Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Morningstar: The Malaise - 33. Chapter 33 The Business at Hand
Morningstar: The Malaise
Chapter 33
Kellar and Tobyn worked side by side, putting together the purchase order for pure-copper, jewelry-grade chain. There was a readily available ball design along with the pure-copper joiners, perfect for what was needed. They made the decision to include a surplus to take with them when they searched out Vega pack, and the requisition was put through the pack store, since all deliveries were handled there. Fitting individuals with necklaces would require only a pair of cutting pliers and some simple measuring of their wolf’s neck. The chains were thin enough to be easily hidden, but rated as strong, and just as important to a shifter, they wouldn’t snag on fur.
Paying extra for two day shipping was approved by Elinor, as was ordering enough to equip shifters from other packs they might come across. When she finally took her leave to find Denver, Kellar understood. Their euphoria over this discovery was accompanied by underlying fear at a known hunter being in close proximity to pack lands. She was compelled to lay eyes on her mate. By now, thin strands of copper were being distributed to all members as temporary defense, along with the explanations for the reason and use, so there was little more Elinor could do.
Upon earlier checking, it was welcomed news the hunter had not been seen at the store out on the highway, so it was decided with copper necklaces or bracelets on all the workers, it was safe to continue to operate for the rest of the day. All shifters were instructed to keep them hidden from view since it was possible Reznick knew the countering effects of copper. Guns too had been distributed, and everyone was warned to be on the lookout for the camo-painted truck and the man who matched Warren’s now-circulated description. Kellar was impressed with how efficiently Elinor had covered each and every base. This new Reznick might be formidable, but so was his adopted pack when they needed to be.
“And… send. All done. What are you thinking about, doc? You look miles away.”
Kellar felt Tobyn’s gaze on him, so he turned his focus back outward. “First of all, I’m thinking I’m not letting you out of my sight.”
“That goes double for me. We stick together, right? No excursions without me.”
“Not a chance. Did you see your mom when she left? She’s a remarkable woman to have gotten everything taken care of before she went to find Denver.”
“That’s my mom. I heard her on the phone with him, and as cool as she acted and sounded, I could detect the fear in her voice. I’m sure Denver did too. She’ll be at the garage right now, ready to shoot that bastard if he shows up again. You’d be amazed how good Elinor Berenger is with a gun.”
Kellar chuckled. “I believe it. You know, sending Warren that train ticket has proven to be the best thing we could have done. For centuries, shifters haven’t been able to figure out what he did in mere minutes.” Kellar shook his head at the absurdity of it. “I’m beginning to realize just how much more there is to my brother than I thought. I used to think he was a complete dolt, but he’s proven to be far from it.”
“I like hearing you call him your brother. This whole thing has been good for both of you. It’s too bad you didn’t connect with him growing up. You wouldn’t have felt so alone.”
“Yeah, it’s funny how life works. I’m so proud of that guy, I could burst. Who’d have thought?” He shook his head again. “You know Adelin’s with him at the garage, right?”
“Of course. Where else could she be. It’s pretty clear their joining has started.”
“Do you think they…?” Kellar didn’t need to finish.
“That, I don’t know, and I really don’t want to, but with Adelin, I‘ll bet they’ve only been sharing spit so far.”
“That’s what I thought too. Enough about their joining. I guess we’ll have to put our plans on hold for a few days.”
“Sorry, but we really can’t leave now. Until Reznick is dealt with, we have to be here, don’t you think?”
“Oh, absolutely. And why are you apologising? I meant what I said about being happy with the way things are. Any better would probably kill me anyway.”
“It won’t kill you, it’ll only make you stronger,” Tobyn said snickering.
Kellar groaned. “That was really bad, but true. Completing ours will make us stronger… I don’t know how I know, but somehow, I’m certain we’re not all the way there.”
“I feel that too… I guess everyone can tell when their joining is complete.”
“Okay, enough talk about sex. It’s making me horny.”
Kellar laughed, “Me too.”
“So what else is new,” Tobyn said as he reached over and ran a finger along some pretty obvious growth. Kellar groaned for a different reason this time. “Not the time, mountain man… so you said first… what else were you thinking about?”
“Earth to Kellar.” Tobyn smirked. “Having trouble thinking?”
“Yeah… no, I know what you meant.”
“So then?”
“So then what?”
