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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Choices - 27. Chapter 27

Warning: The chapter contains sexual content.

Chapter 27


Liam practically skipped around the room as he prepared the different stations for clients who would start arriving shortly. He’d caught Corey’s amused glance more than once as he moved from one side of the room to the other: replacing towels and re-cleaning already gleaming surfaces.

“Someone’s in a good mood,” Corey commented as he leaned against the wall, smirking. “I guess you had another successful date?”

Liam felt a pleased flush creep up to heat his cheeks, and he bit his lip to stop a potentially goofy smile. “You could say that.”

“What did our Russian Casanova plan for you this time?”

Liam chuckled, and started to straighten the massage lotions in the cabinet beside him. “We went for a drive into Toronto; he took me to dinner and then out to a club.” Liam grinned at the memory. “I had no idea he could dance like that.”

“Did you spend the night there?”

“Yeah. It would’ve been too late to drive back the same night, so Alek got us a room at the Chelsea downtown. The room was amazing, and it even had this huge Jacuzzi tub. Too bad we never got a chance to use it.”

“So are you guys still not… umm... well I mean, you haven’t...?” Corey cleared his throat and Liam turned his head to see his boss blushing a bright red and looking embarrassed.

“You want to know if we’ve slept together?”

“Yeah.” Corey coughed again. “That.”

Liam shook his head and looked up at the ceiling. “Not yet,” he replied with a sigh. It had been two weeks since he and Alek started dating again, and no matter how many hints or outright propositions Liam tried, Alek wasn’t budging on his celibacy stance. It was frustrating… sweet, but frustrating.

“You know why he’s doing this, right?”

“Yes,” Liam grumbled. “I know logically we should take it slow, but I’m so damned horny every time he’s in the same room with me. Who the hell would have figured he could have so much restraint.” Liam knew he sounded like a petulant child, but he couldn’t help it.

“This was what you wanted, Li.”

“Yeah, but that was ages ago.”

Corey laughed and clapped a hand on his shoulder. “Just think how hot it will be when you two finally get together. All of the anticipation will make it that much better.”

“Or we’ll be so sex-starved we’ll both shoot off in seconds.”

The comment made Corey laugh harder. It took several minutes before either man calmed down enough to speak again. “How’s the party planning coming?”

“It’s great,” Liam replied with a wide grin. “Everything’s set for Saturday. Elena and Natascha are coming over early to help with the food preparations, and everyone else is supposed to show up around five. You and Jason are still coming, right?”

“Wouldn’t miss it,” Corey assured him. “Hell, I think there might be the beginnings of a bromance between Jason and Alek.”

Liam snorted a laugh as he recalled his lunch with Alek, Jason, and Corey a couple of days before. Jason and Alek had chatted happily about sports and their favourite horror movies over kung pao shrimp. They were so busy arguing over the merits of the latest hockey trades at one point that Liam was sure they forgot he and Corey were even there. “God forbid we separate those two. Well at least that’s one person who won’t be harassing Alek at his own party.”

“Oh? Who’s on the warpath?”

“Besides Bryce and Marty? I thought you were also planning on saying something to him.”

Corey’s smile was Cheshire-like, and didn’t soothe Liam at all. “Cor….”

“What?” Corey asked with fake innocence. “I can’t talk to the birthday boy? It’s not like we haven’t had conversations since the two of you got back together.”

“You did?”

“Of course,” Corey replied, giving him a soft smile. “You’re a dear friend and my best employee….”

“I’m your only employee.”

Corey waved him off with a flick of his wrist. “Semantics. Anyway, I didn’t want to see you hurt, so I made sure Alek understood what you went through last year.”

“Corey...,” Liam said with a mortified groan, pressing his hands against his face. “You didn’t.”

“At the bar after that hockey tournament. We had a heart to heart when you were in the bathroom.”

Liam peered up at his boss, trying to stifle his laughter. “You had a heart to heart while I was taking a piss.”

“Well when you say it like that, it sounds stupid,” Corey griped. “The point is, I let him know what would happen to him if he screwed this up and hurt you again.”

“I don’t know whether to yell at you or hug you,” Liam said with a chuckle.

