her, from what I've seen of her so far, making Tobyn choose between her and Kellar, but I can see her reminding him what's at stake with the pack... If that means "great your head on straight and go on your mission like you need you and shelve your feelings for the healer," we'll have to wait to find out (because you're cruel and won't post daily :P)


I suspected K might make the choice not to leave just yet. Besides his feelings for T, he's also a healer and he knows he's needed. I still think T has an easier time with everything. he's not the one faced with the prospect of a future watching his love with another.

Hey, Lit. Yes, Tilly and Adelin are both bright and observant, so something had to give. What that is, Kellar has no idea. How do you prepare yourself when you don't know what you have to prepare for. Adelin's intentions were great, but he's left hanging in the wind, and I can imagine a minute feels like a day.

I agree that Kellar is being true to his nature in considering staying and helping Tobyn. I think if it was just his feelings, he might NEED to leave, but that pull is obviously very strong. I don't think it comes down to who has it easier... each man is dealing with what is happening in different ways, but they are BOTH in their own personal hell. Thanks for an awesome review, my friend... cheers... Gary...

  • Like 5
On 07/27/2016 01:02 PM, scrubber6620 said:

Two steps ahead, one step back. Tilly and Tobyn hugged at the and have reached an understanding and we will find out what the agreement is next chapter. Nice way of keeping us on edge.... They already seem to be able to stay together after discussing the tension this chapter. If it is workable for both and makes Tobyn able to move ahead freely, then Tobyn and Doc Kellar can travel together and find other shifters and maybe answers. We can learn much more when the two plus Tobyn's mother travel to visit the mechanic. I can sense bread crumbs for the malaise with possibly something in the food that could weaken a child or adult and make then open to catching an illness ( like Tobyn's ulcer or the tonsillitis ) or something especially a child and pregnant mother might ingest in great qualtities --milk. Doc Kellar has yet to meet lots of pack shifters so he hasn't read their colors. He also hasn't looked around carefully for a source of the malaise in the food preparation area or fields or water, etc. One further thought from the collar chapter--Any possibility Kellar's parents were killed by hunters or the lords and he was placed in a religious home to be watched but escaped and was lost before the people realized he had shifted ?

He he... I don't usually like cliffies, but.... Kellar has agreed to consider traveling in search of other packs with Tonyn. Will that have to change now? Their first road trip is supposed to be to see a cantankerous mechanic. We'll see how that pans out. I absolutely love your speculation about the malaise. As far as Kellar's parents, they're long gone, and he spent years in different group and foster homes before settling with the Apsleys for six years, so that would mean no one was watching him. I look forward to these great reviews, scrubber... they make me think... I have to be careful not to tip my hand :) . Thanks and cheers... Gary....

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Hmm, so Tobyn hates change - and the chapter title is Nothing's Written in Stone. No wonder the poor guy is reeling. He meets a guy and is instantly attracted, and now his girlfriend gives him the Talk. :o
Tobyn had it all planned out: he would go on a lonely quest, come back with the perfect cure to the Malaise, marry Tilly, and father lots of children. Was he prepared for all those plans to be blown up? Nope, and if he's as stubborn as Adelin says, he's going to have a hard time adjusting.
Kellar is told by Adelin to be prepared fot Tobyn to be upset, and of course he wonder what that means. My gut feeling was Tilly has very kindly told him what Adelin hinted at: that Tobyn's feelings for Kellar are pretty obvious and she loves him like a sister. I bet he wasn't prepared to hear that. :lol:
Oh and a guess at the unhead words Tilly said to Kellar: "Please take good care of him." :yes: Now that can be written in stone already.

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On 08/03/2016 04:21 AM, Timothy M. said:

Hmm, so Tobyn hates change - and the chapter title is Nothing's Written in Stone. No wonder the poor guy is reeling. He meets a guy and is instantly attracted, and now his girlfriend gives him the Talk. :o

Tobyn had it all planned out: he would go on a lonely quest, come back with the perfect cure to the Malaise, marry Tilly, and father lots of children. Was he prepared for all those plans to be blown up? Nope, and if he's as stubborn as Adelin says, he's going to have a hard time adjusting.

Kellar is told by Adelin to be prepared fot Tobyn to be upset, and of course he wonder what that means. My gut feeling was Tilly has very kindly told him what Adelin hinted at: that Tobyn's feelings for Kellar are pretty obvious and she loves him like a sister. I bet he wasn't prepared to hear that. :lol:

Oh and a guess at the unhead words Tilly said to Kellar: "Please take good care of him." :yes: Now that can be written in stone already.