This time Tobyn really laughed. “I so own you,” he said with glee. “When enough blood returns to your brain, you can try again to tell me what else you were thinking about when you looked like you were in another world.”
Kellar flushed and chuckled at the same time. “Right. I knew that. I was thinking about checking my theory on the burnt umber.” He took in Tobyn’s questioning look. “That means seeing if the pure silver pulses when it’s near kids who haven’t shifted yet. Burnt umber comes in a variety of nuanced shades, but the one in our patterns is the color of copper that’s been exposed to the air for a while, pretty much like old plumbing pipes. I’m betting without it in the patterns, the kids won’t cause silver to pulse.”
“Right. Got it. We’ll need our resident human for that. But that won’t change anything, will it?”
“No, but curious minds want to know.”
“There’s my healer man.”
“If I’m right, it’ll be enough to know the kids are naturally protected. I’d hate to think they’ve gotten to pack children in the past.”
“You’re ahead of me again,” Tobyn said somberly. “That is a really important thing to know. Should we go get a kid and take them to the garage?”
“It can wait. By now they’re all wearing copper anyway.”
“That’s true.” They sat side by side in silence for a few minutes. “Kellar, what do you expect he’ll do?”
“I’ve been mulling that over. Reznick knows he’s in shifter territory, so setting traps would be my guess. I believe that’s their modus operandi, but who knows what some of his other tricks might be.”
“Modus operandi? Okay, professor,” Tobyn teased before continuing. “It makes sense to me. Anyway, it’s the only tactic we know for certain.”
“I’ve been thinking about elk scent, and why they would use it over deer or moose?”
“And… what did you come up with?”
“Wouldn’t it stand to reason that with deer and moose scent being all through Northern Ontario woods, they would use a scent we’d be curious about? I mean the trick is to cover the smell of the iron and to draw us to the traps.”
“You’re good at this. So are you saying we shouldn’t worry about any scent but elk?”
“No, that would be a mistake I think. We have to be on guard for everything. It’ll be easier to protect ourselves when pack noses improve like ours have. I guess the biggest tell might be ones that don’t move. If we smell a deer, and five minutes later it’s in the same spot, we should carefully investigate. It could be bedded down, or it could mean trouble. That’s not to say, though, the hunter would be there, but if we do find a trap, we know he will be eventually.”
“What I’m hearing then, is we should be the ones out searching for Reznick?”
“I don’t know,” Kellar said with trepidation. “I hate the idea of you being in any kind of danger, but we do have the strongest noses. The only ones close would be your mom and Denver… Adelin has only begun to improve.”
“Same here. I don’t want you in any peril either, but…. We need to spend more time with the members.”
“It won’t make much difference. Mealtimes and normal contact are sufficient. Remember, the mist isn’t endless, and it needs time to recharge. That’s why the need for more mates.”
“Yeah, right. I wasn’t thinking. Are… are we prepared to do whatever it takes?” Tobyn’s voice stumbled over the question, and Kellar knew he was reliving what he’d been forced to do with the old Reznick.
“We have to be. It’s not like we can take him to the police or scare him. These guys see killing shifters as their mission in life. I’ll never forget the old Reznick calling us were-scum.”
“Me, neither. I remember everything he said, and I know what needs to be done.”
Tobyn’s sigh of resignation struck a chord in his mate. He would do his best to ensure it wasn’t Tobyn who dispatched this new threat to the pack. It was a subject they didn’t need to dwell on.
When Tobyn cleared his throat, Kellar saw his struggle to move away from the haunting memory. “You know, there’s the lake to the north, and the river to the south, so those might limit his access somewhat. Maybe we can pinpoint where he’s likely to enter pack lands… at least come up with a best guess.”
“That’s good thinking, babe. He has no idea we know his advantage—past advantage. Are there any places to cross the river?”
Tobyn smiled, and Kellar knew it was because of the endearment. “Not without a boat. Maybe in a dry year in the fall it could be forded, but even then it would be difficult. It’s not all that wide, but it’s deep.”
“That’s even better. What about any inroads. Are there any to the west, in back of pack grounds?”
“Nope. Just like your place, it’s all crown land. But, remember when we were at Eagle’s nest?”
“Yeah, of course I do,” Kellar said with a wiggle of his eyebrows, drawing a little laugh and a light punch in the arm from his mate.