“When in doubt, go with hug.”

Liam stepped forward to pull his friend in for a quick, but tight hug. “Thank you for caring enough about me to threaten my boyfriend with bodily harm.”

Corey’s resulting smile was radiant. “I just informed him I have access to machinery that can heal… or cause tremendous pain, depending on how sadistic the therapist is. I’m pretty sure he got the hint.”

Liam snickered, picturing his normally mild-mannered boss giving the much larger man a piece of his mind. “Maybe you’re the reason Alek won’t sleep with me… what with you threatening damage to his favourite parts and all.”

“This is really bothering you, isn’t it?” Corey asked, suddenly serious.

“I just don’t understand it. I get why we waited at the beginning, but it’s been a few weeks. Could he not want me like that now?”

Corey snorted derisively. “That’s probably the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard you say. You know that man loves you.”

“Yeah… I think he does, but why is he still waiting? I’ve tried to convince him I’m ready, but it’s like he doesn’t believe me or something.”

“Maybe he’s just scared.”

Liam chewed his lip as he considered the situation. “He did say he couldn’t handle it if I hated him again.”

“I can understand why that would worry him. Things did get bad enough for you to walk away and it took a lot of work to get to where you are now. Of course he’s scared to mess up, now that he finally has you back in his life.”

“So, what does that mean? Am I going to have to live the life of a monk until he feels like he’s not going to make any more mistakes?”

“Maybe you need to be a little more convincing when you say you’re ready?”

“I hit on him all of the time. How much more convincing can I be?”

“Make him an offer he can’t refuse?”

Liam couldn’t decide if the calculating look on Corey’s face should worry him or not. “What kind of offer?”

“You need to take the reins and seduce him. You’re a smart man, I’m sure you can come up with something he can’t resist.”

Thoughts started to swirl in Liam’s mind as he plotted how to seduce his boyfriend. Could he do it after the party? Should he try before the weekend? He wanted to do something special, something that would prove how much he wanted Alek… all of Alek. His heart had already forgiven his past hurts, and he was ready to completely commit to this relationship, to have them be a couple in every sense of the word. An idea started to form and a smile pulled at his mouth.

“It looks like you know what you’re going to do.”

Liam winked at his boss, standing straight and heading to the reception desk as the first client came in. “Oh I have a plan,” he called over his shoulder. “Alek won’t know what hit him.”


Liam was nervous as hell. There was no other way to describe the butterflies currently making his stomach home. Now that he’d decided he was going to seduce his boyfriend, he was feeling anxious and worried about what his reception might be. Although he knew, logically, that Alek cared about him… desired him, it was hard not to let the constant denials get to him. Liam chastised himself, again, for overreacting. He was the one who insisted on slow, after all, so he couldn’t fault Alek for listening to him. All of that was going to stop tonight if Liam had anything to say about it. Shifting his weight, he thought of the jockstrap he’d picked out as part of his plan. No, Alek wasn’t going to be able to resist this time.

Alek’s arms tightened around him. “You okay? You seem restless.”

Liam scrambled for an excuse. “I um… I have to pee.”

“Oh, okay then. Why don’t you take care of business while I go make use some more popcorn?”

“Good idea.” Liam hopped up quickly, hearing Alek’s startled laugh behind him as he practically ran down the hall.

Liam stepped into the bathroom quickly to brush his teeth before hurrying to his room to strip down to the black jock he wore. He could smell popcorn from the kitchen and knewAlek wouldn’t be much longer. Sure enough, it was a only a few minutes later that Alek called out to him.

“Li? How much did you have to drink?”

“Alek, can you come here for a minute?” Liam said, wincing when his voice came out breathy, rather than seductive.

“The popcorn is done,” Alek said as he stepped into the room, holding a bowl in his hand. “Are you ready to watch—” His words trailed off when he finally noticed Liam, practically naked, reclining on the bed. Liam almost laughed when the bowl slipped from Alek’s hands and onto the floor. “What’s… what are you doing?”

Liam held his hand out to his boyfriend, and the man walked to his side as if drawn by a magnet. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

“Are you sure about this?” Alek swallowed heavily, making his Adam`s apple bob as his eyes moved over Liam`s body. The hunger Liam saw reflected there settled his nerves while it stoked his own desires.