LOL to your last line. I don't think Tobyn or Kellar realize how clearly others can see their bond. Tilly is a smart girl, so this was a chapter about facing some realities. Adelin saying Tobyn could be stubborn was no surprise to Kellar... he's been witnessing it constantly... now he has to endure waiting to find out what happened, and how it will affect his friendship with Tobyn. We'll find out next chapter, how it all went down... thanks for another great review, Tim... cheers... Gary....

  • Like 5

Mmm. That was worth waiting for! If what I think just happened really happened, then there is hope for Kellar and Tobyn to be together much sooner than later. Again, there will be that hardheaded thing, which applies to acceptance just as often as to denial. Can we talk later, Kellar?
Kellar really is only at the edge of understanding the concept of an earth mate; but Toby has a far better grasp on what it all means. He has the cultural heritage that Kellar lacks. And it's only natural that Toby would be a little scared that it was happening to him. But I have a feeling that these two are going to make such a wonderful, powerful team --
Also wondering about the clues you dropped regarding Mace and Dane. Best friends are one kind of bond - but is there perhaps more here than that? That they are uncomfortable being separated seems reminiscent of - oh, wait! :P
Hahaha. Thanks for another wonderful chapter, and another cool piece of this big and interesting jigsaw puzzle.

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3 hours ago, Ezz0564 said:

This is a emotional chapter. I wanna be happy but at the same time it's sad for Tobyn. He's got a tough decision to make. I know I'd be choosing Kellar long before I met him. I can be friends with a woman but that's it nothing more.

It was emotional to write, too, Ezz. So many feelings are floating around, and the fact is, this pack is in dire straits. I think Kellar got hit with just how dire when he found out how long it had been since a shifter kid has been born. It becomes clearer just why Tobyn is so determined. And yes, it looks like Tobyn is at some sort of crossroads... I can tell you this... Tobyn hates change... change scares him. He has this path he has set himself on, and he won't be swayed from it. So much more to unfold in this story... thanks so much for commenting, buddy... it is appreciated... cheers... Gary....

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10 hours ago, Ezz0564 said:

I'm just like Tobyn cause hate change but am slowly learning I need to except it if I'm ever gonna find a shred of happiness again.

Tobyn is a polarizing character. He's a young man with the weight of the world on his shoulders. Change can be hard, but it can also be good. We all have to search for that balance, like you say. Evolution isn't just for mankind... it's for us as individuals as we live our life. I'm glad you see that's necessary for you, Ezz... cheers... Gary.... 

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Wow, a much needed break in the build of tension, thank you.  The kids were great, and the guys were great with them, lots of warm fuzzies.  :*)  So, the news of the infant mortality doesn't give me much hope for Tobyn's, 'have more babies' solution, and Keller isn't ready to share his ideas yet.  Yet, it was like I lost 10 lbs of dead weight when Keller finally agreed to take in one day at a time, nothing written in stone.  I always keep my hope up in communication, not isolation.


Then, bam, you bring the tension right back up because the girls are trying to communicate something to the boys, but Tobyn's not filling Keller in due to the cliffhanger.  I think Adelin's attempt to encourage without coming right out with it only made Keller imagine the worst even more, and he's pretty good at that already.  Crap, yeah, when my stress is high I miss things people say to me, too.  I'm right there with Keller, we seem so alike, and this feels all too real.  I got a bad feeling about this climax you're building us toward.  :unsure:  ~ Ms. V

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4 hours ago, Y0rite said:

Wow, a much needed break in the build of tension, thank you.  The kids were great, and the guys were great with them, lots of warm fuzzies.  :*)  So, the news of the infant mortality doesn't give me much hope for Tobyn's, 'have more babies' solution, and Keller isn't ready to share his ideas yet.  Yet, it was like I lost 10 lbs of dead weight when Keller finally agreed to take in one day at a time, nothing written in stone.  I always keep my hope up in communication, not isolation.


Then, bam, you bring the tension right back up because the girls are trying to communicate something to the boys, but Tobyn's not filling Keller in due to the cliffhanger.  I think Adelin's attempt to encourage without coming right out with it only made Keller imagine the worst even more, and he's pretty good at that already.  Crap, yeah, when my stress is high I miss things people say to me, too.  I'm right there with Keller, we seem so alike, and this feels all too real.  I got a bad feeling about this climax you're building us toward.  :unsure:  ~ Ms. V

Yeah, Tobyn doesn't see many options re more babies, because there really isn't one since they can't go for medical tests, and the pack is too traditional anyway to try modern day fertility options. They really are in dire shape, and the fact hots home in this chapter.