“Well, then you know the river curves up toward the lake and eventually empties into it, so if he came in on crown land and tried to circle behind us, he’d still have to get across it. There was no canoe on that big truck, right?”
“No, but we can double check with Warren about what he saw. What about places to hide his vehicle and set up a base?”
“There are a few places I can think of, but at your place the truck was just off the highway and on the same side as where they set traps… you think that’s part of their modus operandi?” Tobyn asked with teasing eyeroll.
“Shut up, you. It’s a perfectly good description for their known methods. And yes, I believe a hunter would be most likely to stick with what works. He won’t want to be too far from his truck, and he’ll want it well concealed. He’ll want to be able to clear out in a hurry, so yeah, my guess is he’d want to be just off the highway and on our side if he can. Having to walk across a highway makes him vulnerable to exposure.”
“Jeez, have you done this before?”
“Nope, just plain old common sense. My ass is getting sore. Let’s call Miss Sybil and see if we can visit with her. I have some questions for the lady.”
“Come in, come in.” Miss Sybil pulled each of them to her for a hug and a kiss on the cheek as they entered. “Never a dull moment since you two found each other, is there?”
Kellar laughed. “No, ma’am. I guess a lot has happened in a short time.” He gripped Tobyn’s hand as they walked through to the sitting room and took their familiar places.
“So, what brings you to this old woman’s house on such a crazy day? My goodness, hunters have found us, and now your brother has given us a way to defend ourselves. Amazing… just amazing.” She fingered the copper strand around her neck and Kellar felt a jolt of sadness at her next words. “If only we knew of this years ago. So many precious lives might have been saved.”
He knew who she was thinking about, but said nothing. Tobyn wasn’t aware she’d found her mate only to lose him, and it was her story to tell. In that moment, though, he remembered her mention of a few stolen kisses, and realized her joining had probably been started. Even though it was never completed, the separation must have been excruciating. A deep ache for this tragic but incredible woman made itself known, and he silently thanked the earth mother for whose hand he held in his grip.
“Well? There must be a reason you picked today to visit.” Miss Sybil was back to the no-nonsense woman he admired, and her strength to carry on all these years took on a new significance.
“Ma’am, remember when you told me of a nest of hunters being dispatched about eighty years ago, just before the last conclave?” He hated bringing up something that might remind her of bad memories, but his curiosity demanded it.
“Yes, almost seventy-eight years ago now, dear. Is there something I can help you with?”
“I was wondering... do you know anything about it, specifically, like where it happened, and how they managed to get close enough to carry it out?”
“It was the talk of that get-together, so yes, I do remember some of the particulars. It’s rather difficult to forget the things I heard. I know the pack involved was from the Timmins area, and that they lost a few of their members. Some were killed by gunshot and some by stabbing. The survivors talked about how good the hunters were with knives, but even so, they still managed to take out five of those horrible creatures.”
“There were only five hunters killed?” Tobyn asked with eyebrows raised. “I thought there were more than that.”
“Stories do tend to get exaggerated over time, lad, but yes, only five, and it was believed at the time that three got away… two on horseback and one in a truck. There was some speculation there could have been another in the bed of the vehicle, but it was never for certain. You know how people talk.”
“Horseback?” Kellar asked.
“Yes, dear. Remember it was a different time. Most of us had horses back then. We had motor vehicles too, of course, but horses were more reliable for the north, and necessary for some things. Once they were used to the smell of us, they were quite comfortable. We don’t carry the same scent as feral wolves, as you well know.”
“Miss Sybil, do you have any idea how they snuck up on these guys?” Tobyn was fully engaged now, leaning forward in his seat, and Kellar was pleased he asked the right question.
“There was talk they were drinking, and let their guard down. We didn’t know about this advantage they had on us, but it was unusual we ever came across them. It was always hunters who found us, and now I know why.” Kellar watched the wheels turning through the sharp woman’s expression. “We shouldn’t have been able to sneak up on them because of the silver. That’s why you’re asking the questions, isn’t it?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Kellar answered.
“I’m sorry I can’t help you boys. That’s really all I know, other than the fact when shifters located them, they had the young man the pack had been searching for. He’d just had his first shift… those monsters had that poor soul strung up over a fire and they were getting ready to lower him. He survived, although he suffered some severe burns and a broken shoulder, but he was rescued from certain death, thank the earth mother.”
