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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Ian's Heart - 8. Chapter 8 - Adam

“Hey Ma,” I answered my phone.

“Are you okay? You don’t sound okay? What’s happened? You’re not laying half dead in the hospital or been shot, or anything have you?” Mom seemed distressed.

“I’m fine Mom, settle okay, it’s nothing as bad as that,” I stated, looking around at the nurses, moving ten to the dozen around the nurse's station. She must have spy camera’s everywhere, or she had me GPS chipped when I was asleep one night. “How did you know I was here Mom?”

“Payne called, she said that you were okay, but in the hospital. I wasn’t given a lot of details Adam, she had to get off of the phone so quickly. So please Don’t you lie to me, I can tell there is something wrong?” Mom scolded me.

“It’s just a few stitches, nothing too serious, they said it’s a superficial wound. No real damage just some stitches.” But it fucking hurts like a bitch, “is Dad there?” Asking for Dad would be the only way to end this conversation. Mom laid into me about taking better care of myself. I pulled the phone away from my ear and gently laid back on the bed, waiting for the yelling to stop. Payne could hear Mom from where she was sitting and rolled her eyes at me.

Payne took my phone with a mischevious grin, “Mrs. Price, it’s Payne, Payne Muller…”

“That’s right Maam, his detective partner,” Payne rolled her eyes again, “Adam fell asleep, it seems they’ve given him some strong pain killers, once…”

“No Maam, we aren’t dating, it’s against regulations,” Payne smirked, “Yes Maam, he’s definitely handsome enough, although I like mine a little on the softer side and shorter.” She looked at me, pulled a face, and shrugged her shoulders. It’s so hard not to laugh. My Mom is a handful, but I love her to bits, even more from a distance. Ouch! Can’t laugh it hurts.

“Yes Maam, that would make me gay… You’re absolutely right there is nothing wrong with that…” Payne swept her hand through her hair in frustration. “Anyway as I was saying, once he wakes up I’ll be taking him home, and I’ll have him call you.”

“I’m not sure what happened, I wasn’t working yesterday. He was with his FBI partner… Yes, he’ll be off of work for at least five days… Oh, I’m sure he’d love to come home for Christmas now that he doesn’t have to work, but I’m not sure he should fly at the moment, you be sure to tell him when you speak with him later. Okay, the nurse has just arrived with some paperwork, I’d better go. Okay then… Yes… I sure will… Merry Christmas to you too.” Payne ended the call and glared at me. I can’t believe she told my Mom that, after me whining about not wanting to go home for Christmas for the past two weeks. I’d been doing a good job of talking my way around it with Mom too, that’s all just gone up in smoke.

“For the love of God, that woman can talk. Your Dad needs to slip Xanax into that lady’s coffee of a morning… What? Why are you looking at me like that?” Payne frowned.

“I hope you like Florida because it’s where you're going to be for Christmas – Benedict Arnold,” I remarked.

“Huh? Why would I be going to Florida?” Payne screwed up her face.

“Because you told Mom I won’t be working for the next five days, it’s the excuse I was using not to go down there. I could have just told her I was on desk duty. But no, you went ahead and told her I was off of work. Now you're coming with me, distract her from punishing me for my lack of romantic life… Shit!” I exclaimed loudly. “I was supposed to meet someone for lunch yesterday, Fuck, Shit on it!” I started muttering to myself, “How the hell am I meant to find him now. I don’t even know his name, Fuck, Damn it. He’ll think I stood him up. Damn it.” I got off of the bed angrily, “Ow, damn it, fuck that hurt,” I said sitting back down on the bed.

“Take it easy Hotshot, of course it hurt, they’ve sewn a gaping hole together in your gut, for fuck sake slow down,” Payne said trying to help me off of the bed. “Come on we’ll stop at Kroger’s and get this prescription filled on the way to your place. Unless you’d prefer to stay in the hospital for another night like the doctor suggested.”


Payne came to a stop in the car park, right in front of the doors at Kroger’s.

She took off her belt and turned to me, “What happened Adam, yesterday? I mean it’s not like you to let some asshole get the better of you?”