“I’m very sure,” Liam assured, tugging on a work-roughened hand. Alek didn’t put up any resistance and settled over Liam’s body, without putting any weight on him. The feel of his cotton shirt and denim jeans made Liam’s overly sensitized skin prickle with goosebumps. God, he’d wanted this for so long.

Alek kissed a trail from the side of Liam’s mouth to his jaw and then up behind his ear. “I don’t want you to regret this later.” Alek’s warm breath and low voice made Liam shudder.

“I won’t regret anything. I need you.”

“You have me, Li.” Alek raised himself onto his forearms and looked down at Liam with a loving expression. “I can wait if you need more time. Don’t do this because you think….”

“Would you shut up?” Liam interrupted with a huff of irritation. The look of shock on Alek’s face was almost comical. “I want this for me… for us. It’s been so long since we’ve been together. I miss you, I miss this. No one has ever made me feel like you do. I can’t imagine anyone else touching me the way you do. Please… you need to trust me. I know what I want, and I. Want. You.”

That seemed to be all Alek needed to hear. Liam shuddered as that large hand stroked up his chest, tweaking a nipple.

“God, baby.” Alek leaned in again, his lips caressing… worshiping every bit of skin they touched. “I’ve wanted you from the moment I first saw you. I’ve never stopped wanting you.”

Liam couldn’t hold back his groan as Alek kissed his way down his neck to his chest, stopping at one nipple before moving on to the next. When he began to move farther south, Liam reached out to stop him. Alek’s brown eyes were clouded with concern with they met his.

“Do you want to stop?”

“No,” Liam replied, panting lightly. “Clothes… off.”

Alek grinned at him before kneeling and pulling off his shirt and throwing over his shoulder. “Better?”


Alek chuckled as he started to unbutton his jeans, leaving them open, but making no move to take them off. He pressed against Liam again, covering his body and pushing him into the mattress. Liam thrust up, needing the friction.

Liam, wanting more, pushed against Alek’s shoulder until the larger man rolled onto his back. Straddling muscular thighs, Liam relished the groan he pulled from Alek as his hands and mouth explored. Soon, Alek looked as desperate as Liam felt, and the time for teasing was over. Alek’s remaining clothing was quickly disposed of, and Liam’s jock pushed down his thighs and thrown carelessly across the room.

When, after what felt like an eternity, Alek pushed inside of him, Liam nearly cried in relief. He couldn’t remember ever being this on edge… this turned on, even their first time. Their lovemaking, in contrast to their earlier feverish touches was almost leisurely with sweet caresses and murmurs of appreciation. Only when Liam felt his orgasm approaching did their pace start to change, becoming more hurried as each man was pushed closer to the edge. Liam briefly wondered if his neighbours could hear their frantic sounds, before all thoughts scattered and he came with a loud cry. While drifting down into a blissful state, he felt Alek tense, hearing his own name shouted as the big man drove home one last time. Liam had just enough strength left to hold him close until Alek’s shudders finally ended.

Liam’s eyes were closed as he tried to catch his breath, but he felt a soft caress against his cheek. Opening his eyes, he found Alek staring down at him with look that made a lump form in his throat.

Alek leaned in until their lips were a hairsbreadth apart. “I love you,” he whispered, kissing him before Liam had a chance to reply.

A big thank you goes out to my editor. beta and friend, Gary, for all of his hard work and wonderful suggestions :glomp:   Thank you to everyone who reads and supports this story. :thankyou: 
Copyright © 2017 LitLover; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

1 hour ago, droughtquake said:

I’m regretting it enough for both me and Liam.

What do you mean?

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The almost agonizing anticipation made it all the sweeter!  It seems that they both realize the stakes.

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22 hours ago, dughlas said:

Gee ... it's kinda hot in here ...

Cold shower time for me ... luckily it's in the middle of summer over here, so I'd really welcome a cold shower ...


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For some reason the software would not let me like the chapter, but I did. I owe you one to be paid when I get to my computer. My phone can be flakey.

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