“That’s it!” Kellar exclaimed, jubilant at having an answer. “They would have thought their silver pulsing was because of that poor kid. It pulses the same whether there’s one of us or ten. I thought it might have been because they were in an area where there were a lot of copper deposits... Timmins is one those places... but it didn’t make sense because ore in the ground would not complete a circuit to protect a shifter from detection.” He looked from one surprised face to the other.
“Is he awesome, or what? I think I love your mind as much as… ah… never mind.” Tobyn turned a lovely shade of red, and Miss Sybil chortled with glee.
Kellar grinned at his mate. “It’s nice to be appreciated for all my attributes,” he teased, and the lady laughed harder.
She took her time regaining her composure. “Never be embarrassed by what you feel for your mate, dear boy,” she said kindly. “So, I was a help then? That’s wonderful.”
“You were a great help, Miss Sybil. Thank you. You just verified there are no holes in our new theory. Everything fits.”
“That’s my mate’s brain for you. I had no idea what we were here for,” Tobyn confessed.
Miss Sybil didn’t answer. She had suddenly stilled as she perched on the edge of her chair.
“Ma’am?” Kellar turned his head to Tobyn, whose eyes were glued to their hostess. Turning back, he saw her expression had changed to one of intense concentration, almost as if she was in pain. Suddenly, a serene smile lit her face and her eyes opened. “Miss Sybil, are you all right?”
“Oh, yes, I’m fine. That was interesting. I told you I’ve been getting these nudges, and this time I got a few in a row.”
“Why are you smiling?” Tobyn asked. “Did you have one of your visions?”
“Oh, ah, no, Tobyn, no. Just nudges like I said. Pictures and feelings that could be from the past or the future… nothing concrete, but I did get this burst of joy, and it had to do with you two. It may have already happened, and I felt your happiness, or it could be coming still.” She was still smiling as she looked from one to the other. “Sorry. It’s not much to go on, but it does feel good to have these flashes again. I might actually become of some use to Morningstar again.”
“I think I speak for the whole pack when I say you provide us with so much,” Tobyn assured her. “Your visions might have stopped for a while, but you’ve taken over the role of keeper. You have wisdom and a wealth of knowledge we need. Today is another example of that, so never think you don’t contribute. You’re like the grandmother of our pack who gives us answers when we need them.”
“Tobyn certainly speaks for me, ma’am. You helped me understand some stuff when I was kind of lost over what was happening to me after meeting my mate.”
Miss Sybil looked slightly embarrassed as she took in their words. “Thank you, boys. Whatever joy you get, you deserve. Something is happening with this pack... we can see our future again, and that is because you two came together. I have no doubt the earth mother sent you to us, Kellar, and provided you with the perfect mate to help us defeat the malaise. Now we need to worry about this hunter who affects our well-being for the moment. Do you have some sort of plan?”
Kellar eyed Tobyn before he answered. “Yes, ma’am, I guess we do. We’re going to be the ones hunting for a change. This person threatens our very existence and we can’t have that. His kind believes our kind has no place on this earth. He’s wrong, which means there can be no place for him. He needs to die. There is no other option.”
“Surely you boys aren’t going to take him on yourselves?” Miss Sybil’s face changed slowly, and before long, Kellar saw fear. Did she just get another nudge?
Tobyn calmly answered for them both. “The other members aren’t strong enough yet to face a hunter. We are, and we’ve already done it. Kellar has the strongest nose and hearing in the pack, and I’m not far behind. We need to find him before he does any damage, and before he figures out his advantage has been neutralized. And we can’t have anyone stumbling upon him, because these guys are deadly.”
“Oh, dear. You must be careful… I… you boys have already done so much and are so important to the pack. What if he…?”
“Ma’am, these men have had us cowering for a century or more. Fear has been our biggest downfall. He’s formidable, yes, but he’s just a man, albeit an evil one. We’ll be careful, but he’s not going to wait around if he knows shifters are near, so neither will we.” Kellar was speaking to her, but his attention was on his mate.
Tobyn nodded in agreement as he held his gaze.
“May the earth mother protect you both,” Miss Sybil whispered, and he couldn’t miss the tremble in her lowered voice. Tobyn, though, appeared not to hear it. It was understandable the woman would worry for them, and he wondered if maybe they should have kept what they were thinking to themselves. The last thing he wanted was to upset this special, warm-hearted lady.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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