I sighed, “Ugh! Agent Wilson, that’s what happened. He had a lead on our case, so we went to the address. When we got there, it looked like nobody had lived there for some time. The windows boarded up, junk mail hanging out of the mail box. But when we exited the car to take a look around, we heard male voices arguing from inside. I suggested we get back up from the local police because there was no way to tell what, who or how many people were in the house. I wasn’t even sure why we were there. He doesn’t tend to share a lot of information. The guy’s a jackass. He refused to wait, not even for me to call for back up. Before I knew it, he’d kicked the door in and was coming out the front door with the suspect we’d been sent to pick up. I didn’t even get two feet in the house.” I huffed angrily.

“What he didn’t have a plan of action or anything, and he just went ahead, didn’t share any information with you – nothing.” Payne waved her hand around.

“Nope, nada. He brought the guy out, not even restrained in handcuffs. He put him up against the house, struggling to hold the man in place. The guy fought back, and Agent Wilson could barely hang on to him, so he called me over and told me to take care of it. Once I had the suspect restrained by hand, but not secured in cuffs or ties, Agent Wilson walked off to make a phone call. It was still just the two of us. Now we heard two guys arguing loudly when we got there, but he only had the one guy. I asked if he’d been frisked, Agent Wilson just answered flippantly with a “Yeah! Whatever,” and walked off, I didn’t even get a chance to ask about the other man we heard yelling. So I pulled my cuffs to secure the suspect in handcuffs and call it in.

The house hadn’t been cleared, there was no sign of the second suspect. But as I was cuffing him, another guy came from the side of the house, I assume he went out the back door and came from the back yard. I was distracted for a nano second and the guy I was holding managed to twist out of my hold, turned and stabbed me in the gut. I don’t know how, but I managed to get him on the ground and hold him, pull my gun and trained it on the other guy. He was wielding some type of hunting knife. The man stopped in his tracks, then came at me with the knife. I shot three rounds into him, he fell to the ground, and I finished cuffing the suspect I had in hand. When I frisked him, I found another blade and a gun.” I blew out a breath.

“Adam, you need to report him, he’s dangerous.” Payne warned, “Don’t let this go, there are so many things wrong with your version of events. You need to do this soon because once they investigate your shooting, this Agent Wilson can turn everything around and have it all fall on you. Too much time has already passed. I suggest you call Captain Knoeze and have him come to your place so you can do it in private and get some advice at the very least.”

“You’re right, I’ll call when I get home. I should have told the Captain when he was here yesterday.” I said a little ashamed that I hadn’t. Fuck this is bad. I really don’t want to mess with the FBI. This guy is an agent, he could really mess with my career. But then again, if he pins the whole mess of events on me, my career will be over anyway. I’ll just do the right thing and pray it all falls where it should, hard on top of Agent Wilson – hopefully.

“I’ll call him while we wait for the prescriptions, they’ve given you some wicked pain killers, you lucky bastard. There’s also antibiotics.” Payne said, I gave her a pointed look, she shrugged her shoulders.

I undid my seat belt and opened the door, Payne grabbed my arm, “What do you think you’re doing?” Payne asked staring at me intensely.

“I’m going in there,” I pointed to the store, “we have to get the prescription filled,” I said, there’s no way I’m telling her my crazy theory, that the guy I met at the farmers market is here. I can feel it. She’ll think I’ve gone insane.

“YOU. Stay put. Give me your insurance and debit cards, I’m going in to get it, you are going to sit here and try to relax.” Payne said holding out her hand.

“I’m coming with you,” I gingerly exited the car. “Fuck!! That hurts.” I mumbled to myself trying to stifle the groan from the pain. I’m going to find him. I don’t know why but I have to. We keep running into each other it has to mean something, I’ve never been attracted to another guy, but this guy, there’s something about him. It’s not the usual feelings of friendship or that sense I get when I’m investigating someone. It’s a lot more, he’s been showing up in my dreams, he’s also appeared in a few masturbatory fantasies lately, that were fucking hot, hot, hot. I need his name, get his phone number, something.

I shuffled to the door, Payne scowling at me the whole way. Once inside there was a seat by the door, I was exhausted already, I knew it, and she knew it.