I'm glad you felt a temporary reprieve, before I ruined it. :P  Tobyn will do his Tobyn thing... he is obviously upset, but how bad can it be? I guess we'll have to wait to find out...


It's rewarding to hear how you relate to Kellar... I do as well... in many ways. Cheers, Ms. V, and thanks... :hug: 

  • Like 4

Now that was a pleasant chapter after all the torment we've been through. The kids were a fun loving, well adjusted, socially caring bunch. I doubt you'll find any bullies in there. Both Kellar and Tobyn were naturals at mixing with them too. 

Kellar is surely being charmed by his first  experiences of this care-for-one-another community. Whether he stays or not, he is surely invested enough now,  to make sure that this community, and it's kids, survive.

The fertility issue appears to be a bigger one than we first thought. No live births since Bertram's 8 'and a half' years. Maybe Mountain Doc's healing skills can help here.

As to what just went on with Tilly and Tobyn; well, it has been left to go either way. I happen to think that Tilly has been generous of heart, and having got her sister back, she has offered Tobyn the freedom to choose his hearts desire, whoever that may be.

I'm sure Mace and Dane have already made theirs.

Beautiful chapter Gary. Interesting prospects for a troubled evening ahead and an equally dramatic road trip with 'mom, tomorrow. 

So finely poised, to head in almost any direction. So why does it feel like the calm before the storm?

Edited by Bard Simpson
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9 hours ago, Bard Simpson said:

Now that was a pleasant chapter after all the torment we've been through. The kids were a fun loving, well adjusted, socially caring bunch. I doubt you'll find any bullies in there. Both Kellar and Tobyn were naturals at mixing with them too. 

Kellar is surely being charmed by his first  experiences of this care-for-one-another community. Whether he stays or not, he is surely invested enough now,  to make sure that this community, and it's kids, survive.

The fertility issue appears to be a bigger one than we first thought. No live births since Bertram's 8 'and a half' years. Maybe Mountain Doc's healing skills can help here.

As to what just went on with Tilly and Tobyn; well, it has been left to go either way. I happen to think that Tilly has been generous of heart, and having got her sister back, she has offered Tobyn the freedom to choose his hearts desire, whoever that may be.

I'm sure Mace and Dane have already made theirs.

Beautiful chapter Gary. Interesting prospects for a troubled evening ahead and an equally dramatic road trip with 'mom, tomorrow. 

So finely poised, to head in almost any direction. So why does it feel like the calm before the storm?

Shifters are inherently good people, polite and considerate, and that shows in the kids. Bertram is based on a kid I know. :)  This was a big step for Kellar... seeing the situation in stark relief has worked on his healer core. He doesn't just want to... he NEEDS to help.

At this stage, Mace and Dane are like any other best friends... they are glued at the hip, but it doesn't necessarily mean....

We don't know about the talk with Tilly, but we can assume it is important. :X  

Calm before the storm? Hmmmm :X  Thanks, buddy. I'm really pleased you found the chapter beautiful. I hope you like the next one. :)  Cheers... Gary....

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The kids are really nice to meet and feel like, those two little best friends are going to be more when they grow up. I appreciate Tilly's sister giving Keller the heads up. Oh God I can't wait to know what Tilly told Tobyn and I like the Keller really wants to help Tobyn even though sticking around might hurt them both. Thanks my friend for this chapter.

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6 hours ago, Jasmine94 said:

The kids are really nice to meet and feel like, those two little best friends are going to be more when they grow up. I appreciate Tilly's sister giving Keller the heads up. Oh God I can't wait to know what Tilly told Tobyn and I like the Keller really wants to help Tobyn even though sticking around might hurt them both. Thanks my friend for this chapter.

I liked introducing the kids... especially Bertram. :)  Yeah, Dane and Mace seem awfully close, don't they? Adelin owes Kellar her life, but more than that, she truly cares for him, so giving him a heads up was the least she could do. As far as what Tilly said, we'll have to wait and see. :P  The main thing is, Kellar isn't in a hurry to leave anymore. That's a big deal for Tobyn... and us. :) Cheers, my friend... sorry it took so long to catch up. I have been super busy today. :hug: 

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