“Geez Adam, you’re infuriatingly stubborn, sit there and look pretty while I get your prescription filled.” I pulled my wallet and took out my insurance and debit card and gave them to her then sat down to wait. At least if my market guy is here, he’ll have to pass by me on his way out.

After a few minutes, Payne came back, “Okay it’s going to be fifteen to twenty minutes. I’m going to grab some healthy food you.”

“Do you even know what healthy food is Payne?” I chuckled, “Ow, don’t make me laugh it hurts.”

“That’s what you get for puttin’ shit on me, Asshole!” Payne turned away and mumbled something unintelligible.

“Payne,” I called out, and she turned around, “make sure you get strawberries.” She scowled at me and stormed off. I closed my eyes for a second. Man, I can’t wait to break into those pain killers, fuck this hurts.

“You do seem to have a thing for strawberries,” A deep soothing voice said. I knew he was here. My eyes flew open, and my head snapped upward. I wish I’d never looked. The gorgeous man, with the most beautiful eyes I’d ever seen was standing in front of me once again. I could see the hurt in those beautiful eyes. I put that there. Crap! I couldn’t even bring myself to say anything, I sat and stared at him. I knew he was here, I could feel him. It was a shock, I thought I had been kidding myself, but I was right. He was here, right in front of me. I apparently took too long to speak, and he went to walk off.

“Please wait, don’t go.” I went to get up forgetting I was injured. I gasped loudly, “Ow, fuck,” I dropped back into the seat, “Aww, screw it.” I said holding myself near the wound, trying to breathe through the pain.

He came rushing back, kneeling in front of me and putting his hand on my knee, “Are you okay? What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Sick? Let me get someone,” He panicked looking around for the nearest person to call for help. I grabbed his arm for support, or comfort I don’t know which probably both.

“Please don’t, this is embarrassing enough. The reason I stood you up, well I didn’t stand you up. I mean I kinda did, but it wasn’t intentional. I was injured at work, and I was in the hospital, I hate to admit this, but I didn’t realize until they released me this morning what I’d done. I don’t want you to think I didn’t want to meet you because I did. I would have contacted you, but I haven’t got a number to reach you or even your name for that matter,”

“May I please have your phone?” He asked politely. I pulled it from my pants pocket, leaning to the side gently as I removed it. Returning to me, he said quietly “now you have my number, and it’s Ian, my name – Ian,” then gazed up into my eyes and murmured, “How did you get hurt at work?”

How the hell do I answer that, “Um… I was…” I bit my bottom lip, trying to think of a less scary way to say it but there isn’t, “stabbed,” I huffed.

“What the hell do you do for a living?” He said taken back.

I paused and fiddled with my phone for a second, this is usually where people either run, or they try to jump your bones. Lesson learned harshly on the latter. “Originally I’m a detective, well I still am, but I’m on loan to the FBI at the moment. I’m the liaison between the FBI and the local police.”

Okay,” he said so quietly I almost didn’t hear him, his eyes bugging out of his head gave him away.

“Still want to get to know me?” I chuckled.

“That depends on how you feel about underpaid, overworked high school science teachers? Not quite as exciting as your job,” he said.

I scoffed, “Your job is way scarier than mine, dealing with all those hormone ravaged teenagers. I’d be running for my life,”

“Trust me some days I feel that way,” he laughed, looking at his watch. I like it when he laughs his entire face lights up, and he gets these cute wrinkles at the corner of his eyes, “I have to go, will you be alright until your girlfriend comes back?” He asked me.

“Ugh! Please, I have better taste than that,” Payne said smirking behind my man, he stood up and faced her, she grinned, “Hi I’m Payne, was he bothering you?” she offered her hand as a greeting.

He shook her hand chuckling shyly, “Hi I’m Ian, and no he wasn’t bothering me. No more than usual anyway.”

Payne laughed loudly, “Seems to be his way. Have you finished suffering stubborn ass or would like to go home and get high on some pain killers.” Payne held up the pharmacy bag, peering at me from behind as she swung it back and forth. I rolled my eyes. Get High of course!

“Did you need help getting to the car…?” He asked me with his brow furrowed with concern, God, he’s gorgeous inside and out. This is going to be an interesting ride, getting to know him. Hopefully, things will go a lot smoother now.

I attempted to stand up slowly, “It’s Adam, my name is Adam.” My voice squeaked embarrassingly as I moved. He was quickly at my side helping me from the chair.

“Adam,” He repeated my name and nodded his head once, observing me as I shuffled forward toward the door. Ian helped me sit gently in the car passenger seat. He made sure I was all the way in and closed the door. I rolled the window down so I could thank him.

“Thank you for that,” I said shyly. Why all of a sudden am I shy? He makes me a little nervous, this is all so weird, but I can’t stop myself from wanting him.

He smiled at me, “You’re welcome Adam, it was nice seeing you again. I hope you recover quickly, and you now have my number, call or text anytime. If you need anything let me know, I’m happy to help.” He looked over to Payne, “It was nice meeting you Payne, take care of him.”

She laughed, “You’re kidding right? While he’s immobile, I’m going to get him back for all the little crappy things he does and says. This is going to be so much fun.” She rubbed her hands together and cackled like a witch. That made me laugh. I’m sure she will.

“Damn it, Payne, don’t make me laugh it hurts.” I chided her. Superficial wound my ass. “I’ll call you Ian, and thank you again. Take care.” I reached out and squeezed his hand that was leaning on the door window.

“Bye, Merry Christmas,” he smiled and leaned back removing his hands so Payne could reverse the car. I could see him in the side mirror as we drove away, he stood and watched as our car left before he moved toward his own. I could still feel the contact on my hand from where I touched him. It was electric, I definitely have to get to know him better.

“So he’s the guy you stood up for lunch, Huh?” Payne said, “He’s gorgeous if you’re into that type of thing.” She looked over at me.

“We were supposed to have lunch, not get married, Payne,” I said snippily.

“I’m just saying, you could do worse. He probably couldn’t!” She laughed, I eyeballed her, she laughed harder.

“Just drive,”


Payne got me settled on my couch, the walk up the stairs, I swear took an hour. I was exhausted, and the pain was becoming excruciating. I’m not usually one for pain relief even if I get a headache I prefer to wait it out. But this, this was something else. Payne handed me my phone.

“Here, you better ring your Mom, before you take these,” she said and put two tablets and a glass of water on the side table where I could reach.

“Bullshit, I’m going to need those to numb the pain of the conversation with her,” I said taking the pills before calling Mom.

“Adam, is that you?” She said answering the phone panicked.

“Yes Ma,” I said trying to not let my pain show in my voice through the phone as I tried to move into a more comfortable position.


From: Ian
Message: How are you feeling? You’re not alone, are you?


I could feel my lips curve into a smile as I looked down at my phone.

“Are you okay,? You don’t sound right,” Mom asked, I could hear the concern in her voice.

“Yes Mom, I’m okay. I really don’t think I’m up to flying home though,” Ahhh! Yes, the pills are already starting to kick in. What the hell have they given me for them to work so quickly, they must be strong. There was a nice warm buzz spreading through my body as it started to relax. I closed my eyes to try and focus on what my Mom was saying.

“No, that’s okay. You’ll obviously need to get your rest. The airlines probably wouldn’t let you fly anyway if you're as bad you sound. How about instead of you coming down to…”


“PRICE! HOLD THIS ASSHOLE WILL YOU!” Agent Wilson yelled, I hurried over. The guy he was holding is huge, no wonder he wants me to hold him. He was obviously gym junkie, and he was high as a kite. My FBI Partner was struggling to keep a hold of him up against the side of the house. Agent Wilson was small for an agent, I have a feeling he was brought out from behind a desk for this task force and hadn’t been active in the field for quite a while. He also has a massive case of “little man syndrome.”

“You frisk him?” I asked as I took hold of the guy.

“Huh? Yeah! Whatever,” he said distractedly as he hurried away putting his phone to his ear, “Wilson,” is all I heard while he walked away. Is that a yes or no dip shit? The guy in my custody tried to wriggle out of my grip. I’d have to secure him properly before I even attempt to frisk him; he’s too strong to get distracted. I went to get my handcuffs – which Agent Wilson should have already secured – and in my peripheral vision, something shined in my eye coming from around the side of the house. It caught my attention for a nano second which is all it took for the guy to twist out of my grip, and he stabbed me in the gut. I don’t know how but I managed to get him on the ground and hold him there while I drew my gun and had it trained on his buddy that had come harried and agitated from the side of the house holding a hunting knife. He stopped in his tracks daring me to shoot him. And I almost felt like I should, if nothing more than to save him from himself.


The guy charged me wielding his knife toward me, I fired three consecutive quick shots. POP! POP! POP!

I snapped awake, disoriented from sleep, sitting straight up, “Owww! FUCK!!” I screamed from the pain of the sudden movement to my abdomen. I could feel the sweat running down my the side of my face from my hairline. My back ached from falling asleep on the couch.

Payne was in front of me holding water and pain killers in the blink of an eye, “Here HotShot take these,” she said in a low sympathetic voice, and a sad smile, “are you okay?” I must be in a bad way if she's actually super nice to me.

“I don’t want to take those they’re too strong. They make my head fuzzy and sleepy.” I knocked back the pills she held.

“They’re extra strength Tylenol. I know how you feel about pain medications.” Payne thrust the pills at me with a glass of water.

Thanks, Payne. Yeah, I’ll be okay, just a dream, right?” I said shrugging my shoulder.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“Nah, thanks though.” I heard noises coming from the kitchen, and someone was sitting in my recliner which had been playing on the PlayStation, but it was paused, with the sound down so low I could barely hear it. Payne was blocking my view, she was sitting on the coffee table in front of me. I could see low light poking through the blinds, I must have slept for a few hours, “How long have I been out?” I asked, then whispering, “Who the hell is in my apartment, Payne?”

“About seventeen hours,” she looked at the clock on the wall beside the door.

My Mom chose that moment to come into the living room, “ You're awake. How are you feeling?” I gave Payne a pointed glare, she stared innocently back at me.

“Your Mom and Dad arrived a couple of hours ago to look after you, isn’t that great. Now you won’t have to fly in your condition down to Florida or spend the holidays alone.” Payne said with a smug smile. I wonder if I can actually will her head to explode, I narrowed my eyes trying to make it happen. No luck, she’s still smirking. “Since you’re in good hands I’m going to go and have Christmas breakfast with my Dad.”

“Payne, Honey, are you sure you and your Dad won’t join us for dinner. It would be lovely to get to know you and your Father better?” Mom asked her.

“I would love to, and thank you for the offer, but Dad already has today planned with other family. I’ll be around while you're visiting though. It’s fun to annoy Adam, and I want you to tell me all the gory details of his awkward years so I can use them against him later. I’m counting on you Mrs. Price, I need the ammunition.” Payne smiled at Mom.

“I’ll be happy to help, I’m sure, there are so many stories to tell. Thank you again for being there for Adam and taking care of him,” Mom said sincerely.

“Happy to do it, I kind of like the big oaf,” Payne smiled at me, happy with herself, I’m sure.Thanks, Payne,” I mumbled, she got up from where she sat and walked to the door putting her coat on.

“You’re welcome HotShot, the Captain will be here shortly. Make sure you tell him everything okay. I’ll check on you tomorrow. Text me if you need me to bring anything for you - Groceries or what not. And call me tonight and let me know how it went with the Captain.” Payne smiled as she checked her pockets for her phone and keys, she hugged Mom, “It’s nice to finally meet you in person Mrs. Price, Merry Christmas, everyone,” then she opened the door, and she was gone.

I looked across at the recliner and Dad was asleep, gently snoring, geez, when did he get so old. He looks like he’s aged ten years since I left Florida a couple of months ago. Mom sat down on the coffee table with a look of concern, “Oh Adam, why don’t you come home. You’ll find other work, I can’t stand the thought of someone hurting you like this.” My Mom said worriedly.

“Oh Mom, it's no big deal. I’ll be right as rain in a couple of days. I don’t want you worrying about me. It was a ridiculous situation that escalated, I hadn’t worked in the field with this guy before. Believe me, if I have my way I won’t be working with him in the future. So please, let me handle it my way.” I tried to give Mom a reassuring smile.

“I don’t know Adam…”

I cut her off, “Momma, I swear it’s going to be okay.” I reached out and took her hand, It’s just a little pain if I move too quickly. But otherwise, it’s fine. Thank you for coming all of this way to look after me. I really am lucky to have you and Dad,” I said meaning it, but sucking up at the same time.

“Yes you are,” Mom chortled, “I’ve just started on breakfast, you lay there and rest. Maybe your father will wake up and keep you company.

She smiled warmly petting my hand and then stood to leave for the kitchen. I laid and watched Dad for a little while until my phone buzzed. I reached behind my head and took it from the side table.


From: Ian
Message: Merry Christmas, how are you feeling today?


To: Ian
Message: Merry Christmas to you too. I’m good, my parents flew in when they found out I’d been injured.. Any chance of having that lunch in the next few days since I’m off of work.


From: Ian
Message: I would, but I’m leaving tomorrow to see my own family.


To: Ian
Message: When are you back?


From: Ian
Message: New Years Day


To: Ian
Message: Can we try and do lunch again on the second. At least this time if I end up in the hospital, I’ll be able to contact you


From: Ian
Message: Don’t even joke about it, I’d like to have lunch with you Yes! Same place, same time, same channel?


To: Ian
Message: I knew you were Batman!! I’ll see you then but hopefully talk to you before.


Mom came back into the room carrying some plates and cutlery, “Payne showed us to your guest room, and we’ve put our luggage in there,” Mom said looking over her shoulder, “What’s that goofy look on your face?” She asked then looked down and saw my phone in my hand, “You’ve met someone haven’t you?” Mom asked with a smug smile, “What’s she like?” she asked exiting back into the kitchen, then returned with food plates, placing them on the table. “Well Adam, don’t keep me in suspense? What’s she like?”

“A man,” I replied with a half smile, not sure what reaction to expect.

“Oh!” Mom said quietly and dropped into the closest chair at the small table I used as a dining table.

Well Shit! Mom doesn’t really look upset though, just shocked.

“Mom?” I asked.

“Hmmm… A man you say… hmmm.” She said dazedly without looking at me, “Try and come to the table if you can and wake your Father. Breakfast is ready.” She stood and left the room toward the bathroom.

Thanks for reading, I hope your enjoying the story so far. Many thanks to Rick and Rob for their invaluable insight, help and support.
Copyright © 2017 Bndmetl; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

What an odd reaction – or non-reaction! Maybe she’s ducking into the bathroom to let her real feelings out. Has someone already suggested that Hotshot might be Gay? (Like maybe the ex-wife?)  ;-)

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I hope Adam's mom is going to be alright with the fact that he's found a man who is willing to give things a shot at being a couple. I also hope that Adam's injury doesn't keep him down for long. It appears that Adam and Ian might actually become a real item in the family of Liam and Will. 

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Well, this was a bit of fabulous!! I actually found myself laughing out loud with Payne and Adam's antics...and the Mom is just getting her bearings in the bathroom, she'll be fine..:thumbup: I'd like to wrap my hands around Wilson's neck ...oops, I mean "fire" Wilson..:*) In any event, sooo looking forward to the new year and their meet...Can't wait!!! :wub:

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Of course we knew Ian and Adam would connect eventually, but I am glad it finally happened. I really get a kick out of Payne and the way she razzes Adam. It was not nice to leave us without a definite response from Mom to Adam's announcement. Good chapter! Can't wait for more.

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Of course we knew Ian and Adam would connect eventually, but I am glad it finally happened. I really get a kick out of Payne and the way she razzes Adam. It was not nice to leave us without a definite response from Mom to Adam's announcement. Good chapter! Can't wait for more.

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Very nice chapter. Thank you.  Wondering if Adam yelled out "strawberrys" to clue Ian he was there.  I am assuming that this took place before Liam got beat up?  Sorry the nerd 🤓 in me wonders about these things.  

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Oh myyyyyyy.   Your stories are like crack (not that I have any experience with that, but still...).   Great chapter! 

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I really like Payne. She is a wonderful character and a catalyst for the other characters. great chapter!

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Love the story, though I don't like you taking time from Williams Love, I do like the story you are creating. Please though, write faster.  I know it sounds corny and juvenile but I live to read these stories.  You are such an accomplished writer with such a talented and creative mind, your stories pull me in and hold my heart.

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On ‎17‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 5:35 AM, droughtquake said:

What an odd reaction – or non-reaction! Maybe she’s ducking into the bathroom to let her real feelings out. Has someone already suggested that Hotshot might be Gay? (Like maybe the ex-wife?)  ;-)


Sometimes, fingers crossed, people just need time to process information. But then again sometimes people just need to pee. :) 

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On ‎17‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 5:40 AM, Wesley8890 said:

Well damn didn't see any of that coming! Way to keep me on my feet:worship:not sure what to think about moms reaction. She liked Payne, but of course its easy to accept it when its not your kid. I love the story


Too true, and it makes me happy that you're enjoying this story.

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On ‎17‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 6:08 AM, mogwhy said:

i'm hooked. mom just seems shocked and left to regain her some of her composure. waiting not so patiently for the next chapter


I'm glad you're hooked, my little fingers are typing as fast as they can. My brain and fingers seem to be out of sync. 


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On ‎17‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 6:26 AM, Butcher56 said:

I hope Adam's mom is going to be alright with the fact that he's found a man who is willing to give things a shot at being a couple. I also hope that Adam's injury doesn't keep him down for long. It appears that Adam and Ian might actually become a real item in the family of Liam and Will. 


Wouldn't it be wonderful if they do? Ian deserves to be loved fiercely, his life has been on hold long enough.

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On ‎17‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 6:31 AM, charlie lytle said:

I can't wait to have them realize they have met before.


I know I'm excited about that too. Thanks for reading Charlie, I hope you keep enjoying the story.

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On ‎17‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 7:30 AM, Onim said:

Well, this was a bit of fabulous!! I actually found myself laughing out loud with Payne and Adam's antics...and the Mom is just getting her bearings in the bathroom, she'll be fine..:thumbup: I'd like to wrap my hands around Wilson's neck ...oops, I mean "fire" Wilson..:*) In any event, sooo looking forward to the new year and their meet...Can't wait!!! :wub:


I seem to bring out your violent side LOL. I'm kinda glad  you don't know where to find me. So here's a hug hope it soothes. :hug:

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1 minute ago, Bndmetl said:


I seem to bring out your violent side LOL. I'm kinda glad  you don't know where to find me. So here's a hug hope it soothes. :hug:

:o Oh wow...I have to control those wicked impulses...:facepalm:But hugs work great!!! :glomp:

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On ‎17‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 7:36 AM, JeffreyL said:

Of course we knew Ian and Adam would connect eventually, but I am glad it finally happened. I really get a kick out of Payne and the way she razzes Adam. It was not nice to leave us without a definite response from Mom to Adam's announcement. Good chapter! Can't wait for more.


At least I didn't get called mean this week. I like Payne, she's fun but can be caring even when she's giving the stink eye to Adam, they have a lovely relationship.

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On ‎17‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 9:13 AM, glennish said:

Very nice chapter. Thank you.  Wondering if Adam yelled out "strawberrys" to clue Ian he was there.  I am assuming that this took place before Liam got beat up?  Sorry the nerd 🤓 in me wonders about these things.  


Hey safety in numbers, huge nerd here too. Be glad you don't watch my stories with me, I pick them apart, but still can't stop myself from watching them. And yes Liam doesn't get beaten up for a while.

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On ‎17‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 10:07 AM, tesao said:

Oh myyyyyyy.   Your stories are like crack (not that I have any experience with that, but still...).   Great chapter! 


Thanks Tesao, I'm the safe drug dealer, all I can give you is eye strain, or a tooth ache from the syrupy sweetness, no debilitating habits that will cost you dearly. I'm glad you are enjoying the story so far.

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On ‎17‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 8:29 PM, Rndmrunner said:

I really like Payne. She is a wonderful character and a catalyst for the other characters. great chapter!


I really like Payne too. I fear without her, we probably wouldn't get to see Adam have any fun.

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21 hours ago, booklove said:

Oioioi. Momma not gonna loose it, I hope. Go on with the hot stuff. Thank you.


Thanks Booklove, hopefully Momma will come around. Adam didn't seem too concerned, but then again he's a grown man. But then again your parents are your parents 8 or 80 I guess, they're opinion matters even if it is only in the back of your mind.

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